In other words, you still included scolding Horikita as a way to ease your mood.

"So, has Amasawa Ichika contacted you again?" Oreki-san asked.

"That's not true. It's better to say that I searched the tablet yesterday when it opened the GPS and scores."

"The GPS location of Ichika Amasawa cannot be found."

"If you can't check it, it means you have already given up."

"It's really reassuring." Probably because his mood calmed down a little, Kushida-san became cute.


But Oreki-san had a different opinion when he took out his tablet.

[Do you want to use 10 material points for score query? ]

[Note: The duration of this query is 3 minutes, and only the top ten and bottom ten information of the owner will be displayed. ]

As Oreki-san touched the screen, the ranking of the top 11 students' scores appeared on the tablet interface.

1st place, Oreki Houtaro, 342 points. (Takaharaji, a member of the large group, has abstained.)

2rd place: Ichika Amasawa, NPC in the same class (group member passerby NPC has abstained), 301 points

3nd place Haru Sakurako, Utsunomiya Riku, 2 passerby NPCs, 299 points (group members 2 passerby NPCs have abstained)

No. 4...

The 11th place: Nan Yunya, the same class NPC has abstained, 224 points

Judging from the list, Tianze’s junior schoolmate is still online.

and so.

Kushida-san, you are probably too happy because Ichika Amasawa hasn't quit the exam yet.

As a rule, GPS positioning is based on the bracelets worn by students.If you give up and need to return the bracelet to the school, the location will be turned off.

But don’t forget, Teacher Majima also said when he announced the rules that the bracelets are used to monitor the students’ physical condition and positioning, and they are not allowed to be taken off.

However, it allows you to go to area D6 of the material base when the bracelet malfunctions.

Therefore, the tablet shows that the score of Tianze's senior student is still there, but the bracelet cannot be located. Maybe it is just a simple bracelet failure.


Is it really just a problem with the bracelet?

The conversation between Ike Kanji and Ayanokouji flashed through Oreki-san's mind.

"That's Nanase-senpai. Two of her three teammates ran away, and one gave up. She looked so pitiful, but she has been with us for two days. She is a good person. Thanks to her, I mustered up the courage." by Chi

"Nanase may know me. But I have no impression of her at all." by Ayanokouji-san

Nanase-senpai also acted with Hoquan in the past, and was a chess piece given directly by Tsukijo to be eaten.

And if Nanase-senpai came out in the open, then she was probably trying to hide the person who was going to take action secretly.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Bai Fangsheng will take action when he is on an uninhabited island.

And Ichika Amasawa said before that she did not want to drop out of Ayanokouji.Then there's something wrong with her bracelet and it needs a little attention.


So, about half an hour later, Kushida finished venting and took a shower.

According to her words, generally speaking, it is difficult to take a bath easily in the wild.Like lakes and sea water, there is no way you can go in there shirtless like a boy.

But there are basic movements every day. Although I don’t say that I participate in all of them, if I keep moving, I will definitely sweat.

And then if there's a smell it's also bad.

After all, she is a cute girl who cares about these things.

But now it's time for Ryuuen's class to appear.

Oreki's idea for them was to collect all the material points they could and then cash them in on the ship.

All become materials.

After getting it on the island, you can sell it to students and let them write IOUs.

Back to school to cash in.

But that's only part of it.What should I do if some people just don’t want to buy it?

But the points from these people can definitely be obtained.

That's the life measure.

In the previous exam on the island, each class was given 300 basic points to exchange for supplies, but some supplies must be obtained.

Such as bathing facilities, such as toilets.

We are all human and have needs.

You can charge money for both toilets and shower rooms.

And girls who pay attention to their appearance sometimes even hope to take two showers a day.

So the income from this part is quite considerable.

Of course, Oreki-san is very tolerant of this part of the points. He has no ambitions and just allows the girls he cares about to use them for free.

Oreki-san sat on the chair and Kushida-san sat on her lap.

There is a light fragrance after bathing.

It seems that the neck has not been completely dried, but there are a few tiny drops of water on it.

For Oreki-san, this feeling is not bad.

Kushida also explained a recent point that displeased her.

"Ike Kanji in my class is interested in Shinohara, the hot girl with short hair who usually works with Karuizawa and the others."

"And Shinohara probably noticed it, but she was pursued by Komiya from Ryuuen's class, so she was wavering. But this time she did not act with Karuizawa and the others, but teamed up with Komiya and Kinoshita."



Of course Oreki-san knew that when he first entered school, Karuizawa hugged him and was witnessed by Shinohara-san.


Kushida-san, what do you want to do?

Although Shinohara-san is not good-looking, does it have anything to do with you how other people's relationships develop?

"She already told me her secret," Kushida said. "Although listening to other people's inner thoughts is very pleasant and makes me feel happy. But it can also cause a lot of trouble."

"Because you have gained the other party's trust, you are more likely to be told more things by the other party."

"So once she falls in love, all kinds of love affairs will happen, and these are very annoying. For example, the people you are dating quarrel, and then the woman says she wants to break up. If you persuade her to break up, she will tell the man you persuaded her to break up when she gets back together. .”

"So he will be the one taking the blame."

"And if you persuade her not to break up, she will feel that you care about her."

"It's really... annoying." Kushida-san finally commented.

Is it.

It's really troublesome to look at it this way.

Oreki-san doesn’t have many friends, but if it’s really troublesome for a friend to fall in love, then it’s really best that the other person is single.


"Instead of talking about this, it's time for you to wake up." Oreki-san said. "What you want to gain is a sense of superiority, so have you considered getting a real friend?"

"Similar to Futaba Rio, when she receives a call from a friend, even if it's two o'clock in the morning, she will risk her own safety to come find you."

"Isn't this great?" Oreki-san said.

The Futaba Rio mentioned here is a character in a light novel that Oreki-san has read.

Is the protagonist's friend.

Kushida is a little angel. In order to strike up conversations with different people and share common topics, when he first wanted to get close to Oreki-san, he deliberately borrowed the books he had read.

So she should also be involved in all aspects of knowledge.

Then of course he knew Futaba Rio, and also knew that the other party was born from a pig-headed boy and would never meet a bunny girl.

Among the supporting characters, Rio Futaba, the protagonist’s best friend, gives people a very good sense.

It can be said that only Futaba is enough to be a lifelong friend.

And the satisfaction of getting a double leaf can also make people feel fulfilled.

and so.

"No..." Kushida seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then shook his head.

"How can such true friends exist?" Kushida said. "And I don't believe the friendship between men and women is real."


Oreki-san nodded.

Because he also noticed that Hikari had Futaba and Sakuta's notebooks.

Not just one book.

Two of them are of very high quality.

It shows that there are still many people who hope that the friendship between these two people will deteriorate.

So, probably feeling better, Oreki-san took Kushida-san and left here.


"Oreki-senpai, you are back."

"Thank you for collecting so much firewood."

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