For the class that gets No.2 in the comprehensive score, the class evaluation score will not change. (+0)

The class that gets No.3 in the comprehensive score will deduct 50 points from the class evaluation score. (-50)

The class that gets No.4 in the comprehensive score will deduct 100 points from the class evaluation score. (-100)

Class B got No. 2, so the class evaluation score will not change.


In the red-white confrontation, as the white group, Class B lost.

in this way.

First-grade Class B received nothing in this sports festival except a -100 class evaluation score.

Then, the optimistic Shibata classmate suffered severe psychological trauma because of this.

"It's miserable."

Hiyori Shiina, the student from Class D who made the prophecy in the first place, was thinking in her mind.

Chapter 107 Sakayanagi: Do you know Oreki-san? There is a hypocritical genius in this school

The 1200m relay race ends.The top five have been confirmed.

The referee is making an announcement.

"No.1 Class A of the third grade!"

"No. 2 first-year class A!"

"No. 3 first grade class C!"

"No. 4, Grade [-] Class A!"

"No.5 Grade [-] Class B——"

The total score of the ranked class will receive bonus points, and the data of the red and white groups will also be updated.And the results are already showing.

In the center of the playground, a huge LCD screen displays the current scores of the red and white groups.

From the beginning, the red group AD alliance: 17800 points and the white group BC alliance: 14400 points.

Became red group (AD League): 17985 points

White Group (BC League): 14045 points.

No miracle occurred, and the white team still lost.But this has nothing to do with Oreki-san and the others, because they are in the red team.

And this result is in the plan.

At the finish line, Oreki-san also met Sakayanagi Yusu.

This super cute little Tyrannosaurus rex.

But Sakayanagi-san is not in an offensive state now.

She did come to take pictures, with a camera hanging around her neck and a towel.The towel is probably not the one provided by the class but her own, because the color is light blue.

The free ones provided in the class are white.

Seeing Oreki-san coming over, Sakayanagi handed over the towel.

"Thank you." Oreki-san looked at him and said.After taking it, he wiped his face.

"Nowhere, I also saw a very exciting scene and got a reward." Classmate Sakayanagi's voice was still so pleasant.

But it’s not just Itayagi-san who’s here, Horikita Manabu also looks over.

He won No.1.But he seemed a little unhappy.

"Speaking of which, you should let it go." Horikita Manabu said.

"Why do you say that?" Oreki-san knew that Sakayanagi Yusu was still here, so he adjusted his words, "I have tried very hard to keep up with the president, but in the end I am still a little slow."

"This is different," said Horikita Manabu.

Horikita Manabu was not in a bright mood, "When Shibata from Class B, first grade, fell down and blocked the track, you kept a constant speed when you crossed his body, and you didn't even make the final sprint."

"In other words, I didn't react at first, but you used the same speed throughout the whole process."


In other words, this is a race, this is a competition, but in the end, you don’t have the final sprint stage?

So Horikita-gaku is a very dangerous person.

The power of observation of the other party and sister Horikita are simply one and the same.

And Oreki-san did let off steam. Not only did he not accelerate, but he only ran at the observed speed of Kogenji.

This speed is already very scary in the eyes of others.

So I don’t even think about whether Oreki-san is fishing for money.

But Horikita Manabu leads the entire class, and is also known as the best student council president in history. If it is a light novel or anime, then it is used as the top panel for the protagonist to show off, so it is okay to make a fool of himself. Not surprisingly.

So you can gain insight into it.

"Forget it." Seeing that Oreki didn't respond, Horikita Manabu gave up and continued asking. However, he smiled unexpectedly.

"I agree with you this time," he said. "It's just that if I didn't have more time to train because of being the student council president, then I wouldn't necessarily lose to you."

This line already shows that he tried his best in the race just now, but Oreki-san did not try his best, so he defaulted to losing.


Just listen to what he has to say.

Because the losers are making excuses to say so.

"Also, let me tell Suzune that I allow her to continue to live in this school. It's just that I want her to hone her interpersonal relationships." Horikita's brother added.

This also shows that Horikita-san actually wanted his sister to stay while he was still in school and could take care of her at first.

Then when he graduates, he may also ask his sister to drop out of school too.

But now, I feel like my sister has [grown].

Then maybe you don't need your own protection, but you can look forward to her continued development and so on.

And this is what Oreki-san hopes Horikita-san will misunderstand.

So Oreki agreed.

"Congratulations to your president——"

And just saying that, Horikita is also under pressure because he has to face his classmates who have seen him show his strength for the first time.

And Oreki-san is here.

"..." Sakayanagi Yusu curled his lips.

"..." Sakayanagi Yusu's face was expressionless.

"——" Oreki.

Oreki-san knows.

"Our class's total score has been increased by 90 points. It seems that we have won No. 1. We also won the red and white competition. Our class can add 200 points to the class evaluation score this time." Oreki-san said. "It has distanced itself from other classes again."

"Yes, I am very happy to be a member of Class A. I feel happy all over my face." Yusu Sakayanagi said.

As the leader of the Banliu faction in Class A, she has no interest in the score of 100 or [-].

So it turned out to be the case. She found out that she had been deceived into thinking that Oreki-san had shown his strength.

As a result, it has been leaking, and it is still super leaking.

But Oreki-san is also in despair.

Because if you really want to compare, then there is no way to compare.

Oreki-san is using the speed of Kogenji Rokusuke, but his own has exceeded human limits.

And what are human limits?

That is, like a miracle.

In other words, the distance of 200 meters would have flown out in less than 2 seconds.


"Speaking of which, what the student council president said just now is a bit strange." Sakayanagi said.

"Is your relationship with Horikita Suzune... already so good?"

"And he seems to be entrusting his sister to you in a serious manner."


Then you should continue to ask him if he has released the water first.

Oreki-san doesn’t want to face this problem now.

For him, precognitive dreams allow him to know the future. The future is a great victory for Lawyer Horikita, but Yusu Sakayanagi is not considered a loser.


He was also often troubled by his emotional life.

Because he can't identify who he likes more, so who is the true love.

But I definitely don’t want to face it if we make a fuss now.

Oreki-san looked around and saw that Kamuro-san had also arrived at the finish line.

"You did a great job in the previous fifth shot. You exceeded your limit. You shortened the distance by 5 meters!" Oreki said. "Kamuro-san, I look at you differently."


Kamuro-san looked over strangely.


Didn't he say these things before?Why say it again.

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