In other words, if Oreki didn't take the initiative to bring up the topic of whether he would get another 10 points next month, then the class would not immediately get the school's rules.

So now their Class A has taken fewer detours and seized the opportunity earlier than other classes.

So, to sum it up, Oreki-san is very sharp.

Possesses excellent insight.

This insight can be used for Class A.

Very useful.

Katsuragi wants to graduate from Class A and then get a good job or go to the university of his choice without taking the exam.

So the support of people of insight is needed.

And he decided that Oreki-san was pretty good.

At the same time, he already has a solid plan.

This time, because they knew the school rules first, they, Class A, could distance themselves from other classes after the one-month code of conduct test.

In other words, Class A gained the advantage for free.

Then maintain this advantage until graduation.

This is a robust solution.


"He's not here," Masayoshi Hashimoto said.

"By the way, Sakayanagi isn't here either~" Another classmate said.

Naturally, there are no idiots among those who can be assigned to Class A.

It was soon discovered that this school was falsely advertised, and only graduated with Class A in the third grade.

Naturally... they all rushed towards this goal.

But just rely on themselves?

Damn it.

Although he was assigned to Class A, he had to pass at least 36 exams in three years and still maintain the top score in the class evaluation?

So, you have to find some big guys to hug you.

Katsuragi is one of them. He has experience in the student union in the past, and he proposed a very safe plan.


There are also people who care about Oreki-san's insight, and Sakayanagi Yusu's proposal at that moment to buy information with money may be a precedent.

So it might be possible to get extra points for the school.

In other words, Sakayanagi-san has also gathered some hearts.


Neither Oreki-san nor Sakayanagi-san are in the classroom right now.



Neither Oreki nor Sakayanagi were in the classroom.

After Oreki went down the stairs, he went to the teaching building for the second grade, and then to the teaching building for the third grade.

Finally stood on the first floor.

There are bulletin boards on the first floor of the three grades.

But the bulletin board for freshmen is empty.

But the second and third grades have information released.

For example, the third grade bulletin board.

Class A 2645 points

Class B 1701 points

Class C 695 points

Class D 90 points

If you suddenly see the class and the scores behind this bulletin board, you will feel very confused.


They have already spent 200 million points to buy the school rules, they understand.

This is the class evaluation score.

More than two years later, after various exams, the class evaluation scores of the third graders have clearly differentiated.

The student council president should be a student in Class A of the third grade.

"Speaking of which, Oreki-san is also interested in the class rankings of the third graders?"

"That's right. There is a 900-point gap between the third-grade Class B here and the third-grade Class A. It seems to be far away."

"But if you help Class B of the third grade to climb up, the rewards or the sense of superiority you can get will make people feel very comfortable."

Said to the white-haired cane girl behind Oreki.

Hearing the other party's voice, Oreki turned around.


Sakayanagi Youqi was indeed a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Oreki confirmed this.

Although she is still young now, her keen insight and attack power have already grown up and become fierce.

However, Mingming already knows the school rules and knows that it is important for his class to remain in Class A.

But she cared more about hitting the third graders.

Very different.

It seemed that only the difficult levels interested her.

However, Oreki glanced at the cane that Sakayanagi was holding.

He has chosen the task of scouting the school and earning 20 points.

So don't think about taking away the opponent's cane.

"But, what do you think, Oreki-san?" But Sakayanagi blinked slightly, showing a cute expression.

She's probably the type who knows she's cute.

So I took out the state that I can be photographed at any time.

"I don't have any big ideals." Oreki Houtaro said. "I just want to be an average student. And contribute to the class."

"Really, I think Oreki-san seems to be very aggressive." Sakayanagi Yusu said. "I saw it. When Mashima-sensei announced the rules, you recorded it, right?"



Oreki made the recording.

He still has one task left to earn 20 points in one day.

Since points can be used to buy information, why can't information be sold?

Information that can only be obtained for 200 million, it is easy for him to sell it for 20.

"Oreki-san needs money, right, so why don't you come together? Let's form a group to defeat the third-year students. I think the seniors of Class B, third-year students, would welcome juniors who can help them gain points." Sakayanagi Arisu It seemed like an olive branch was extended.

"I don't want this one." Oreki didn't like to do this kind of behavior.


Sakayanagi seems to be recruiting people to form a group.

But it's more like choosing a tool person to farm the elite monsters of the third grade.

There is a rate of return, but it may take a long time to realize it.

His mission is to get 20 today, so it's useless.


"I don't think there's much point in taking exams for third graders, because second graders have stable class assessment scores and it makes people feel uncomfortable."

Oreki pointed out and said.

For the sophomores mentioned here, the evaluation scores of their four classes have also been announced.

Class A 1900 points

Class B 1100 points

Class C 1000 points

D class 900 points.

This score is very strange, except that Class A of the second grade is far ahead, and the subsequent scores seem to be deliberately made.

How could a whole year have passed, and then everyone's scores were all integers.

And aren’t the students in Class D a garbage dump? Can they be like this?

In other words, the second graders probably all huddled together.

The special exam has become the cooperation of the four classes.Treat the school as if they were being taken advantage of.

And would a second-year student who could do such a thing let go of the fat kid from Class B, a third-year student?

So Sakayanagi had to kill the second graders first if he wanted to kill the third graders.

"That would be meaningless." Sakayanagi said.

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