The speed was very fast, and soon only the shadow was left.

"That kid!"

It’s just that Sakayanagi’s father is very conscientious and ready to catch up.

"Shirou, there's no need to chase." But Sakayanagi's mother interrupted her husband. "When the kid just met me, he always felt very comfortable."

"It's like my body has been reborn, it's very comfortable."

"..."? ? ?

But Sakayanagi's father frowned.


What does it mean?

He knew that people's bodies would react and get pleasure from being touched by the person they liked.


wife what does this mean?


Of course my wife didn't mean anything else, she just felt a moment of healing when Oreki-san met her.

Worried that the effect would not be obvious, Oreki-san used his recovery ability five times in succession when touching the opponent.

After all, this was working for Kosakayanagi, so Oreki-san was very attentive.


It's indeed a bit strange to touch the other person's belly in front of the other person's husband.

So Oreki-san was a little apologetic and left there quickly.

[Should we use the power to travel through time and space to return to the correct time? ]

Oreki called out the system.


And this time, there was no hesitation.

Oreki-san didn’t have the nerve to see Kosakayanagi for the time being.Because he just attacked the other person's mother.

Somewhat disgraceful.

But there is no way around it. His recovery ability can restore items, and he also has the ability to heal.


There is time to use and you have to touch the weak points that are in contact.

Therefore, although the action just now was to treat Kosakayanagi, he would definitely be regarded as a bad guy who attacked the wife.

in this way.

I was a little embarrassed to face Kosaka Liu.


Even if the results cannot be obtained from Kosakayanagi, there is still a way.

That is……

Let’s go and see what’s going on with Osaka Yanagi Arisu.

And think so.

Oreki-san noticed that the space in front of him was fluctuating again.

"Why did you drop me out of school?"

And he found himself in the corridor. This corridor was very familiar. It was the school's teaching building.

And now he's in a hallway with no cameras.

And there was a sound from the classroom of Class D.

Oreki had heard this voice before. It was the voice of Ike Kanji, a boy from Class D.

It seems.

Class D has made its choice.

In other classes' unanimous special exams, the last question was the value of 500 points and one classmate.

Among them, Class A is a selected classmate.

But here in Class D, the choice is points.


Although the current Class D still has class evaluation scores, almost none of them belong to them.

And I live a tight life every month.

In addition, it is still a class with classmates who have already dropped out.

So if a classmate drops out of school, as long as he is not himself, then the experience has been experienced.

It doesn't seem that bad.

So from this point of view, it is very profitable to exchange classmates for 500 points or something.

so.Is this their choice now?

"Because in terms of the conclusion of OAAA, classmate Chi Kuanji, your evaluation is the lowest."

A girl's voice came out.

And Oreki knew this voice very well.

This is the voice of Karuizawa Megumi.

Megumi seems to be taking on the role of the bad guy and directly starts advocating for classmate Ike Kanji to be expelled from school.

And Megumi's hot girl image is not the real her, it's just for self-preservation.

At the same time, in order to let the image of hot girls being bad and not easy to be bullied be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, she usually has a bad attitude towards the boys in the class.

And now, are you just standing up and voting to leave?

It seems a bit excessive.


Oreki-san doesn't interfere in this kind of thing.

Rather, because he has seen the future, he knows that Hui has always been by his side, helping with work and raising children, and sometimes having to deal with his needs.

Work diligently and without complaint.

and so.

If Megumi and the others are thirsty, Oreki-san will help.


Now let’s go see Sakayanagi Arisu.

Think so.

Oreki-san walked down the stairs.

Just walked down the stairs.

"Isn't this Oreki?"

However, a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses walked towards him.

The other party is characterized by a beautiful short silver hair.

The silver color of this short hair is the same as that of Sakayanagi Yusu.

In other words.

This is Sakayanagi Arisu’s father, Chairman Sakayanagi.

"..." Oreki.


"Hello, Chairman." Oreki-san greeted.

He doesn't look so confident.

Of course.

Because I traveled through time and space and returned to 18 years ago, I touched the belly of the other party's wife in front of the other party, and then ran away.

It's a very bad image.

And now.

If something has changed in the past, then the other person may have some memories now.

"Come here to Class D..."

As Chairman Sakayanagi said this, he suddenly thought of something.

Then pushed the glasses.

"I just realized now that your appearance looks familiar to me." Chairman Sakayanagi said. "When my wife was just pregnant with Arisu, she was scorned by a young boy."

"Then, Arisu was born in bad health," the chairman said. "I wonder if Arisu was badly photographed by the other party at that time."

"What a hateful little devil!" the chairman said. "If the other party doesn't cause trouble, then Arisu's body may be fine!"


Isn't it actually cured?

Chapter 296 Sakayanagi Yusu is unhappy! Hit!

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