"So I have never been able to agree with Nagumo's philosophy." Horikita Manabu said.

Nanyun's philosophy is that strength comes first, and students who are not strong enough are directly excluded.

Those with strength climb up.

And this almost means giving up Class D or Class C.

This is something Horikita absolutely disagrees with.


And because you have this kind of thought, you are called the best student council president.

Oreki-san thought.

But now that Horikita brother has begun to express his feelings, does it actually mean that Horikita Manabu is actually quite happy with the answer sheet submitted by Horikita sister?

As for Oreki-san.

Goal achieved.

If he chooses lawyer Horikita, then when he comes to visit in the future, Brother Horikita, a sensible person, will not stand in the way.


Interpersonal communication is really not easy, Oreki-san sighed inwardly.

But it’s great that Horikita-nii is Horikita-san’s older brother.


Both of them are similar in that they are easier to fool.


While Oreki-san was thinking about socializing with the Horikita siblings, Kamuro-san, the fifth stick, had already arrived.

But she looked at Oreki-san with some surprise.

Because even though Oreki held the baton in his left hand, Oreki-san didn’t run forward immediately.

Instead, he just held the baton and stood aside.

"Thank you for your hard work," Oreki-san said. "I made an appointment with President Horikita to compete, so it would be rude to run first now."

"..." God's room.


Then you are great.

She had run so hard just now, and then managed to shorten the distance by 5 meters.

Did you end up not caring about it at all?

Although he felt unhappy, Kamuro-san did not have an attack.

Then she heard Oreki-san's voice again.

"You just shortened the distance and exceeded your limit. You have worked very hard, Kamuro-san." Oreki-san said.


That said, I noticed that she tried hard.

So Kamuro-san, who was in a recovered mood, walked aside.

Her fifth stick would be in the way if she stayed here any longer.

So Oreki-san just held the baton and stood there, letting the last batons from other classes pass by.

One or two classes passed.

Not moving.

Still maintaining the same starting point as Horikita Manabu.

And Manabu Horikita noticed this scene and smiled.

But Oreki-san’s unusual behavior immediately attracted the audience’s attention.

Sensing the strangeness, the audience all looked over.

Akane Tachibana, the fifth stick member of Class A of the third grade who had belatedly arrived at No. 6, also discovered this, so she sprinted over as fast as she could.

And when Horikita Manabu and Tachibana Akane handed over the baton, Horikita brother finally made the declaration that Nagumo wanted to make before.

"This will be the beginning of a new era!"

"Oreki, you can run away as much as you like."

"Even I really want to understand the limits of human speed!"


Oreki-san turned his head slightly, as if responding to him, but then, he disappeared from sight like the wind.

"Thank you for your hard work. Akane Tachibana, you can go and rest."

As for Horikita-nii, the moment he grasped the baton, he did not drop it.

Before his voice could even finish, his entire figure had disappeared from Ju Qian's face.

And when Tachibana Akane blinked again, she saw that Horikita Manabu was already chasing Oreki-senpai in front like the wind.

But between two breaths, he had already reached the same level as Oreki's junior.

The two go hand in hand!


"Has Horikita-san actually been teasing everyone all this time?"

Akane Tachibana is a student in Horikita Gakuen's class, and she is also one of the few people in the class who can support and support Horikita Gakuin.

As the designated secretary of Horikita Gakushu.

Tachibana Akane felt that she knew enough about Horikita Manabu.


Today I discovered that Horikita Manabu has been suppressing himself. He is good enough, but he does not fully show it or take it seriously.

In other words, he has never found anyone in school who can make him completely serious.


"It's really beyond appearances!"

The first pitch was over, and Gao Yuanji returned to the audience and stared at the field.

"I feel a little regretful," he said. "I shouldn't have been the first. I always felt like I was bullying others. So I never wanted to compete with you mortals."

"but now."

“I really want to compete with them!”



You are already strong.

And the classmates who were in the audience together thought in their hearts.

Kogenji has always been a loner in Class C, and is quite casual.

He was regarded as a problem child by everyone.

But facing the Kojima exam, they gave them unbelievable high scores and even ran the limit of 25 meters. This made the students who were poor athletes who had experienced the sports festival and didn't get any good results in the exam. A huge reaction has already occurred in my heart.

Kamuro-san from Class [-], Class A, who had just stepped out of the way, was staring ahead.

At the same time, she noticed that her phone vibrated.

Sakayanagi Arisu called.

"..." God's room.

"Why are you calling me at this time?" Kamuro replied quickly.

"Kamuro-san, video, record the current scene." Itayaru quickly gave instructions.

Obviously she has made some assumptions, but she still has never seen what it is like to run beyond the limits of human beings.

So I became excited.


Please don't make things difficult for others.

Because who can catch up with them and take pictures?

Kamuro feels that Sakayanagi-san is going too far as always!


"It seems I really made a mistake."

And here in Class A’s camp.

Because there is the student council president and the second-year Nagumo Masaru, Katsuragi-san doesn't think that the class can catch up after falling behind.

Then he saw how abnormal Takaharaji was who was ranked first, and Hashimoto-san, who was ranked first in Class A, fell down and fell behind, so he gave up hope.


Oreki-san, who is the last one now, is actually a dark horse!

Go head to head with the strongest student council president!

"Is Oreki Houtarou actually that fast?"

And Kushida Kikyo, who had already finished her relay order and got out of the way, looked confused.

"It's very fast. I didn't see his movement speed at all before." Horikita Suzune said matter-of-factly.


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