
"I just accidentally stepped on the senior and apologized." Senior Amaze said.

"Eh, so..."

"Did you say you didn't take any pictures?"

"I want to use it as a screensaver."

"..." Tian Ze Yi Xia.

In fact, the photo has been taken, but it is not suitable for use as a screensaver for other people.

after all.

The photo was of her leaning on Oreki-senpai's arms on purpose, and if she sent it to others, the photo would be deleted on the spot.


Tianze doesn't care much about this classmate. She is now lost in her own thoughts.

That is.

it is as expected.

At a quick glance, Oreki-senpai saw that the balance of points that flashed across his face when making the payment was only 1000 or two million.

In other words, the other party really gave her most of the points.

Not only that.

Today, he even directly stated that he would support the decision she made, and then even continued to pay.


So, there is nothing wrong.

She was indeed strongly pursued by the other party.

You obviously have the student council president as your girlfriend, but are you still not satisfied with the result?

Senior Oreki.


And the other side.

The student council president’s girlfriend is here.

"Oreki-san is very considerate sometimes," Sakayanagi-san said. "Right, Kamuro."

"..." God's room.

Today is just a day for the other person to make meals and you feel that the other person is considerate. So, is she going to make meals every day but not remembered at all?


Kamuro-san quickly shut up after realizing that Oreki-san brought back a dish she liked.

Chapter 312 This violates Newton’s laws!

On the 25th.

There are only 2 days until the Sports Festival. All students' projects have been declared and cannot be changed, but they can abstain.

If you abstain, points will be deducted.

Each student has a basic score of 5 points.

Then as long as you participate in the single event and participate in 5 events, no matter what ranking you get, you can still get 1 extra point.

But if it is the sixth project, you need to pay points.

Therefore, in this exam, if you are a class representative, you also need to consider how to use the points.

Whether to allow students to participate in the sixth project.

After all, only the top three will get points, and those who follow up will not only have no points but will also have to pay a registration fee of 1 point.

Like D... no, it's already the situation in Class C.

"The students in your class have very poor physical fitness," Oreki said.

There is nothing to say about this.

Because in the last sports festival, in order not to fall into the last 10 and have their written test scores deducted, they directly handed over the points obtained from the preferential candidate test.


It doesn’t mean that Class D will definitely lose.

Because there are not many seeded players in their class, they can try to retain the basic points.

Only a few seeded players will be arranged to choose to participate, and then everyone else only needs to participate in the 5 required events and it will be over.

Therefore, poor students can each provide 10 points, which adds up to a good value.

"It's probably all arranged." Horikita said.

This time she was still the one to arrange the list.

95% of the students only participated in the basic 5 individual events.

This is impossible.

Last year, there was a bad guy named Kogenji in the class, but this bad guy went to Class A, so only the talented player Sudou was left.

But No.1 only has the first one.

Therefore, Sudo does not have any hope of getting No. 1, and is now working hard to hit No. 3.

No.3 can get a reward of 50 private points, which is a good result for him.

And on the girls' side.

As Oreki-san had recommended before, Horikita herself and Kushida participated as the seed players, and there were actually two other people in their class who were also in good physical condition.

One is Matsushita-san.

This Oreki knew that he was hiding his strength.

I just don’t know why she suddenly stopped pretending.

The other one is Onodera-san. He was on the track and field team in junior high school. Then he came to Ikusei High School and joined the swimming club.

In terms of running alone, he is faster than Horikita.

So you can also fight for it.

After all, it was the temptation to go to Class A.


The transfer certificate is only for one semester, but don’t forget that if you go to Class A, you are also a member of Class A, so you can receive Class A’s living allowance.

The living expenses of Oreki-san's class are currently over 36.

So it’s definitely not a loss to be able to go to Class A.

"It's just a little regretful," Horikita Suzune continued. "The list has been submitted and cannot be modified."

"But Sakura's physical fitness has improved rapidly in recent times, so if she is signed up for team events from the beginning, there may be hope."

This is Honest Ringtone.

Oreki-san suggested that she participate by herself, but she thought about how regretful the others were to miss out.

Doesn't she know that if there is one less competitor to participate, she will gain one more possibility?

However, Oreki doesn't think Horikita or the strengthened Sakura-san can win.


He has discovered that there is a person who is also very fast and may become the dark horse for the second-year girls this time.

Because the other party, like him, used the power of the superpower system to cheat.

Just like it is difficult for ordinary people to catch up with geniuses no matter how they catch up, cheating will give even geniuses a headache.

It's just that it's better to hide this kind of disappointing thing for now.

"Then I wish you success." Oreki-san said.

He is currently on the phone with Horikita-san.

This is actually not quite right.

He usually talks directly to Horikita-san face to face, or sends text messages directly.

Although she had been deliberately avoiding him recently because she finally realized the emotion of love, this had been dealt with during the sports meeting.

Now she won't avoid him.

But the reason why I haven’t gone to see Horikita-san directly now is also very simple.

There is someone in his room.

"What a pity."

"Sakura-san cannot participate in group events."

"But she is really exaggerating. She couldn't run at all before. In fact, everyone thought she might be the last girl in the class, but yesterday she surpassed Onodera in the sprint!"

"In the evening, I saw Onodera alone in a daze."

"It seems that he is still feeling bad about his loss to Sakura."

"The girls all said that Sakura seemed to have taken medicine and just jumped up." The girl in the room said.


His room had been like this since half an hour ago.

There is an extra chirping little sparrow.

But this little sparrow cannot be driven out yet.Because she is a cute girl, she even took the initiative to sit on his bed.

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