"Then, the school also accepted my proposal."

"But when you enrolled, the teacher should have told you that the private points on your student ID card can be used as money."

"And then you can buy everything."

"So." Nan Yunya said. "If you want to open a store, then...give me a transfer fee of 500 million."

"I bought the permission to open a store from the school for 200 million."

"Then spent 100 million to buy out the permission to open a store. If students want to open a store in this school, they need to obtain my authorization."

Almost hearing Nagumo Masa say that, Horikita Suzune glanced at Oreki.


Chapter 032 Kushida: Oh, Oreki-san, can’t you protect me? Come on!

Horikita Suzune glanced at Oreki-san.

Because opening a store is just a scam, the real core content is that each of the first batch of participating freshmen receives 5 points, and then unilaterally terminates the agreement, then each person needs to be compensated for 1 points.

Oreki-san said that this school has existed for many years, and it was the first time someone thought of opening a store and got enough points.

Do you think others won't leave behind?

And now look at...

This Nan Yunya's shop opening buyout is the second hand.

Want to open a shop?


Then after his consent, the price of consent is 500 million points.

So this is not a fragrant bun.

"Why, why is there such a thing?"

But at the scene, there was a little angel Kushida who was kept in the dark and really thought that Oreki and Horikita-san wanted to open a shop.

Little angel Kushida looked at Nagumoya in surprise.

It seems to be the first time I have heard of such a thing.

Senior Nagumo found this kind of surprised gaze very useful.

He has a handsome and sunny appearance, and at the same time has a strong athletic talent and high academic ability.

Then there was the feat last year.

He led everyone in Class B to the position of Class A.

Then in one go, open a shop and start a business.

The same grade is accepted at the same time.

In other words.

He is the current representative of Class A in the second grade and is also the controller of the second grade.

Because I have known the cruelty of this school's rules, I know the importance of obedience and listening to his words.

Because of his rise to power, the school's special exams have changed.

Each exam allows representatives of the four classes to discuss and cooperate with each other, and then choose the plan that can extract the most points from the school.


Leak the school.

Because the second graders are connected in series, the school becomes their ATM machine.

And for doing these feats...Nagumo Masa also has weaknesses.

And this weakness is probably shared by all ordinary teenagers, probably the young Muai.

As a handsome guy, of course he likes cute girls.

Although there is already a childhood sweetheart, Asahina, in the class, Asahina is the type who is conservative or does not allow her partner to cheat.

And this is relatively high for Nanyun.

So it can only be hung.

Because he knew that as long as he became the student council president, even Asahina would not be able to refuse him.

Because he got the highest position in this school.

But now I didn't expect that the first graders were so good.



In his opinion, it is enough for a girl to be responsible for her beauty, and it is even better if she has vision or talent.

If not, he can take it too.

And now these two schoolgirls.

Really each has its own merits.

Kushida, Kushida Kikyo's classmate, looks like a cute little angel.

And the other ringtone, a cool and beautiful girl with long black hair, made him very excited.

So after becoming the student council president, invite them all to the student council.

"And Oreki-san, you are a student of Class A, right?" Although he was already a little excited in his heart, Nagumo had a gentle expression on his face.

"I'm the vice president of the student union." Nagumo said. "Your performance is very good, I will recommend you to join the student union."

"Students at our school will be very different."

"I hope you can think about it."

Nagumo is very tolerant towards girls, as long as they are beautiful.

For boys, it is more strict.

But he invited Oreki sincerely.

Because he is the first person in this school to open a store to get points, which is considered an innovation.

And there are also a few examples of success in taking Class B to the next level.

So Horikita Gaku pulled him into the student union.

These are the excellences of Nagumo.

But the idea of ​​opening a store and its implementation were only completed three months ago.

That means he has been in school for nine months.

As for Oreki-san, he carried out the same idea, and then collected points more directly, which he recognized.


Nanyun's store is a joint venture.

Collected points from his class, and then also got points from other classes, and even borrowed points from the teacher.

So it's not easy for him.

The store's monthly net income of 200 million yuan also needs to be used to repay the debt.

But there are also benefits.

After the arrears are fully repaid, he alone takes 50% of the store's income.

So after half a year, you can pick up 100 million for free every month, isn't that cool?

It’s just that Oreki-san, no matter whether it’s buying shares or borrowing money, can finally get a store after one year.

So in his opinion, it is quite excellent.

"Vice president?"

And Horikita-san only noticed the other person's address at this time.

"Yes. Suzune." Nagumo nodded.

"..." Horikita.

But Horikita-san immediately stopped talking.

And Oreki knew that Horikita probably only realized now that this senior Nagumo was a member of his brother's student union, and he was very strong when he got the status of vice president of the student union.

But Oreki already knew about this when she went to get information.

So barely quiet.


She is easy to understand without speaking.

Because Nagumo called her Suzune.

But Lingyin, this is a name, and only those with close relationships can call it.

Like family or something.

Even Oreki called her Horikita-san.

So she hated Nanyun's familiar behavior.

In fact, Nagumo was also wronged, because Oreki didn't introduce Horikita's surname, so he could only call the other party's name.

I don't know that I am being treated coldly now.

"Does it cost so much to open a shop?"

And little angel Kushida made a sound.

Because it was a good-looking little angel who spoke to him, Nan Yunya responded immediately.

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