Perhaps the problem on Kosakayanagi's side can be cured soon.

in this way.

It was clear that Sakayanagi Yusu was thinking about breaking up, but Oreki-san was thinking about helping her treat her illness.


It's day four.

1 number.

It is a new special exam day for students.

"Same as last year, after the uninhabited island exam, we will hold a sports festival, and then it will be held next month."

The homeroom teacher, Mashima-sensei, said.

Probably because Tsukijo left the school, Mr. Majima was in a good mood.

He is a relatively traditional person and hates people like Yue Cheng who take exams with the purpose of dropping out of school.

So now that Yue Cheng has left, almost every class teacher is in a good mood.

And now he also informed the usual news.

Everyone has now been promoted to the second grade, but some special examination items have been retained.

For example, there are midterm exams, final exams, and then there is the annual trip to the island for special exams, as well as the year-round sports festival.


"But before that, there will be a cultural festival open to the public outside the school." But Mr. Majima added. "This is the school's first attempt. We decided to hold a cultural festival in August."

"About the sports festival, I will explain it in detail another day. Let's talk about the cultural festival first."

Mashima-sensei said.

"The cultural festival will welcome many guests. Then you will be asked to compete with all classes in the year for total operating income at the cultural festival. It is okay to apply for several performances, but the budget is limited. Please take a look at the details. Take a tablet."

So Oreki-san and the others started looking at the tablets they had obtained since second grade.

There are already relevant instructions above.

Summary of cultural festivals and school-wide assessments.

1Each second-year student will be given [-] personal points that can only be used in preparation for each class’s cultural festival, and can be used freely within this scope.

(First-year students will receive [-] points, and junior students will receive an initial fee of [-] points.)

2. Additional funds will be provided based on social contributions such as student union services and active participation in club activities.

3. Initial fees and additional funds will not be reflected in the final turnover, so if not used, they will be confiscated.

oClasses No.1 to No.4 will receive +100 points in class evaluation.

Classes No. 5 to No. 8 will receive a + class evaluation score of 50 points.

For classes ranked No. 9 to No. 12, the class evaluation scores will remain unchanged.

Almost as soon as they saw the school-wide class test, and then the class evaluation score was only 100 points, which was the best, a large number of students in the class looked in a certain direction.

There sat a super cute girl with silver hair.


President Sakayanagi restricted the score again this time.Maintained position in Class A.

Because this kind of event sounds like it has nothing to do with Class A’s strengths in terms of academic ability, sports, coordination, etc., their Class A might lose!

"..." President Sakayanagi's cute brows just raised, as if he was thinking about something quite serious.

Are you thinking about this exam?

Oreki continued to look down.

Every special exam has rewards and punishments, but for this special exam, the rewards for class evaluation scores are not high.

However, Oreki does not accept that Kosakayanagi is in a distracted state. She will think about limiting the scores of the special examination to prevent other lower-level classes from climbing up through this examination.

So there is probably pressure on the school side as well.

After all, the current score of Class A in the second grade has reached 3568.5 points. If a large number of scores are released, the school's financial control will also have problems.

So read on to see the rewards.

Class evaluation points will not be deducted from this exam.

“It feels like an orthodox cultural festival,” one student said.


Is that the case?

But Oreki didn't think so.

Because Mr. Mashima also said that this is the first school festival of Yusei High School that is open to the public.

In other words.

Maybe something special happened to cause this behavior.

So what's so special?

Oreki thought that Tsukijo might have left, but Mr. Ayanokouji behind him put pressure on him.

Pry open the door of Yucheng High School.

Then when the time comes, the other party may come in person as a parent outside the school and force Ayanokouji to drop out of school.

I hope Nanase-senpai will not be too excited after hearing the news, because this is an opportunity to directly face the enemy who killed Matsuo butler and his son.

Oreki-san was thinking in his mind.

Then he looked at the silver-haired girl sitting next to him.


Now Sakayanagi-san is still distracted, and at the same time, he seems to be thinking of something dissatisfying, and his eyes are bright.


The same announcement was made in four classes.

Soon it was time for get out of class to end.

"Speaking of which, Oreki-kun, do you have any ideas about our class's plans for this cultural festival?"

The tall Katsuragi-san said.

He is already the vice president of the student union and seems more stable.

The evaluation scores of the current four classes have also changed greatly.

It can be said. The position of Class A is almost guaranteed. Even if there is no student council president, everyone can graduate as Class A.

After all, the gap with other classes is too wide, and other classes have no chance to climb up.

However, Katsuragi is a steady person, so he probably wants to score points in every special exam.


"You can consult Sakayanagi," Oreki said.

This kind of test has a class evaluation score of [-] points. At the same time, even if you fall behind, there is no punishment. Oreki-san feels that there is no need to spend time thinking about this kind of thing.

So I will leave the brainstorming to Kosakayanagi.


Katsuragi-san said, "President Sakayanagi will not be in his seat after class."

"..." Oreki.

Oreki was not prepared to think about the cultural festival items.


Just like that classmate said it was like an orthodox cultural festival. Although there were additional ranking options, no matter where to set up the stalls or what the decorations were, the students were left to their own devices.

At the same time, students will not be required to submit proposals, so they will probably be announced on the last day.

But this is still related to the class evaluation score.

Therefore, for Katsuragi-san, the degree of freedom is too great, and the project launched as a class will be the content of the exam competition, so you have to be more cautious.

"Let's brainstorm ideas first," Oreki-san said. “There are no opportunistic ways to do this kind of project.”

"It seems that's the only way it can be." Katsuragi-san also thought of this. "I will mobilize my classmates to make active suggestions."

At this time, Oreki took out his cell phone.

While talking to Katsuragi-san, the phone in his pocket kept vibrating.

And this shock was caused by someone sending him a message.

Oreki opened it and took a look.

In the chat software, put it in the small group of Class D and @ him.

Teachers from other classes should have announced it as well.

Karuizawa: Although this cultural festival is an exam, it still feels like

Hasebe: For our class, we should try our best. Kushida-san, do you have any good insights?

Kushida: Huh?I'm waiting for notification.

Hasebe:?awaiting notice?

Kushida: No, I mean, I have no other ideas for the moment.

Hasebe: I always feel suspicious. What if our class had a haunted house?

Horikita: As for the haunted house, it seems possible, but the school is also open to the public, so... guests will also participate, and there are probably not many guests who will participate in the haunted house.

Karuizawa: Yes, and if it is a haunted house, I always feel that it requires a lot of hands-on skills.And I'm not good at this.

Sakura: At this time, let’s apply for foreign aid.

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