Oreki-san thought.


Oreki called out the system.

"When faced with a choice in the special examination, everyone unanimously chose the exam."

"Task requirement: Assist Class B of the third grade in completing the unanimous exam."

"Task period: 3 days."

"Mission Reward: Traveling Through Time"

"Remarks: Because this is a special mission, we will first give the host a brief experience of the special ability to travel through time and space."

"Note 2: It has been confirmed that we have arrived at our destination, Yucheng High School 9 years ago."

"Note 3: Due to the time travel, the identity of the host is defaulted, but it will cause a butterfly effect when leaving."

"Note 4: The current identity of the host is an ordinary boy with a low sense of presence in Class B of the third grade. His name is still Oreki Houtarou, but after the host completes the mission, it will be blurred."

"Remarks: I am currently staying with my roommate Midori, who is also in Class B of the third grade."

Is it.

The name of the boy with the hedgehog head is Midoriya, and he is also his roommate.

However, Midorita-san went to the bathroom now, and Oreki-san thought for a moment.

"Do you use teleportation?"


Although my mission here is to complete the unanimous special examination of this era, I didn't say that I couldn't do other things.


There is only one thing Oreki-san wants to do...and that is to cure Sakayanagi Yusu.

Now it was nine years ago, so that means that although Sakayanagi is still young now, he still exists.


You can go check on her first.

in this way.


"Do you use teleportation?"


Oreki-san's teleportation has two limitations, one of which is the place he has been to, and the other is the place he has seen in the photo.

After seeing the photos, it’s time to go.


Where are you going now?

You know, this was 9 years ago.

So...is teleportation still effective?

Oreki-san thought so.

"Go to Sakayanagi Arisu's side."

And thinking like this.

But he wasn't sure because he didn't have any photos of Sakayanagi Arisu in the current era.


However, just as he was thinking this, Oreki-san noticed that the space in front of him was distorted.And he was very familiar with this state.

This is how he usually uses teleportation.

Looking forward, he saw a little girl with short silver hair who was probably eight or nine years old.

The other person is pretty and looks quite cute.

Especially the snow-white skin and clear pupils.

As for this little girl, Oreki would never admit her mistake.

Because this is Sakayanagi Arisu.

Arisu Sakayanagi as a child.

"..." Oreki.

Is this okay?


His superpower goes to places he has been before.

And now, the place to go is...

There is a place for Sakayanagi to live.

This is a courtyard, and among the comfortable green plants and flowers, Oreki-san saw Kosaka Liu.

"you are?"

Even though Kosaka Yanagi Arisu has been in poor health since he was a child, he already holds the cane in his left hand.

She is now sitting on one side of the flower bed.Then he stared at the handsome young man with green eyes and short black hair who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"It will actually change into a living person." The other party said.

Oreki-san immediately understood that Kosakayanagi must have seen him appear out of thin air.


Teleportation has this drawback, however.

It was because he was using teleportation to search for Sakayanagi Arisu. As long as the other party was not asleep, he would definitely be able to see him.

"I am Houtarou Oreki." Oreki-san said. "Come here specifically to cure your heart condition."

This statement seems to be telling the truth.

In fact, it's really true.

"Oh?" Kosaka Liu blinked softly.

I don’t know if she believed it or not.

But I probably didn’t believe it, but it was quite cute that he didn’t immediately call the adults when he discovered that he had changed into a living person.

"Then big brother, please give me a show." Kosaka Yanagi Yusu said.


As expected of his wife, she is quite smart.

After all, if she doesn't do anything or prove it, she will definitely scream later.

So this is a test for him.

And treating her heart disease is probably not possible.

Because Kosakayanagi is now holding a cane, it is said that he has been suffering from heart disease for several years.

Even if Oreki's recovery ability is improved, it can only recover the problems that occurred in 2 weeks.

So the real treatment plan is to use teleportation and then travel back to the time when Sakayanagi's mother was just two weeks pregnant with Arisu.

Deal with the other person's physical illness at its source.


"...Are you injured?" Oreki-san noticed her left knee.

She wore a little princess dress and white stockings.

But the white stockings on the left knee were dirty and covered with gray sand.

And judging from the appearance of the stockings, they seemed to be scratched inside, with a little blood.

"This." Kosakayanagi said. "When I was walking with the cane, I didn't walk steadily. So I fell."

"My body is very weak, so I walked too fast."

Is it.

Only then did Oreki notice that Sakayanagi's left hand was also covered with some dirt.

Fortunately, the little hand was not injured.

But this must be because she stood up on her own after falling.

And now he is also outspoken about his status.

This reminded Oreki-san of the scene in high school when Yusu Sakayanagi was hit by Yamauchi during the forest exam.

At that time, Kosakayanagi was strong enough to stand up on his own.

It shows that she is a person who values ​​self-esteem very much.

And now.

Although she is small, she does not feel any shame or negative emotions about her body.

This is very admirable.

"Then to confirm what I said." Oreki-san said. "Can you shake my hand now?"


Kosakayanagi blinked lightly.

"Brother, are you sure you're not a lolicon?" Kosakayanagi said.

And this rhetoric is very offensive.

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