As for Class D.


I can only say that he is very Class D.

After Takaharaji left, the unity of the students in this class declined. It would be better to say that Horikita Suzune wanted to change jobs.

Then it also involves the decrease of one's own class points, so choosing a situation that does not harm one's own interests is the most important.


So many people chose the written exam and the last 5 students dropped out.

Then it's only natural.

"Why, why choose the written test?"

The person who speaks on behalf of this aspect is Chi Kuanzhi.

He was friends with the last dropout, Yamauchi, and was also Yamauchi's scapegoat at that time.

But now I didn't expect that after Yamauchi left, I was also in crisis.


Chi is ranked last in oaa's system evaluation.

This is very disappointing.

He has always hoped to change this place. You must know that according to the urine nature of this class, if the class votes to withdraw from the exam again, then he will probably be expelled.

Because he is ranked last.

So I regret that when Gao Yuanji classmate started the class, he did not participate.

Then he saw that Sakura and Sudou, who were even worse academically than him, had already taken off.

"Horikita-san, Hirata-san, you don't think you can do this, either." And Chi chose foreign aid.

One of the foreign aids is Hirata-san.

Hirata-san exploded during the last class vote to drop out of the exam.

It seems that he doesn't want his companion to leave.

Now, Chi wants Hirata to become a companion.

And if he could prevent his companion from leaving, Hirata would definitely be a friend.

Although he was redeemed by Ayanokouji, Ayanokouji was regarded by him as an intimate and someone who must be protected.

But he also pays attention to ordinary classmates.

"How do you think you should choose, Horikita-san?"

"Personally, I would choose option 2. or option 1." Hirata said. "If the students in our class can get protection points, it will be very beneficial."

Actually not.

Hirata hopes to get a protection point for Ayanokouji-san.

In the previous command tower exam, Ayanokouji's protection points were cancelled.

Later, someone wanted Ayanokouji to drop out of school, so Hirata decided to protect his companions.

"That's not good at all." But at this time someone refuted Hirata.

That was Megumi Karuizawa with a beautiful golden single ponytail.

"Because the current class evaluation scores are mostly those of Takaharaji-san and Horikita-san, right?"

"And if this is cleared, it would be unfair to them." Karuizawa said.

And this is true in the eyes of some students.

Can I use other people’s points to exchange for protection points?

"But, you can't choose third place." Chi Kuanzhi said.

"If it's a loss of personal points, let's use the class average." Horikita Suzune said.

In other words, is it still option 3 in the end?

But if the points of the last five pen-ranked students are cleared, then there seems to be no problem if they can still be released as a class.

Chi decided not to speak.


"Why do we have to make sacrifices for those five students?"

"Isn't it a bitter consequence that I should bear if I don't study well?"

This is Yukimura-san, who is more academically capable.

He pushed up his glasses.

Now, most of the evaluation scores in the original class belong to Horikita Suzune and Takaharaji, and everyone only gets the 2 points they signed the agreement to eat.

Will these points still be reduced?

"No matter what choice you make, you have to pay points." Horikita-san said. "So, the choice now is to spend the least amount of money."

"Or are the three or one students who chose option 1 or option 2 and obtained the protection quota willing to bear the losses of me and Takaharaji-san?" Horikita Suzune said.


After Horikita Suzune said this, everyone remained quiet.

Because of compensation or something, how could they have any points to compensate?

in this way.

In the end, Class D ended this question by losing five students' points.



And Mashima-sensei continued.

"Now let's start topic 4."

Because there was a delay in the network, a network abnormality was displayed, so the screen rotated for 22 seconds before it started to recover.

And the topic has already come out.

Topic ④ In the written examination at the end of the second semester, the following rules selected will be applied to the class.

Options Increase difficulty Increase penalties Decrease rewards

There was such a bad-minded choice.

Either option would only be bad for the class.

If the current minute was the time allowed to talk privately, there would be a lot of complaints.

But no matter how you think about it, you only have 1 minute to think about it.

However, if there is disagreement later on, there will be an intermission for discussion.


Class A of the second grade.

The number of people who chose to increase the difficulty level is 0

The number of people who choose to increase the punishment is 0

The number of people who chose to reduce their compensation was 41.

Actually...they all chose the last option.

There is nothing to say about this. After all, Class A has the advantage, so reducing the remuneration is the best solution.

in this way.

End of question four.

As for other classes, Class B’s choice for this question was to increase the difficulty level.

But Class C and Class D had the same answer this time.

They all choose to increase punishment.

After all, for them, rewards and other rewards would be meaningless if they were reduced. They are all short of money, or Class C wants to make money, while Class D has no money and is hungry for money.

In contrast to the third issue, the fourth issue was not discussed for too long.


"Then, the last topic will be displayed. Please prepare to vote." Mr. Majima informed. At the same time, he adjusted his breathing while operating the display screen.

And this.

Be watched.

In other words, the threatening fifth question is here!

in this way.

The last topic is displayed.

Topic ⑤

If you name a classmate to drop out of school, you will receive a [-]-point class evaluation score.

(If everyone agrees, then students who want to drop out need to be designated and voted on.)

Options for and against

The last question has the fewest options among the questions so far, with only two options.

At first glance, one would often assume that the smaller the number of options, the easier it would be to consolidate opinions.

But in reality, the number of options doesn’t have much impact.

But the questions alone are very stressful.

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