Now is the time to complete the last 1% of the task.

Thinking this, Oreki noticed the cell phone placed aside.


It was a message from Futaba.

"I have been waiting at the door of the bookstore for an hour. Where is the person you mentioned?" by Futaba Rio.



Because she thought about completing the mission, she forgot about Futaba.

As a close friend, this is a terrible thing to do.

Does this mean that when the puppet technique was used, 3 days had passed at Sanye's side, but only 1 hour had passed here?

What a subtle time fluctuation.

So he called his dog and asked Kamuro-san to help Futaba Rio move the books.

Chapter 366 Oreki-san returns! Everything is because of your existence!

"Yes, going to Futaba Rio doesn't mean treating you as a tool, but trusting you."


Oreki-san dialed Kamuro-san’s number.

It was obvious that she didn't really want to go out.

Because even though an hour had passed, it was still raining in the sky. As a result, it was too much for her to help others move things on a rainy day.

So Kamuro-san felt that it was too much, hung up the phone call from Oreki-san, and started taking action.

And Oreki was holding a cell phone.

Slightly dazed.


Just like this, it also shows that Futaba Rio is very interesting.

Really waited for an hour.


After explaining the matter, Oreki-san put down his phone.

Take a deep breath.

Then look at the prompt of the system.

"Congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden mission - to eliminate Murasame Reine's heart knot."

"Mission requirement: Go to Itomori Town to rescue Thyme."

"Task period: three months."

"Mission Progress: 99%"

Although he is not obsessive-compulsive, it is obviously not his style to watch the progress reach 99% without completing it.

and so.


His figure suddenly disappeared, and there was a momentary sound of Zizi's space changing in his ears.

And his figure suddenly deviates.

Then fell into the beautiful lake.


"It's really comfortable-"

Oreki-san appeared directly in Lake Itomori.

I had an out-of-body experience before and confirmed that there is probably no God in this world.


Oreki-san feels that this lake is very comfortable no matter how many times he sees it.Moreover, this is still his own body, not a puppet.


"You're fine—you can't take a bath in the lake... it's deep inside, and you may be in danger!"

Thinking of this, someone on the shore shouted.

Oreki-san turned around and saw a girl with black hair and beautiful features standing on the shore.

Cheeks are beautiful.

There is a feeling of elegance.

It's the type that grows up and looks better.

And Oreki-san found that this girl was very familiar.

and many more.

He responded.

This is the face he has been manipulating to replace before.

It's three leaves!

Miyazaki Mitsuha.

But compared to the original puppet, the current Sanye feels like she has grown and turned into a beautiful young lady.

But that’s right, because it’s four years later.

So Sanye probably grew up from a junior high school student to a high school student.

A little consideration.

Oreki-san looked towards Mitsuha, then suddenly got cramps in his legs and struggled in the water.

"??" Mitsuha noticed this because Oreki-san behaved very openly.

"Are you OK--"

" me——

Oreki-san waved his palms deliberately.

"..." Mitsuha.

"Wait a minute!"

Sanye wanted to see if there were any branches around, but found nothing, so he jumped into the water and started saving people.

It seems that even four years have passed, the people of the Gongshui family are still the same.

"I seem to have stopped cramping in my legs."

Oreki-san swam towards Mitsuha.

"..." Mitsuha.

Hey, you are poisonous!

But now they were in the water, so the two of them swam from the water to the shore together.

Mitsuha pressed her hands to the ground, gasping for breath.

She was wearing a thicker jacket, which was very absorbent and heavy.

I forgot to take off my jacket when I first got into the water.

Oreki-san noticed this, "When rescuing people, you need to take off this thick and absorbent coat, otherwise it will become resistance and make you drown."

"..." Mitsuha.

Is this kind of thing said by someone like you who stays in the lake?

"Are you a tourist?"

Mitsuha asked.

"...Probably." Oreki-san nodded. "Been here four years ago..."

"But looking at it now, it seems that the environment has not changed much." Oreki-san said. "This lake is still so beautiful."

"Most of the people who come here say that."

Three Leaf Road. "But it's a lie to say there's been no change."

"Four years ago, a lot of development has been done, and Lake Itoshu has also become a scenic spot."

"Then, I was cleaning up the trash today."

Mitsuha said.

Oreki-san noticed that there was a bag and pliers on the side, and there were some cans inside.

It should have been thrown by a tourist.


This is the sadness of the environment.

Opening up can bring garbage.

"But it's winter now, and guests don't like to come. Why are you here?" Sanye said again.

"Actually." Oreki-san originally wanted to say that he was here to look for Momoka, but he felt a little uncomfortable asking in front of Mitsuha, so he changed his explanation and said. "I'm looking for God."


Mitsuha is the shrine maiden of the Miyamizu family.

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