Qianhua said quickly. "Don't take the money out."

But Oreki-senpai took out the money unhurriedly.

"Qianhua-senpai's tutor is very strict."

"Even with the secret help of grandpa."

"However, there is still no way to spend more than 15 yen a month."

"Although I often go shopping with my friends, I can only look at things and do window shopping. Window shopping is literally what I mean. No matter how much I like it, I don't have the money to buy it."

"Obviously they are a family, but they live such a frugal life."

"Although the parents hope that you will develop the habit of not spending big money."


"It's high school now, so I want to go to karaoke with Kaguya-san~"

"Don't you want to go to the water park with Kaguya-san?"

"Don't you want to go?" Junior Oreki whispered in her ear.

And this is no less than the devil's whisper to Qianhua, who has a brilliant family background but is economical.

"Ahhhh - you are such a devil!"

Qianhua immediately hugged her head.

This is a sign that her defense is about to fall.

But Junior Oreki continued to bewitch,

"So, you can consider my proposal Fujiwara-senpai."

"During the relationship, I can give you material rewards."


"If you get the money, you can drink a cup of milk or two cups of milk tea."

"And going out with friends to be happy~"

"You really want to entice Hayasaka-san from Kaguya's class to go out with Kaguya-san~"

"Although Kaguya-san is in the Shinomiya family, she has a lot of constraints, and even smiling, it's hard to be sincere."

"Every day she travels in the car at home, but she must be envious of other students who walk to school by herself outside the car and go to school with friends."

"She also longs for being able to make beautiful memories with her friends."

"And you, Fujiwara-senpai, who can't do all of this, are you really Shinomiya-senpai's friend?" Oreki continued to use the devil's summons.

"Ah ah ah..."

Qianhua's defensive power was immediately reduced.

"How can you move out Kaguya-san."

Qianhua's hands finally dropped.

This is also her self-defeating performance.

"So," she said. "How much do you give me a month?"

"20 a week." Oreki said. "80 a month."


Chihua was stunned for a moment.

Because of the pocket money that the family gave her, her mother gave her 5, and she often courted her grandfather, and then her grandfather added 5 to her.

Of course, this is a case of hiding from the mother.

and so.

She is really poor.

Although I don't mind the consumption of ordinary people, 10 yen is not enough to buy much.


I want to drink milk tea. -300

This novel is so interesting, I bought it and hid it (because she was not allowed to watch it at home) -600

This manga is awesome - 500

This little owl is super cute - 10


Not anymore.

There are many to buy.

She also wants to go shopping with Kaguya classmate~

And these...all need money.

need money.

need money.

need money.

"Let's date~"


"I suddenly think you are very attractive~" Qianhua was defeated.

"Then let's pretend to date for now," Oreki said.

Oreki's mission is to make Chika Fujiwara step down from her position as student council president.

So what's the plan?

Let her resign herself.

Or, to be more direct, become the student council president and drive her out.

And even if you don't become the student council president yourself, you still have to convince someone to become the student council president.

And according to Yu Ishigami's experience, it is very difficult whether he wants to do it himself or recommend it to others.Because there is no popularity, only the negative impact of the Otomo Kyoko incident.

Therefore, you need to modify other people's evaluation of yourself first.This can be accomplished by becoming the boyfriend of the student council president.

However, Chika extracted an important part from Oreki's words.

"Fake dating?" Qianhua blinked slightly.

She had just been blinded by money and thought that she really had no choice but to date.

"Because experience does not necessarily require real experience to gain, simulation is also possible." Oreki said. "And I just need to rely on Senior Qianhua's popularity."

"So this is not a conflict. Rather, I have never thought about dating Qianhua-senpai. I have a girl I like."

"..." Qianhua.


The reaction just now was obviously very intense, but now Qianhua pouted. "knew."

"Then Fujiwara-senpai, can you help me open up some connections?" Oreki said.

"Huh?" Qianhua blinked. "What do you want to do?"

Oreki Road,

"This time you intervened with the help of Sister Bai Yingui."

"It helped me a lot."

"So, I want to help a little bit."

"I live here to gain sympathy, but Bai Yingui can only live here because of his family."

"Kyu-chan's father also came from a famous university in the past. The reason why his salary is so low now is because the company he joined went bankrupt, so he was treated unfairly."

"I want to turn this place around," Oreki said.

"Let me see..."

Chihua hesitated for a moment. "Right."

"Before, Mengye liked Xiaogui's poor and noble appearance, so I originally wanted to help my father to say good things about Baiyin's father, use my father's relationship, and then let Baiyin's father be treated normally, so I can return to the company. Work.

The result was blocked by the sprout.

Now that I think about it, I really can't get used to my sister too much. " Qianhua said.

"..." Oreki.

No, so your sister is a bit scary.

Moeha in the original novel is cute, but a bit yandere. Her dream is to eat Kaguya and raise Shirogane Kei for the rest of her life.

in this way.

Probably [a transaction was made], Chika Fujiwara quickly returned with her sister-chan.

Oreki was originally going to give her this week's 20 yuan, but she seemed to want to hide it from her sister-chan, so she declined.

After all, the relationship hadn't been announced to the public yet, and it hadn't helped him regain his popularity, so she was embarrassed to accept Oreki's money.

It can be seen that although Fujiwara Chika is easy to be bought, she is also a reliable person.

Although I often worry about her becoming the student council president, will this school be fine, will this school not be broken, etc., but looking at it now, I can still believe her.



Watching the Fujiwara sisters leave, Shirogane Kei stood guard at Oreki's door.

"Thank you today, Junior Sister Baiyin."

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