Because everyone's academic ability is not low, there is basically no chance of failing. The only problem is that the other class deliberately created difficult problems and the plan for tricky questions was blocked by the school.

So this exam is very safe for Class A.


Oreki-san glanced at his seatmate.

Sakayanagi Arisu stared at the blank exercise book.

There is no action.

It seems.

This aggressive little Tyrannosaurus rex still looks completely indifferent to the outside world.


As expected, Sakayanagi-san was not listening to the question.

But just now, he had already discovered it.

This exam actually has an uneventful answer.

And this can only be discovered if you see through the purpose of the exam.

The first is to analyze the assessment content of the exam. The assessment is the eight homework in the third year of junior high school, which is completely separated from the current class content, and at the same time, the students are still writing each other's papers.

Don't you think it's weird?

Having students write their own test questions can increase their control, but... it also gives students the opportunity to freely use their own test questions.

and so.

Since we are writing each other's papers, can't we also share the questions with each other?

And this is the shortcut to the exam.

This broken school likes this kind of thinking mode of carefully reviewing questions and letting smart people get the best solution.

So this is all right.

Think about it from the perspective of being able to share questions with each other, then you can go through difficulties with enemy classes, ask each other questions, exchange answers with each other, and then pass each other.

Therefore, although the question of this time is not mentioned, it is probably [group interest cooperation].


This condition is based on the fact that the enemy class will not rebel.

You can't trust schools like Ryuen because they may give fake test papers.The fake test paper will cause a large number of students in the class that the other party has not prepared to drop out of school, and this result is more tempting than any benefits, so they will definitely betray.

So can anyone believe it?


Just like Honami Ichinose from Class B. Her character and the characters of her classmates are the wonders of this school, a holy mother.

You can see it during the sports festival.

While most people would refuse Class C's request to be released, they chose to agree.

In other words, the final total score of their class in the sports festival was 1800 points, and this was the result of the classmates giving up on several events for the students of Class C.

If they did not abstain, their score might be 100 points higher.

And this score may allow them to win directly in the sports festival.


Ichinose and the others actually lost the chance to win because of the Virgin from the beginning.


It is undeniable.

Such people are very trustworthy.

So the best answer for this exam is to discover this and then challenge Class B first.

The academic ability of Class B is not as good as that of Class A, and there will still be a small number of people with poor academic ability, so they are united and do not want the students in their class to be expelled.

In this way, just give them the option "no one will drop out", and they will even offer it without any cost.


For Class A, there is no point in choosing Class B.

Because even if Class B is not a virgin, everyone can still pass.

In this way, for Class A, Class C can be chosen.

Because there is an agreement between Class A and Class C in the Kojima Examination.

At that time, Horikita-san and his class had to pay for the living supplies of Class A, and then Class A would have 80 personal points credited into their account every month.

This is considered selling points.

Then let Class A take the risk.

As a member of Class A, Oreki-san also needs to pay 2 points every month.

He doesn't like taking money out very much, so he can eliminate this move at this opportunity.

As an adjuster, he can just tear up this contract.


Mediation fees may also be charged.

During the previous sports festival, the sports scumbags of Class C gave out 400 million points.

And from the school's preferential treatment test, they should still have 400 million.

And Oreki-san is not an over-the-top person. He doesn’t say he wants to harvest the 400 million again, but it’s okay to take away the 200 million.Just enough 5000 million for his account.

Although I am not a miser or anything like that, saving money does become a bit addictive.

And his current account.

Oreki-san clicked on his student ID card.

[Name: Oreki Houtaro

Student ID: 1008610010

Class: Grade A, first grade

Private account: 5093 points. ]


Because the transfer voice was turned off, today's share of Class C's class evaluation scores were transferred, as well as the points of Ichinose's class.

Then Longyuan Banqian paid back 300 million of his 100 million.

5000 million has arrived.



I took another look at my account.

Oreki-san continued to think.

But now I'm not thinking about money.

Class C has too many academic scumbags and sports scumbags.

If you are nominated by another class, the follow-up may become cumbersome.

And the girls who have a relationship with him are also gathered in Class C.

As for Sakura-san, she has been helping a lot recently.

And her physical fitness is not very good. During the sports festival, she was one of the candidates who needed to be released by the little angels of Class B.

So I submitted the fee of 13.3 to Horikita-san.

And now academically... it's not very good either.

So do I have to continue spending money on this?

Oreki-san cares about the other person's favor, not the other person's money.

At the same time, it is also conceivable that if Longyuan class names Class C, they will basically need to collect money to exchange test papers.

On the day the sports festival ended, Ryuuen returned him another 100 million.

So I still owe him 300 million.

In other words, the Ryuen class is in debt, but it also hates being in debt.

Then I will definitely want to see if I can make money in this exam.

So if Oreki-san doesn’t strip Class C naked because of his kindness, Ryuuen will also want to strip her naked.

And that's when the girls came to ask for help?

He is not a person who likes to deal with things after they happen.

"How is your academic ability?"

Oreki-san sent a message to Karuizawa.

[?Eh?You ask me this... Do you think your class should be named Class C?It will explode! ]

Their class is probably announcing the same exam.

[In terms of study, I could still get 100 points in the exam before elementary school, and then in fifth grade——] Karuizawa replied.


In other words, Karuizawa-san’s grades in elementary school are still good.


He was asking about his current high school grades.And if you talk about your grades in elementary school, then your current studies are probably terrible.

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