So she felt that it was impossible to just casually contribute to the enemy like this.

"Not Class B, not Class C." Oreki said. "I am a student of Class A, and I will not do anything that would harm Class A."


The senior students should know or have already experienced this rule, so there is no way to sell it to the senior students, so they can only turn to the lower grades.

Then Class B and Class C were eliminated.

In other words, the target is Class D.

In the rules... a place rated as a garbage dump.

Chapter 006: Go to Class D, the goods are genuine! If you are assigned here, you will destroy them on the spot!

The outstanding elites are in Class A, the social-level people are in Class B, the social gathering types are in Class C, and Class D is probably a garbage dump.

This is the information given by Mashima-sensei.

However, considering that Sakayanagi-san and Kamuro-san in his class had weak points respectively, they were also judged to be in Class A.

and so.

The basis for class division, etc., the scope of consideration is more complicated.

Perhaps it can be planned as academic ability (written test), athletic ability (physical fitness), coordination ability (interpersonal communication), defects and the like.

Finally put it all together.

If the students who will be assigned to Class D are not academic scumbags, sports idiots, don't listen to others, and don't cooperate, then they must have some kind of serious flaw.

Oreki thought about the rules of this school.

After waiting for supplements from Teacher Mashima, we will find that since the four classes ABCD are mobile, it means that the strength of the four classes at the beginning is different, but there are also areas that can be made up for.

In other words, someone who would throw a few cowhide to all four classes.

So other classes may also be hiding dragons and crouching tigers.

So as a student of Class A, it is necessary to come and investigate.

Then the two of them came to Class D, the first grade.

Class D is here on the second floor.

However, the first-year Class D students have not been disbanded yet.

Voices of conversation can be heard coming from within.

But it should be free.

Because the dialogue is a little... not good to listen to.

It's a conversation between boys.

The boys in Class D were actually discussing who was the cutest in the class.

"If you want to be cute, I want to participate in the RU ranking!" a boy said, "I think Hasebe will definitely win."

"Because we're men. Heads are always full of those things!"

"I'm coming to play too."

"I want it, I want it too."

The boys had already gathered noisily, discussing the size of the girls' breasts openly and enthusiastically.

Some girls in the classroom looked at them with contempt as if they saw garbage.

Probably no matter what their future performance is, they can't catch up with any girl in the class.

Oreki clearly saw Kamuro-san next to him with a stern face who seemed to be in debt to her, and seemed to be even more displeased.


Probably no girl likes to hear this kind of topic.


Oreki didn't think that ordinary students would discuss such topics in public.

In other is correct to say that Class D is a garbage dump.

Look at it this way.

It's great to be assigned to Class A.

Oreki Houtarou thought in his heart.

Because if you know the rules of this school, then if you stay in Class D, you will probably... drop out of school on the spot and become a mess.

Because with these pig teammates, no matter how many points they have, they will all be deducted.

If you want to work hard for the class, you will be held back by them.

It was just the first month's code of conduct exam. They were discussing it in the classroom and under the camera. Class D probably already scored -50 points today.

Looking at it this way, why should I be in Class A?

All that's left is to automatically drop out of school, or... find a chance to accumulate 2000 million points and fly this route by yourself.

And walking forward, you will find that there are about 20 students in Class D staying in the classroom.

But it's not just boys.

There are probably 5 or so girls.

Among them, 4 girls have average appearance, but there is a girl with long black hair who is quite beautiful.

Top notch.

A waist-length black hair is scattered on the back and shoulders, with a small bow tied with a white ribbon on the right side and a long thin braid.

The black hair like a waterfall carries a lily-like fragrance, probably the smell of shampoo.

Long eyelashes, orange eyes full of charm like fox eyes, and that delicate face.

It's just that the cold expression on the girl's face seemed to exude an air of rejection all the time.

But the other person just sat by the window and read quietly, seemingly not even looking at trash at the boy.

Belonging, the type of a world by oneself.

And a scruffy-looking boy squeezed into the crowd discussing the leaderboard.

It seems to be called Yamauchi.

"I want to bet too. By the way, I want to bet on Sakura."

And Yamauchi seemed to think of something, and began to whisper.

"I only tell you about this. In fact, I was confessed by Sakura." Yamauchi said.

"What? Really, really!" Of course others didn't believe it.

Because I just entered school, is it so fierce on the first day of school?

Yamauchi seemed to want to prove himself, "Really, really. But keep it a secret! Of course I dumped that kind of inconspicuous girl. If it's not Kushida or Hasebe level, I don't want it. I'm right The kind of rustic girls are not interested."

Yamauchi's proud road.

And this is probably because the girl named Sakura is not in the class, so he talks freely.

But is it really so?

Oreki noticed that a girl with old-fashioned pink twintails had arrived at the back door. She must have heard Yamauchi's nonsense, and then she couldn't move in or retreat.

He didn't know if his face was red with anger.

Pathetic look.

In other words, she was the girl who was talked about as old-fashioned and who was said to confess her love.

Then it was indeed an embarrassing scene.

Oreki then looked at Kamuro-san.

"See what I do?" Kamuro-san said.

It's nothing.

I thought you were the kind of person with a strong sense of justice.

So Oreki-san, who had a strong sense of justice, knocked twice on the back door.


It should be said that people are guilty. After hearing the voice, the boys looked over and found Sakura Airi standing by the back door.

The person called Yamauchi seemed a little embarrassed.

However, some people noticed Oreki and Kamuro Masumi.

"What a handsome boy—"

The rest of the girls in the class seemed to be murmuring.


There is no need to doubt this point. Kamuro-san can confirm that Oreki Houtarou has capital.

If the boys make a girl's list, then if a girl makes a list of handsome guys, then Oreki in her class will be at the top.

The skin is white and slender, and looks soft and weak, but the just right delicate face makes him very attractive.

The green pupils are deep and clear.

This kind of boy wants to raise him very much.

Of course, Kamuro-san doesn't look at his classmates with such eyes.

"We are students in Class A."

"Then, is there any student in your class who can call the shots?" Oreki said. "I'm here to sell materials."

"Better get together."

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