
She's nearby now, and she can still see Horikita Gaku and other student council members sweeping up trash.

Horikita Gaku was indeed there.


Horikita Gaku is known as the best student council president in history.

To say that he is kind is kind, but it is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The system of the student union is different from that of the teaching staff. Even the teachers who are in charge of the class, or the class teacher, etc., are not enough to look at in front of the student council president.

The student union can also command the teacher to a certain extent.

and so.

Chabashira really couldn't do anything with Horikita Gaku, but he might be attacked by the other party.


It is a very risky thing for her to rashly bring out the brother-sister relationship between Horikita Gaku and Horikita Suzune.

Horikita Suzune may still be a little immature, but her brother is different.

Chabashira didn't know the relationship between the two, but felt that the two had similar faces and the same surname, and Horikita Suzune's points could continue to skyrocket and even become huge.

Let her pay attention.

In fact, Chabashira is obsessed with Class D being promoted to Class A.

She wanted to complete her obsession that she had not completed in the past.

However, I have never encountered the opportunity.

And this year is actually about the same.

Class D clearly obtained the school rules on the first day of enrollment, and the final class evaluation score was deducted to 0 points.

She is also desperate.

Under such circumstances, she also wanted not to give up.


It was the morning of May 5st when the phone call from outside the school came in, letting her know something.

In my class, apart from the students who can't be helped, the problem students...then there is another one who is different.

That is... Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

Ayanokouji's father called and asked Ayanokouji to drop out of school in an obsessive tone.

It means that this kind of rubbish school is not a place where Ayanokōji Kiyotaka can show his strength.

In other words...

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka is actually very stingy.

Chabashira had no idea that there was a dark horse hiding in her class.

So, they found each other.

And knowing that his father's phone call had come in, Ayanokoji chose to give up and continue to be normal, but he was also unwilling to lead the class.

The request is how to lead a class that can deduct 1000 points in a month?

So Chabashira thought of Horikita Suzune.

So there was an act of fooling Horikita Suzune to lead the class.

As long as Horikita Suzune integrates the class and brings her to Class B, or lets Ayanokouji Kiyotaka see that this class can be saved, then that's fine.


Now that the plan has not been fully launched, Horikita Suzune, who was the pawn in the first step, actually put down the burden.

"If you're talking about points, I have nothing to say. I'm just a teacher of Class D and was the class teacher for the last three years."

"But the salary is not high, and I also need to spend in school. So it is normal that the points in the card are not enough."

"However, if you can bring the class, my salary will also increase. It may not take long to save 500 million."

Teacher Chabashira's message was sent quickly.

And Oreki-san found a place to sit down.

Chabashira said before that he wanted Suzune Horikita to fly to Class B with Class D, and now after being exposed, he said they would save money together.

Everyone wins or something.

So, this Chazhu teacher wanted to go whoring for nothing from the beginning.

But it's a pity, Chabashira-sensei.

Your hole card is your savings passbook.

This point, Oreki has long known through the previous task of choosing one or the other.

[Chabashira-sensei, it’s impossible to climb up with Class D. 】

[Like just now, I threw away the trash, your heartbeat speeded up, you thought I leaked the questions, and once the questions were leaked and the school reissued the papers, then half of the students in the class would be expelled directly because they failed. 】

[Do you think Class D can really handle that situation? 】

[I'm not looking down on anyone, but with so many scumbags in the class, there is no way to resist the various written exams that may come next. 】

"..." Chazhu was silent.

Who doesn't know.

Because Class D is like this, students who are difficult to teach, or have all kinds of defects, sports waste, scumbags, etc., all gather here.

So...the foundation is really bad.

[But I don't want to do it anymore. 】

[So I can give you a Class D clearance plan for free. 】

[Although most of the students in Class D have poor quality and poor foundation, if these students are removed, the overall quality of Class D will suddenly increase. 】

[So, although I'm throwing out trash, you can arrange for someone to actually leak the question. 】


"This kind of thing can't be done." Chazhu quickly replied to the message without hesitation.

[Right, because if you do this, then Class D is no longer Class D.Most of the students drop out and then only a few students remain.Then Class D became a special class for these students. 】

[Then I will give you a new plan. 】

"What is it?" Chazhura asked quickly.

Oreki typed.

[This is a plan that can only be done by Class D now. The class evaluation score of Class D is 0 points, so as long as it is 0 points, no more points will be deducted.You can use all kinds of unscrupulous methods to weaken other classes. 】

[For example, if you fight or something, you will be deducted points at the same time.Then, Class D’s score was reduced to 0, and the deduction was also 0. But it was different for other classes, and they were all implicated in the deduction of points. 】

[So as long as Class D is shameless enough, it can pull everyone to the same position as itself. 】

[And this plan, I call it a big battle with 0 points in four classes. 】

[After all four classes become 0 points, in a sense, Class D also becomes Class A, right? 】

Oreki typed quickly.


But Chazhu quickly sent a message at this time.

"You're not Horikita Suzune, she's not so smart."

[Why do you say that? 】

"Because looking at her is like looking at me in the past."


Does that mean that Chabashira thinks he was pretty stupid in the past?

It's okay to know yourself.


Sinking into one failure for more than ten years is irresponsible to the past and irresponsible to the future.

Oreki didn't think this was a good thing.

"However, I would like to thank you for providing a good plan to Class D." Chabashira typed it quickly. "The current score of Class D is 0, and the score gap with other classes is also too big. We can lower it a little first."

Oreki also typed.

【Are you happy with this?Doing so will only cause the school to directly abolish Class D. 】

[Probably all the students in Class D have dropped out.After all, if you keep disrupting the school's rules, then there will be no competition in the class.

Once or twice is okay.However, if other classes want to bring down the enemy class, they only need to bribe Class D to fight with the other class. 】

【What's the matter?It will just be taken as a joke. 】

【so.The school will probably get rid of Class D. 】

[So, I thought about it in the middle of the night. 】

【Teacher Chabashira, I'm sorry. 】

[Currently, there is no possibility of climbing up in Class D. ] After Oreki finished typing, he sent it directly.

"..." There seemed to be a long silence on the other side.

And Oreki is going to continue to click on the side quest interface.

Look at the system prompt to see Chabashira's mood at the moment.



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