Because bringing Asahina today was such a failure.

Nagumo felt that his childhood sweetheart seemed to be a little interested in Oreki Houtaro, so he wanted to deliberately bring Asahina over to see Oreki's failure.


What did you see.

Oh shit.

Earn 1000 million in one day!

Grabbing money is not as fast as you!

So, it's not about looking at Oreki ashamed, but about being shamed himself.

So is Nan Yunya rich?

Still rich.

As the pinnacle of a sophomore, he has 400 million points in his personal coffers.

Then the current shop uses the money from the class and borrowed money from other classes and teachers.

According to the stable development of profit, it only takes 6 or 7 months to pay off the arrears.

After that, he can still get half of the profits every month.


Because I have integrated the entire grade, I am burdened with the task of making it easier for everyone to deal with every special school exam.

So he can get 50 points of contribution per class.


From this point of view, Nanyun can get 200 million second-year contribution fees before the shop pays off the debt, and then after 6 months, the shop’s debt is paid off, and he can also add an additional monthly payment of nearly 100 million. Half of the store's profits.

So Nagumo was rich at that time.

However, the senior sister didn't think so.

Because the store can take money or something, it has to be after the store has paid back the money.

So what happened along the way?

This is disturbing.


Nagumo can get additional points from each class in the second grade.

But what Oreki-senpai revealed now is that the school doesn't quite approve of this second-year unification plan.

Therefore, Nanyun didn't know how long he could take this part of the money.


She is also a student in Class A.

If Nan Yun can hold on, then the second grade will continue. If they hold on for a while, their position in Class A will still be stable until the third grade.

After all, Nanyun still has the status of the vice president of the student union.

So it can still be relied on.

However, after Asahina thought about it, he returned to the classroom.

In the afternoon, everyone knew that Nan Yunya's position as the vice president of the student union was taken back and downgraded to become the accountant of the student union.


"Why do you want to remove my status as vice president?"

Nagumo went to the student council, but learned from Horikita Gaku about the result of doubting life.

Horikita pushed up her glasses,

"This time, the permission to work has had a great impact."

"And these are inseparably related to the bet between Nagumo, you and Houtaro Oreki."

"Somebody needs to take responsibility for this."


So in this way, he will be revoked as the vice president?Let him take another step away from the student union?

But the person who caused the commotion was obviously Houtarou Oreki.

But Houtarou Oreki was not only not punished, but also received a reward from the school, with 1000 million points!

Then the school’s remarks were about what they expected to see Oreki’s further development.

In other words, Oreki was praised by the school.

And here he...was warned by the school.

So, the act of managing the second grade by myself and cleaning up the school really...caused the dissatisfaction of the school.

Nanyun tentatively accepted this punishment.

Be prepared to behave yourself first, and look for a solution to break the situation.


After Nagumoya was called away, only Kushida and Oreki were left in the store.

"Would you like to transfer 100 million points to Horikita Suzune?"


Oreki was operating the phone.

In the whole process, Kushida Kikyo was not avoided.

"You have transferred successfully, and your account balance is 1421 points."

And Oreki's student card's private point account has also been updated.

Obviously still in school, but already got the first 1000 million points/cash in life.


And Kushida stood aside.

"..." Kushida.

So, she really missed a big opportunity.

If only he participated in Oreki-san's plan this time.

Even if it's 5%, she can get 50.

"..." The little angel at this moment felt a little regretful.


Obviously she and Oreki-san became friends, but why didn't Oreki-san bring her along in this money-making plan?

She was thinking about the difference.


The lunch break is only 55 minutes.

So the two stayed in the store for a while and went back to their own classes respectively.

But now the students in the whole school are not stable.

The forum last night was very lively.

The senior students almost enthusiastically went to Oreki to buy part-time jobs.

And the lower grades here...


First grade here.

As for the first graders, I'm a little sorry.

In order to buy the rules, Class A didn't have many points on the first day.

Therefore, they can only look at the part-time job authorization of 10 copies.

The students in Class C were harvested by Oreki and had no money.

Although Class B also harvested some, it was not much, so the students in Class B could still chip in the money, but they seemed to be more stable and did not participate.

And Class D.

Forget it, a large part of the students in Class D don't know the existence of the forum.

And now, the non-participating students feel the same way.


Big loss.

During a lunch break, as we all know, the permission to work part-time was banned by the school, but the school also gave each participant a compensation of 5 points.

"It's a bit of a pity." When Oreki returned to the class, most of the students in the class had already returned.

And Katsuragi Kohei stayed in his position.

Several of his supporters were nearby.

Everyone sighed.

And Katsuragi-kun said it directly.

"At the beginning, I thought it would be good if the permission to work was obtained, but the school might block it."

"So I didn't participate."

"But look now..."

If you participate, then as long as one person participates, you can get 5 points in compensation for nothing.

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