So it makes people feel mixed.


Roasted sweet potatoes are indeed delicious.

So everyone started to eat sweet potatoes.

"There is still time, Isshiki, go buy a pair of gloves." Yukinoshita-senpai suggested.

"Hands, gloves?"

Yi Colorful Yu was puzzled.He tilted his head slightly and looked at the Yukinoshita Senkai.

But I found Yukino-senpai eating grilled sweet potatoes.

And I accompanied her out today, which was a big help, so I had to do it obediently.

In fact, she really wants to call her brother now.

But judging from the character of her brother who now dares to express his feelings directly to Mr. Hiratsuka, what he has to do will definitely be more fierce and incredible than Yukino-senpai.

So she decided to follow Yukino-senpai's instructions first.

So, I bought gloves as required.

At first, I bought film gloves, but Yukino-senpai thought it would put too much force on myself and was not cost-effective.So she changed to thick leather gloves.That way your hands won't hurt even if you exert force.

Although he didn't understand what the gloves were used for, Isshiki still faithfully carried out the order.

Chapter 370 I bought Mr. Pan and I still can’t get you!


Everyone arrived at the school where Rina's ex-boyfriend Ryo Nakamura attended.

This is a high school with a low deviation value.

The deviation value is equivalent to the score line.

The score line can filter out some bad students, and if the score line is high, the school will be more attentive.

So the atmosphere will be better.

In contrast, they were still wearing Sobu High's uniforms.

But he didn't even need to fill in the information at the guard, and was put directly into the school.

"As for Liangjun, before we broke up, he said that he had joined the basketball club."

"And he also became a member of the main team." Rina introduced.

As soon as she was introduced, her expression turned gloomy.

Although she had experienced fear and nervousness along the way, when she got here, she felt very angry.

Because if Ishiroha wasn't in the middle, then Ryojun wouldn't break up with her.

What else could you say [Isshiki is your friend, she is pursuing me, I was worried about ruining your friendship, so I quit].

So, this is all Isiroha's fault!

Thinking this, she glared at Ishiroha.

But Isshiki-san wasn't looking at her, so Reina had to put her resentment back.

Yukino, on the other hand, listened to what they said.

It is said that this good gentleman has been nominated, and it seems that he may be qualified to be recommended to the sports school of the university.

And now this time.


Rina found out that after sending a message, Ryojun replied to her.

She said she came to see him and he said he was still in the basketball club.

After asking a passerby, everyone headed to the basketball club.


"Hey, Liang——"

"Didn't you just say that you are too tired to play ball?"

"Why are you on the field again all of a sudden?"

"My ex-girlfriend came over with her friends."

"It seems that he still has lingering feelings for me."

"Tsk tsk, being a popular boy is really hard work."

"So, give me some water later!"

A tall boy with his hair shaved very short said.

He looks average, but he has a lot of acne due to adolescence, so he looks a bit like the surface of the moon.


"This is really incredible..."

"If her friend is pretty—"

The boy talked to Liang, and Liang suddenly shot a standard three-pointer.

The boy immediately realized that his girlfriend must be here!

So I pretended to grab the rebound, but as soon as I looked toward the entrance, I couldn't take my eyes away.


There were several students from foreign schools there.

They wear the black uniforms of their school, but they look very good.

Of course, I'm talking about two of the girls. One has blond hair, and she's like a cute school girl devil, making people's hearts beat faster.

And another.

Hey, what is the origin of a beauty of that level?

Think so.

He found the two beautiful girls coming over with four average-looking girls.

"Who is Kimura Ryo?" the super-pretty black-haired girl suddenly asked.

There were people playing with the ball on the court, but they all fell silent the moment she came over.

"Yes, it's me!"

Kimura's conscience is filled with joy.

He thought it was just Rina who came with one or two friends, but he didn't expect that she would bring the cute Isshiki-chan, and then this super beautiful black-haired girl.


The moment he admitted it, he felt the intense envy of those around him.


How proud it is to be found by such a beautiful girl.


"Isshiki, let me bring out the gloves you bought." The black-haired girl said.

"Okay." The girl with short blond hair was obedient and took out her gloves.

And the black-haired girl wears it in public.

When everyone didn't understand what she wanted to do, suddenly.


Kimura Ryo was slapped to the ground.




What is happening!

Kimura Ryo looked at the beautiful black-haired girl looking for him and thought there was something very spectacular happening.


The other person put on gloves.

Then he slapped me.

He was immediately confused.

He was thrown directly to the ground, blinded.

People around him also suddenly inhaled.

And the companions who were envious and jealous of Ryo Kimura just now felt their hair standing on end and felt very lucky.

Because if you were slapped by such a beautiful girl in public.

Direct sociality is dead.


Ishiroha also looked at Yukino-senpai with a shocked expression.

She might have guessed 20% of what Yukino-senpai wanted to do just now, but when it actually happened, it was really shocking.

Yukino-senpai’s mobility is super strong!

"I said it directly." Yukino said. "Because of your random spreading of rumors, my friends... my juniors' reputation has been greatly affected."

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