If the exam is terminated midway, the exam results will end with the existing ranking.According to the rules, Mr. Yue Cheng will pay all the fees.So this result is indeed the worst for Mr. Yue Cheng.

So Mr. Tsukijo cleared himself of suspicion.

Is it just that Yue Cheng is confused?


There is.

Because of what Komiya Yamaguchi, the second-year class C, said to him, he was attacked and fainted without even seeing him.

And it is impossible for ordinary students to be able to do such a thing.

It can be confirmed that the opponent's force value is very strong.

And there are only a few names on the list that can be suspected.

He applied to bring Shirofusheng, Shima Nori, and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, as well as Kogenji and Oreki Houtaro, who had previously intimidated Kazuomi Hoizumi.

It’s just that Gaoyuanji has abstained.

And Oreki himself is the top one. Although terminating the exam early is very useful for his top one, his top one is very stable and there is no need to do such a dangerous thing.

So is it Ayanokouji Kiyotaka?


This kid has no emotions, even he can break bones.

So it is possible to terminate the exam early to protect yourself.


From the information collected, Ayanokouji always had an alibi, and there was no need to take risks.

So the innocence of these two people has been cleared.

Then the suspects that can be screened immediately become limited.

So that’s it.

If it's not Sima Dian, then it's Bai Fangsheng.

Mr. Bai Fang.

Mr. Tsukiro almost wanted to roll his eyes.

Because, as the chief of the White House in the fifth period said, "I will take action in this exam." Is this what happened in the end?

And the time to take action is also clear.

Ayanokouji was also at the crime scene.

Therefore, Chief Baifang may have deliberately provoked Ayanokouji.

He is really as childish and innocent as a child.

But thanks to the chief white room.


Mr. Tsuki City felt that this mission that spanned several months had finally come to an end.

The reason why he was so sure was that he didn't think that if such a vicious incident happened, Oreki Houtarou would still sit back and watch.

Although the other party seems to hate trouble, he always gets rid of it directly.

This can be seen from what happened in Baoquan.

Therefore, if you viciously hurt someone, even the chief white house officer will be dealt with.

And this time the incident was Yagami's private action, so naturally the other party needed to take the blame.

Although it may seem excessive to put all the responsibility on one child, it is also very difficult for him to handle.

So, Yagami-san, you will understand.

Although he is facing a huge amount of points to cash out, Mr. Tsuki City is in a rare better mood now.


And the other side.

Oreki-san and the others returned to the camp.

Komiyayama and Kinoshita have been carried away on stretchers by teacher Ita, and are about to be sent to a ship for treatment.

But Shinohara-san stayed.

According to the teacher on the board, the bottom five groups have already appeared. Even if they abstain again, the points will not be combined again.

So it’s probably okay for Shinohara to abstain from voting at this time.


She was still uneasy about Shinohara-san, and also because she saw Komiyayama and Kinoshita being attacked, but she just watched, and she felt very guilty after she calmed down.

So I couldn't go back and look directly at the faces of these two companions.

"So, Tsubasa-senpai, did you find anything else after chasing me?" Oreki-san collected information.

"As I said before, the opponent's speed is too fast. I'm afraid I have no choice but to catch up.

"But there's one thing that's annoying." Tsubasa said.


Everyone else looked over.

"I confirmed that my speed was not as fast as that of the other party, but the other party seemed to be on purpose and deliberately stopped when I was about to catch up. Then when I thought I was catching up, the other party left again."

Does that mean you are playing tricks on people?

What a nasty guy.

"Since it has become so dangerous, why not give up?" Chi Kuanzhi said.

He actually regretted it, because if he had followed him from the beginning, he might have been able to appease Shinohara first, instead of being disliked by him now.

"You can choose to abstain." Oreki-san said. "As the teacher on the board said, the five guaranteed groups have been confirmed. But this will result in the loss of possible results."

"I don't care." Ayanokouji said.

He and Chi's scores are probably in the 60s.

Although according to the rules of the exam, the top 30% of the groups will receive a reward of 5 private points, while the 70% will receive a reward of 1 points.

Although it doesn't look like much, it is still very attractive to the students in Class D.

As for Ayanokouji-san, who has no desires or desires, she naturally has no objections.

And he was not stupid enough to think that this sudden attack might have something to do with him.

"It's just that it's better not to give up yet." Chi said again. "Yukimura specifically abstained in order not to drag us down. We still have his share to work hard for."

This rhetoric seems righteous and awe-inspiring.

In fact, it's because Shinohara has no face to meet her companions now, so she probably won't give up. Ike also wants to save her image for a while, and is also worried that Shinohara will be in danger again.

So I finally chose to stay.

in this way.

Because of what happened, it was originally Tsubasa who was keeping vigil alone, but now it was Chi who volunteered to keep vigil.

The next day arrived quickly.

Because they did not receive any information from the school to terminate the exam, everyone continued to take the exam.

The last designated area yesterday was J2.

The rule of basic movement is that it will be the diagonal or the area before and after the previous area.

Then you can continue according to the rules today.


After completing the basic movement of the second designated area, Oreki-san received a look from Ayanokouji-san.

In other words, it is indeed like that.

Nanase Tsubasa is still following them.

And her target is Ayanokouji-san.

Although she is following the target, this school girl is an honest person, but she is hostile to Ayanokouji.

But Ayanokouji-san didn’t recognize him at all.

This may seem strange.

Oreki-san then checked the information on the tablet.

[Whether to pay 10 material points to query the positioning, the query object is Tianze Yixia. ]

[Beep!unable to display. ]

There is still a problem with the positioning of Tian Ze’s schoolmates.


Among them, Takuya Yagami’s GPS function has been restored.

And the current location is near the material base D6.

According to the rules, if the GPS fails, you can go to the D6 area for replacement or repair.So the Yashen disciples are preparing to continue taking the exam.

"Nanase-senpai." Oreki-san then spoke directly to the blond girl who had just received a basic movement point.

"Huh? What's the matter? Oreki-senpai."

This school girl is still polite to others.


Oreki-san thinks that she might become rude later.

"There are two topics now. Which one are you going to go to?" Oreki said. "But I suggest you go to the topic in that area of ​​F2."

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