So a victory is urgently needed to cheer people up.

In other words, Class B wants to take the assessment seriously in this exam.

It is very important to know yourself and your enemy, so in order to prevent problems in Longyuan's class, I borrowed all the junior high school textbooks from the library.

"Everyone in our class thinks Long Yuan is quite dangerous."

She continued, "So I'm worried that Ryuuen's class will be stabbed again, so this time I'm going to get all the teaching materials that can be found in the library."

"Then hold a study meeting."


In other words, this is a defense to prevent Ryuuen's class from backstabbing.


Ichinose would do this... that is.

"Ichinose, don't you see the core of this exam?" Oreki said.

He also needs to ask Ichinose for advice on love matters, but he doesn't like to owe favors.

So it's okay to show some kindness now.

"The core of the exam——" Archangel Ichinose seemed to frown cutely. "Different classes declare war and then set questions for each other."

"You mean, we can treat this exam as the written exam in the second month of the entrance exam?"

"That written test is a regular test, so you can buy test papers from your seniors."

"And now, since the students come up with the questions themselves, they can papers with each other in advance, right?" Ichinose said.


It seems that I have thought about it.


"I've thought about this, but we can't exchange papers with Ryuuen," Ichinose said. "Because, Ryuyuen's side... can't believe it. I always feel that even if there is a deal, Ryuyuen will give out the wrong paper."



During the exam on Kojima, her class joined forces with Ryuen's class. Ryuen's class was responsible for providing supplies, and they gave points.


The spy was directly thrown over by Long Yuan.

Got stabbed in the back.

Therefore, the little angels in Class B couldn't believe Ryuuen and felt that no matter whether they exchanged test papers or not, they might be stabbed in the back.

So I want to go through all the versions of the textbooks for the third grade of junior high school again.

Although the method is relatively clumsy, it can effectively prevent Ryuuen and the others from making dirty tricks again.


Ichinose, do you really understand?

"Ichinose-san." Oreki-san said. "Ryuuen can't backstab him in this exam."

"It would be better to say that he is very afraid of you backstabbing him."

"Once the test papers you give are fake, a large number of students in their class will drop out."

"And this person who dropped out may also include himself."

"Because his academic ability is also quite bad."

"So in this case, he will only be thinking about how to make you trust him and not betray him," Oreki said.


Oreki-san paused. "If your class wants to stabilize its position."

"I suggest that in this exam, you can take it normally."

"In other words, we won't take the option of exchanging test papers."

"Refuse to exchange test papers with Ryuuen's class."

"First of all, the students in your class have a relatively low academic performance rate, so you can hold study meetings during this month to improve them."

"At the same time, because you have enough students with good academic ability, you can match the configuration of top academics + poor academics."

According to the rules of the exam, two students need to form a team, and then the total score of the single subject of the team must be greater than 2, and the total score of all subjects of the two people must also be greater than 2 points.

To put it all together, it is safe for the two paired students to have a total score of more than 88 points in a single subject.

And 88 points is not scored by one person, but by two people taking the test together.

The difficulty is relatively low.

The combination of a top student + a bad student can also be completed.

Therefore, the rule of this exam is to give points to students in Class A and Class B.

But for Class C and Class D, it is a devil.

Because there are so many bad students, the number of top students is far less than that of bad students, so if you want to find a rescue pairing of top students + bad students, you won’t be able to find them all.

So if you can't get the test paper.

There are not enough top students in Ryuen class, so the combination of bad students + bad students will be wiped out in large numbers.

And being brushed off means dropping out of school.

And maybe drop out of school a lot.

"So, Ichinose, you have actually mastered a pretty brave weapon."

"The score of this exam is not high, but it is an opportunity to quickly reduce the number of students in Class D where Ryuen is located," Oreki said. "In the school's special examination, many items are related to the number of students in the class, so this can seriously hinder the Longyuan class."


"This exam is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for your class to directly delete Class D."

"Well..." I heard Oreki-san say this.Ichinose seemed stunned for a moment.

Because they just wanted to avoid being stabbed in the back by Ryūen, they had to protect themselves.

As a result... can it create such great destructive power?

It was as if he had taken control of Ryuen's class all of a sudden.

Of course I got it.

Because Ichinose and the others came to the library to borrow different versions of junior high school textbooks, they could also get bonuses.

Although the school has given each class an examination syllabus, and questions can be asked within these syllabuses, if Ichinose and the others choose different versions of textbooks, the syllabus will be the same and the questions will not exceed the limit, but the difficulty will still be greatly increased. .

For the Ryuen class, which was originally full of bad students, it directly evolved from a difficult difficulty to a hellish difficulty.

At the same time, Oreki-san also discovered that it was just because of Megumi's words that his heart was shaken, and then he chose Class C to declare war.

Now looking at it, this seems to be a wise decision.

Because Ichinose made him see the horror of formal exams without taking shortcuts.

After all, everyone will not review all the content of the third grade of junior high school.

Not to mention reading all versions of textbooks for the third grade of junior high school.

So if Ichinose and the others screened all the teaching materials and finally integrated the test papers, they would be very impressive.

Even Class A may capsize in the gutter.

If you don't want to capsize, you have to go through all the teaching materials, which is also quite troublesome.

But now this risk does not need to be borne by them, it belongs to Long Yuan and the others.

This is really reassuring for energy conservationists.


"It's up to you how you choose." Oreki said. "I have highlighted the core of this exam. But you are the ones who really make the choice."

"Should we directly drop out of Ryūen's class and defeat them, or choose to trade high-priced points with them, etc."


Ichinose nodded slightly.

Because I never expected that this exam could become so important.


Ichinose looked at Oreki-san.

Oreki-san analyzed the core of this exam to her. Although Oreki-san's Class A and her Class B will not compete in this exam, they will... definitely be opponents in the future.

Although the current Class B is very lazy——

But she didn’t think Oreki-san had to analyze so much.

And now that I have analyzed so much, that means...

"Is there anything you want me to help you with, Oreki-kun?" she asked.

"Yes." Oreki-san nodded. "I was confessed to during my lunch break."


Ichinose nodded.

"Then, the trouble I encountered was——"

Ichinose's dark blue eyes stared at Oreki-san's desk.

[What should I do if someone confesses my feelings? ][What to pay attention to on the first date][Love Trilogy ABCD]


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