"..." Isshiki.

"..." Isshiki.

"So after saying so much, Onii-chan, you are serious."

"Why did you fall in love with her?"

"She's pretty, and she has money. At the same time, she might raise a pretty boy. In other words, I don't have to work hard." Oreki-san said.

"..." Isshiki.

"..." Yi Colorful Yu was choked.

Couldn't speak at all.

Her elder brother is usually quite casual. He is obviously very smart, but he never studies seriously.The scores were also casually passed at 50 points for each subject.

She was still thinking about what to do if his grades were so bad.


Isn’t this a single female teacher who has already targeted someone else?


Oreki-san is determined to propose to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

And the idea is very excessive, she wants a beautiful rich woman and big sister.

Isshiki looked around him several times to confirm that this was indeed Onii-chan who had no ambition and wanted to eat soft rice.

Then she sighed and pulled out Hiratsuka Shizuka's phone number.

She got this specially because she couldn't act coquettishly, so she harassed Mr. Hiratsuka, hoping that she would return the psp to her.

After all, a PSP costs 8 yen.

She bought it after saving up her pocket money for a long time.

in this way.

Oreki-san got Mr. Hiratsuka’s cell phone number.

I have to say that the setting of Isiroha’s brother in this world is a bit pitiful.

Because when you open the address book on your phone, you will find that there are only [the most adorable sister in the world] and her parents’ phone numbers.

Plus the phone number of a bald male class teacher, Daichi Ishizaki.

Then there is no wood.

Although Ishizaki Daichi's name seems very conspicuous, Oreki-san doesn't want to pay attention to it.

However, the academic ability of Oreki-san here is generally not in line with him, but when Mr. Soujiro asked him to draw before, he also said that he could draw poorly first, and then there would be room for improvement.

You can live less tiredly.

Therefore, he is not interested in improving his academic ability here.

Just looking through the address book on my phone...

There is no other friend, female friend, girlfriend or anything like that.

"Ugh, so pitiful——"

Yi Colorful Yu leaned over and naturally saw the status of his address book.Strong sympathy was immediately shown.

"Onii-chan, I think you can still hope that Mr. Hiratsuka will want you." Isshiki said.

"..." Oreki-san.

Hey Hey hey.You are too much. This is not what you just said.

And Isshiki continued,

"But how are you going to propose to Hiratsuka-sensei in this situation?"

"Although Mr. Hiratsuka seems to want to get married."

"However, my acting coquettishly and harassing her didn't work, which shows that her heart is still very strong."

"So, normally, you wouldn't be able to make her like you."

"Not to mention..."

"You're not in her class yet." Yi Color Yutiao analyzed.

She is a very smart person, and she has directly incurred so many enemies in less than two semesters after arriving at school.

"So, Onii-chan, you have a long way to go."

"But if you can really defeat Mr. Hiratsuka, then please let her return the PSP to me."

"So come on!"



Ishiroha is really a reality.

Does she think he must not succeed?


It would be impossible to succeed at this pace.

"As long as you want to make friends, whether it's love or friendship, you just need to grasp two tips." Oreki-san said. "One is to get into the other person's heart. The main performance is to discover the delicate parts of the other person."

"The second point is to let the other party confirm you."


"Then what do you think we should do?" Isoriyu asked.

She just thought that her brother had eaten too much potato stew and was a little whimsical.

"So that's it."

Oreki-san was editing the text message in front of her.

[A letter to Mr. Hiratsuka

I am a second-year student at Sobu High School.

I fell in love with you at first sight, teacher. Please don’t take it as a joke, because I wrote this letter very seriously...]

"Originally, since she is a teacher, it is difficult to express your love to her." Oreki said while editing the text message.

"Not to mention, she doesn't even know about me. So if I want to propose, I have to let her confirm me first. Let her be impressed by me. And the direct and tough way is to confess my love in front of the whole school."


Isshiki's eyes widened.

So you still want to confess your feelings in front of the whole school.How come you have such courage?

"But it would cause distress to her."

"And there has been no contact between us, so this method has been passed."

Oreki-san said.


Ichiroha breathed a sigh of relief.



However, Isshiki-chan suddenly cursed, because she had just said something to Onii-chan, but found that he had already written a text message of no less than 800 words.

An ordinary text message can only have 300 words, so he wrote the third one.

She came to take a look.

"Can I compare you to a pleasant summer's day?

You are cuter and more affectionate than she is.

The delicate buds of May are always broken by the strong wind,

Summer is just a temporary beauty.

The gaze of the sky is sometimes too hot,

His golden face is often dull.

All the beauty in the world will eventually lose its beauty,

Obliterated by unexpected storms and vicissitudes of life.

But your evergreen summer never fades,

The beauty you possess will never be lost,

How dare death boast that he can devour you?

You will live forever with the immortal poem.

As long as humans are breathing and eyes are admiring,

My poems will live and make your life bloom. "

Ah, brother, you are copying poetry.

And it’s still Tagore.No, this is Shakespeare.


This poem is quite comforting.

If she was being texted like this.

If I confess my love to the whole school, then... maybe my heart will fall in love.

But so.

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