
"My father is gay." Oreki-san said calmly.

"..." Mrs. Yukinoshita. "Has this kind of thing become the norm..."

She seemed to be murmuring something quietly.

It’s just that Oreki-san has been observing her expression.

It seems that Mrs. Yukinoshita knows that Yuki’s father is gay.

So the current situation of the Yukinoshita family is what Mrs. Yukinoshita has deliberately maintained.

Yangno shouldn't have to worry, her mother knows it, so everything will be fine until her mother decides.

"I don't know how to comfort you." The wife seemed to be in a dilemma, but she still thought that there was a child here who left with his mother due to family misfortune and was willing to give up his life.

"But what are you thinking now?"

"Have you left with your mother?" she said.

"Well, I have already left that home with my mother."

"But the father also claimed to sever ties with me. But I can't let my mother stay there anymore," he said. "The man my father brought back even wanted to do something to my mother."

"This..." The wife was stunned for a moment.

This is terrifying.

"Then I took my mother out, but when I came out I realized that life was very hard."

"My mother works in a convenience store. It's very hard, but she can only make a little money."

"So I came out to work," he said.


This is such an inspiring kid.And he's only a sophomore in high school. Isn't he the same age as Yukino?

The wife immediately felt compassion.

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"How about this."

she said. "You continue to go back to school."

"As for the tuition fees. Between now and college, I can help."

"I can pay you for high school expenses. But for college, if you pass the exam, I can apply for a mortgage-free and interest-free loan for you."

Upon hearing this condition, Xue Ma found that the young man in front of her seemed stunned.

She smiled gently, like a majestic peony in full bloom.

"Why are you willing to help me so much?" Oreki-san was a little surprised.

"Because I know you're a good boy."

Xue Ma said, and then she took out another business card from her wallet.

"You can accept this business card from me. Also, what is your phone number? I will arrange for someone to contact you for specific matters."

She handed over a white business card along with the money on the table.

"And you should accept the money first."

"..." Oreki-san.

Oreki-san reached out his hand as if to catch it.

But he shook his head slightly.

"Madam, you should be married."

"But on the finger..."

"But there's no ring at all."

"Is the relationship with your husband not so good?"

"Most of the ladies who sympathized with me and gave me money were like this."

“Wanting to buy [comfort] with money.”

"No." Xue Ma said quickly. "I did not mean that."

"Are you sure that's the case?"

"Then why are you so nice to me?" Oreki-san said. "And you were looking at my thin shirt just now. It's hard for me not to doubt that you meant that."


So I say no.

Also, aren’t you a part-time worker?Or, in that kind of native family, this child will think like this.

Snow Mom became very troubled.

But Oreki-san seized the opportunity.

"But I have observed that you seem to be very concerned about the family composition of my family."

"Or have you encountered something similar?" Oreki-san asked.

"...! What do you want to know?" Xue Ma's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Don't worry, I don't want to get specific information about you and what to do next." Oreki-san saw her vigilance. "This is my student ID card."

He took out the ID of Sobu High School sophomore from his pocket.

"..." Xue Ma. "Well, I did encounter a similar problem."

"So I sympathize with you. But I am not in a position to disclose the specific situation," she said.

"Oh." Oreki-san nodded, but immediately sat down opposite her.

"Then please tell Harano about this," Oreki-san said.

"Yangno..." Xue Ma couldn't help but blink when she heard this familiar name.

"Yes, Yukinoshita Harano." Oreki-san said. "I'm sorry that I deceived you earlier."

With that said, Oreki-san walked to a corner of the karaoke room, where there was a bag, and the bag contained clean clothes.

Oreki-san took off his t-shirt and put on clean clothes.

Then he sat down again.

"Let me introduce myself again," Oreki-san said. "I am indeed a second-year student at Sobu High School, but in order to pursue my teacher Xiaozhu, I voluntarily dropped out of school and skipped a grade to go to the national university where Yukinoshita Haruno-san is."

"Eh!?" Xue Ma was stunned when she heard the news. "Are you... Yangno's classmate?"


"Then you skipped a grade...are you a genius?" Xue Ma asked in surprise.

"Not really. But I'm dating Xiaojing, but my mismatched identity will bring her trouble, so I can only sharpen my head and climb up."

Oreki-san said, "The price is that I may have to paint for a living in the future. I showed my talent in painting and got permission to drop out of school. And the calligraphy you appreciate today was also written by me."

"Oh? If that's the case, isn't it a genius?"

Xue Ma also used to be a good learner.At the same time, he is also the type who appreciates talented people.


Yuki's mother felt confused, because if Oreki-san really did this, then he would definitely not be short of money.

"Then why are you doing this?"

She doesn't understand the current situation.

Why lie? Just now, you tried to trick her.

"It's very simple." Oreki-san said. "Because Yangno-san and I witnessed your husband cheating on you. The cheating partner was still a man."

Then Tu Qiong saw, "Yangno-san even doubts his own existence and doesn't know if he is your child."


! !

Xue Ma finally understood.

Yuki's mother finally understood why Oreki-san appeared here.

And then despite being so good, he still has to play a scene where a family is destroyed and the father is gay.

It turns out to be a metaphor for people.

He was trying to trick her.

Xue Ma was quite smart and understood immediately.

Understand that this is probably what Yangno wants to do.

"That means Yangno knows."

"She wasn't sure if I knew about it."

"So arrange for someone to come and test."

"Yangno has thought that this matter is very important, so he is considering how to solve it in the most reasonable way."

Xue Ma said, and then a smile actually appeared on her face.

"I'm very pleased that Haruno has become so mature. It seems that she is indeed suitable to take over the Yukinoshita family." Yuki's mother said.

"..." Oreki-san, Oreki-san feels that it is better not to say the cruel thing that Ms. Harano does not want to inherit your family at all now.

"I will have a good talk with Yangno about this matter." Xue Ma said. "As you might think, I did know about this a long time ago."

"I should say I knew it from the beginning."

"But my family was in trouble at that time, so I had to accept this condition," she said.

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