During the sports festival, the information about Ryuuen's actions was also obtained through her.

As a result, Ibuki discovered all of this, and then... finally realized that she had been deceived, and came to her door?


After discovering his appearance, Ibuki left without saying anything.

This is not a one-time situation.

August 8th and 12th.

For two days in a row, Oreki-san noticed that Ibuki would stare at him when he went to school.

Then when school was over in the afternoon, he also appeared outside the classroom door.

Then every time I see him appear and then leave.

Create a subtle atmosphere.

"It seems that you are in trouble, Oreki-san," Sakayanagi Yusu said.

As the leader of the Itayanagi faction in Class A, Sakayanagi Arisu quickly obtained the information that Oreki-san was being followed.

"Besides, it's not like you that it's never been addressed directly," she said. "Did you say that you did something with bad conscience?"

"..." Oreki.



After school on the afternoon of the 14th, Oreki chose to go to the library after realizing that Ibuki was still following him.

His speed is not unfast but not very slow either.

"Beep! Student card!"

But when he just entered the level, he suddenly turned back.

Rei Ibuki, who followed him in, was stunned.

"I think we can talk about it," Oreki-san said.


The two went to the second floor.

The library has 5 floors in total.

There are relatively few people on the second floor, and most of them are students reading.

Above the third floor is where the seniors of second graders or third graders study by themselves.

The seniors in the third-grade CD class no longer have the extravagant expectation of being promoted to Class A, so now they can earn money by improving their studies by one more point.

In the second grade, the school's classes were competitive and tuition was free, but the remaining living expenses were given to the school for free.

Among them, the BCD class also knew very well that if they accepted the treatment proposed by Nanyun, they would basically be out of reach of Class A.

Therefore, some of them who have considered their future are also studying.

If you come to the library often, you will find their textbooks in the study room on the fourth floor.

Recently, the CD class of first-year students has been working very hard and studying in their own way.

Takaharaji held a study meeting, and then those who wanted to participate went to the classroom to participate.

And Ryuuen's class... well, they also stayed in the classroom.

According to Ryuuen, your academic ability is too bad and you are easily distracted, so when you go to the library, you will not do the questions but be attracted by the extracurricular books.

But Ryūen’s own results were not good either.

Without the teachings of Sparta like Kogenji, it would be more difficult.

So the current progress of Ryuen's class is actually quite bad.

Oreki-san and Ibuki sat down at a table for four.

"First of all." Oreki-san said. "I am a student in Class A, so my actions are for my class."

And this basically shows that Oreki-san admitted... that he actually tricked Ibuki.

For example, Kojima sent Ibuki to Ichinose during the exam.

"..." Ibuki seemed to be silent after hearing this.

Then after a while she said. "So during the sports festival exam, was there something put in the towel you handed me?"


This ah.

It was Ibuki who confirmed that Oreki-san was indeed a bad guy.

Then she remembered that during the sports festival, she and Horikita Suzune were running together.Then Oreki handed her a towel.

Although she didn't answer it at that time.

But now she feels that he is going too far, and is he plotting against her again?

"I didn't do anything with the towel, I just handed it to you." Oreki-san said.

"..." Ibuki. "But you put a voice recorder on Horikita Suzune, didn't you?"

"Then Ryuuen's plan failed."

"That's Ryuuen's own problem. I placed a recording pen on Horikita Suzune's body. If Ryuuen doesn't do bad things, then it won't be recorded."

"Why don't you think it's too much for your class to deliberately hurt others?" Oreki said.

"..." Ibuki.

To explain it this way, Ryuuen seems to be going too far, and Oreki-san is just trying to protect himself.

Therefore, Ryuuen said that he should push everything to Oreki Houtarou and make them think that Oreki Houtarou is a big devil and a bad guy.

But in fact, Ryūen keeps losing.

And they are basically dealt with for various violations.

Then the class points were also plundered.

What Oreki did was excessive, but from the perspective of a bystander, it was okay. He was just taking precautions, and it was Ryuuen who ultimately violated the rules.If Long Yuan does not violate the rules, then no matter how he arranges it, it will be useless.

and so.

Is it really okay to continue supporting Longyuan?

"So... Why do you, a Class A student, keep helping students in Class C?" Ibuki asked.

"Horikita Suzune and I have some connections, and we may marry each other in the future," Oreki-san said.


get married.

Ibuki was stunned, but she was not stupid.

Immediately understand.

So Oreki and Horikita are dating, lovers or something like that.

The answer of helping lovers is indeed very reasonable.

Ibuki seemed to be speechless for a moment.

"If I'm not mistaken, you have been following me these past few days because of Ryuuen's instructions." Oreki-san then asked.

"..." Ibuki. "Long Yuan said that it was so easy for Class B to exchange test papers with our class this time, even though they made compromises and deals."

"However, the students in Class B actually produced so many versions of junior high school textbooks, which put a lot of pressure on them, and this is not something they can do."

"It's very possible that you are in it."

"So now let me follow you until the test paper No. 24 is submitted." Ibuki said. "Even if you don't have any influence on it, you can stay out of it."

"Because it's disgusting to be followed all the time," she said.

Is it disgusting to be stared at and followed all the time?

Oreki-san thinks it's okay, but it's more troublesome to be stared at all the time, because it means he needs to cover up. For example, it's not convenient for him to go to Kushida-san.

And this is why Ibuki-san followed him.

I thought she came to the door because she felt she was being cheated.

Turns out, it was Ryuuen’s idea.

I don’t want him to interfere, I don’t want him to get in the way.

In other words, he is worried that Class B will be deceived by him, eventually tear up the agreement, and then switch the test papers when submitting them. Then, although Longyuan class has been making up classes for a month, there will still be some failures.

So it ultimately leads to consequences that the class cannot bear.

By the way, how could Longyuan be like this?

He's not that over the top and doesn't need to be on guard like this.

"So I saw you reading a book on the ship before, but I didn't really like it," Oreki said.

"This is my personal goal or something," Ibuki said. "I want to read 1000 books in high school. No matter what book it is, I have to read it once."

"So it doesn't matter whether you understand the content above or not," she said.

Then you treat reading as a hobby, similar to collecting stamps.


From this point of view, it can be confirmed that Ibuki is a quite unique person.

She probably has her own ideas, but is willing to obey Ryuuen's orders, probably because she wants to be promoted to Class A.

And judging from the fact that she followed him with a vocabulary book and was reading vocabulary from junior high school, her academic ability should not be good.

I have my own ideal goal, but my academic ability cannot keep up, so I can only hope to be promoted to Class A in Longyuan.

In this case.

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