At this time, Hirata-san finally had no one to stop him.


"Everyone!" Hirata-san said. "Please listen to me!"

Hirata-san stood up.

"I don't think I can choose to drop out of my class."

"Because, first of all, we are a group, and then no matter who we are, it is extremely important." Hirata said.

"Yes!" Chi Kuanzhi said at this time. "Why do you do such a cruel thing?"

He seemed to strongly support Hirata.

But who is Hirata? Although he is a good guy, Hirata's IQ is not low, because he probably understands that Chi's current strong behavior is actually for self-protection.

Because once students choose to drop out of school, one student will drop out of school.

Then he may be at the bottom in all aspects.

Although he has camping skills, he was completely useless in the uninhabited island exams last year and this year.


In addition, sports are also poor, and academic ability is also poor, then isn't it possible that according to everyone's thinking, the key people who are holding back students can be screened out?


Classmate Chi immediately launched a self-rescue.

This is completely different from when Yamauchi was blamed.

"Yes." Sudou-san also said at this time. "Why do you do this?"

“Although it’s not enough for daily living expenses, it’s still enough.”

"Would you like to drop out of school in exchange for points in the next exam?"

"Sooner or later it will happen to me!" Sudou said.

This statement seems to be analyzing the big disadvantages of doing so.

But Hirata also knew it very well.

This is because although Sudou's performance has become better, he has a bad temper, so there are many people who are dissatisfied with him.

And in the last class vote to drop out of the exam.

Sudo was also among the bottom three in terms of critical votes.


If the students really choose a classmate to worship God and get a class evaluation score of 500 points, he will become dangerous!

Yes, it's dangerous!

Although Sudou's physical fitness is very good, he has also contributed to everyone in sports events.

But this is an anonymous vote!

And there are many people who hate him!

What if someone really wants to vote for him?

"Kushida-san, what do you think?" At this time, Hirata rescued a person of the same type as him.

And this person is a blond girl with a very delicate and cute face.

My hair was originally short, but it has been extended since last semester.

Increases her cuteness by 30%.

Is it just that Hirata turned to Kushida-san for help at this time?

You know, in the previous two exams, Kushida-san was scolded by Horikita Suzune until she cried!

He also said that since you know that you have such energy, then don't mess around. If you bring trouble to the class, then you are a sinner.

Therefore, Kushida-san will almost never speak on such important occasions again.

And now Hirata said this.

Kushida-san noticed that many classmates were paying attention to her.


A situation where a classmate is sacrificed in exchange for 500 class evaluation points.

Of course it's worth it.


Are the students in the class worthy of a 500-point class evaluation score? What is the concept of 500 points?

A person can get 5 yuan a month, and then in the next year or so, which is close to 2 years of schooling, it will be worth more than 100 million yuan.

For 39 students, it is equivalent to more than 4000 million yuan in living expenses.

And in this case, who can refuse?

of course.

Kushida-san can refuse.

Because she now has Oreki-san, she is actually not short of money.

Oreki will give it anyway.

But it is impossible to say this in class.


Although it is reasonable to sacrifice a useless classmate to the sky in exchange for points, it is not convenient to reveal it when everyone is paying attention.

If you say no.

Then you will be dissatisfied by some students who want points, and if you agree, you will be resented by the poor students.

"I think...this kind of choice is very painful. What do you think, Horikita-san?"

Kushida-san was watched by everyone, but she did not express her stance directly.Instead, he threw the ball to Horikita Suzune.

This move was like Yamauchi throwing the blame to Chi Kuanji.

But no one thinks so now.

And Horikita-san was named.

"If you ask me about my attitude," Horikita Suzune said. "I voted in favor."

Should I say that she deserves to be Suzune Horikita?

To put it bluntly, is she going to sacrifice her classmates to heaven in exchange for 500 points?

And this kind of thing will be resented.He is resented by those who are worried about being kicked out of school.

But Horikita Suzune showed no fear.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, Kushida-san knows that Horikita Suzune is indeed unique and looks the same, which makes her a little envious.

But this time.


Teacher Chabashira, who had been waiting for the students to discuss, said. "Halftime is over."

Does this mean we should continue to vote?

Then all the students began to return to their seats.

Then pick up your tablet.

Probably because there is no unified opinion.

So the voting result this time is still the same.

There are still people who choose both directions.

among them.

500 people chose to drop out a classmate in exchange for 20 points

There were 500 people who opposed dropping out a classmate in exchange for 19 points.

Although Horikita Suzune didn't have time to explain her reasons.

But it seems that the selection has changed.

But only Horikita Suzune and Kushida-san knew that there were still many people who wanted to sacrifice their classmates to heaven.

Although it seems that the number of people willing to sacrifice their companions to heaven has decreased.

But it was a few of them who joined together and voted against it.

In other words, half of the students in this class are very realistic.

As long as you are not the one who drops out, but it can increase your own interests, then it is normal to sacrifice a classmate.

after all.

Reality sacrificed Yamauchi before, so who thinks of Yamauchi or even wants to speak for Yamauchi until now?


This is Class D.

There are indeed some people who hate it.

of course.

Some people were panicked.

In addition to Sudouike Kanji and others who felt uneasy in various aspects, there were also some people who felt uneasy.

That's a girl.

But Sakura-san is not a weakling.It was the person who once spread the rumors about Horikita Suzune. Although Horikita Suzune did not pursue it, who knows whether he will be sacrificed to heaven at this time.

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