Class D of the first grade held a shooting booth, fished for goldfish, and sold apple candies.

As for second grade Class B, there was a haunted house.

This is to move the celebration items here.

Moreover, everyone's ticket prices are very affordable, especially the haunted house activity of second-year class B. It only costs 300 private points, which is a free gift. You probably really enjoyed this cultural festival activity.

It looks hilarious.

It’s just that Kushida-san has no intention of hanging around.


There is a super annoying person next to me.

[Senior, can you go change your clothes?I use 1 points to buy your 30 minutes.Of course, senior can also refuse, but I don’t care if senior’s dark history is spread. ]

This annoying school girl suddenly came to her, named her, and then said such terrible words.

So, Amasawa-senpai is so annoying!

Kushida had been flirted with by Yagami Takuya, a bad junior, before, but Kushida clearly remembered that he didn't know any Yagami disciples.

So the other party is here to make trouble.

Then during the exam on the uninhabited island, the other party also dropped out.

This is a pleasant thing.


Iori is gone, but Ichika Amasawa is not.

This guy also knows about her dark history. Even though it's just a ploy, he knows about her dark history. Isn't that annoying?

Kushida-san is already a second-year student, which means she has been taking care of her current relationship for a year. She doesn't want her current relationship to collapse.


Now it can be regarded as a lie.

"I'm smiling right now." Kushida-san responded with a polite smile.

"I hate it. I meant Kushida's smile from the bottom of his heart, not this kind of public relations response." Ichika Amasawa said.

"..." Kushida.

So can you hurry up and get out now?

Kushida-senpai said in her heart.

"But I'm not here to bully Kushida-senpai." Amasawa Ichika said. "Don't worry, I have no interest in telling your secrets."

"It's better to say that I saw Kushida-senpai's profile before and thought she was really an interesting person."

Is it.

So this is what is written on the file?

Kushida is now also a member of the student council and knows some of the rules.

For example, Ichinose-san’s file was protected.

Therefore, she was thinking about whether to spend 100 million points to protect herself.

One million seems like a lot, but now it is the share she can pay, and even if the money is not enough, then go to Oreki to get some.

"But as a price, can senior sister go shopping with me?" Amasawa Ichika said. "Although I have been coming to this school for half a year, I still have no friends."

Is it.

Aren't you cute?

Isn't it easy to get so-called friends as long as you use cuteness to get close to others?

It's just that this school girl is poisonous.

Kushida didn't want to give advice to the other party.

"Speak up."

The two came to a stall.

This is the shooting booth of Class D, first grade.

The school girl waved her hand, and Nanase, a school girl with beautiful long golden hair, came over immediately.


Probably acting as a salesperson.

Of course, when doing business, you must arrange good-looking or handsome people as waiters to attract popularity.

"100 private points can be used to shoot once and have 3 bullets at a time."

"Okay." Amasawa Ichika said.Then he looked at Kushida. "Senior, you can invite me."

"..." Kushida.

Did you bring her here to use her as a wallet?

However, the consumption of first-year Class D was very cheap, so Kushida-san did not refuse.

"Prepare 10 bullets for her," Kushida-san said.

Prepare to spend 1000 points to get rid of this annoying little devil.

"No need." Amasawa Ichika said. "Just play it 5 times."

"Then I'll give you 500 personal points." Nanase-senpai is an honest person. She found that neither Kushida nor Amasawa had any intention of talking to her, so she decided to keep things official.

Holding the air gun, Amasawa Ichika began to take aim.

The thing to shoot is the balloon.

If you shoot several balloons or marked balloons, you can get different prizes.

Prizes are also listed.

From small dolls, some accessories, to pillows, posters and so on.

But it's a pity.

Bang bang bang!

In the end, all Amasawa Ichika got was two hair ropes that might only be worth 30 personal points as a consolation prize.

"Did you mean it just now?"

But Kushida-senpai said. "The way you held the gun looked decent, but you didn't hit a single balloon. It doesn't make sense."

"Senior sister overestimated me. Although I am a White House student, I have not learned anything about firearms." Amasawa Ichika said.

Is it.

white room.

As someone close to Oreki-san, Kushida still understands that the reason why she was flirted with by Yagami Takuya was because of Ayanokouji's incident.

Ayanokouji was a White House student, and then it seemed that he was asked to drop out of school, and other White House students were arranged to come over.

So Ayanokouji or something like that, wouldn’t it be better to just drop out of school?

She was even affected by it.

"However, Ayanokouji-senpai's decision to drop out of school has failed."

"I may also drop out of school in the near future." Amasawa Ichika said. ,


Then drop out of school quickly.

Kushida-san feels that life has become alive again.

"Thank you for the drink, senior."

After the two played fishing for goldfish, they came to an outdoor cafe.

And Amasawa Ichika asked for freshly squeezed sugar cane juice.

Although nothing is added, after the sugar cane turns into juice, it is still sweet and greasy.

"But is it really okay for me to borrow my senior sister like this?" Amasawa Ichika said.

"What do you mean?"

Kushida was puzzled.

"Because it's a cultural festival now, everyone is very relaxed, and then you can see some men and women meeting together for a date."

"And Kushida-san looks so cute, he must be very popular." Amasawa Ichika said.

Is it.


Although those who have thought about this before will find that the purchase and replenishment of the school’s family planning supplies has been suspended after going to a pharmacy or some stores.

Therefore, if a relationship develops between men and women, they may not all drop out of school together.

If you can stay in this school, there will be free tuition and living expenses. Students in Class A, for example, will have a bright future. No one wants to be dropped out of school for nothing.

But as expected, this is the atmosphere.

Lovers will be born.

Although it may not be possible to go further, it is possible to develop hormones.

"I just hope to study well in school," Kushida said. "After all, I am a student in Class D, and there is no hope of being promoted to another class. So in the end, I have to rely on my own academic ability to take the exam to choose a higher school."


It seems reasonable and realistic.

"Really?" Dan Tianze said. "I think senpai seems to be very concerned about Oreki-senpai."

"Sometimes I would go to his dormitory, and it would take more than half an hour once I entered."

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