In other words, do you care more about evaluation than money, do you care about other people's approval?


You are not greedy for money.

The same is true for you in the dream. When you grow up, you become a lawyer, but what you do is defend ordinary people, and even often waive lawyer fees.

So, Horikita Suzune doesn't love money.

Good conduct.


Oreki suddenly felt that the lawyer version of Horikita in his dream was not his fantasy.

Maybe it really is the future development of this person.

"..." Oreki.


Isn't that scary?

He has the ability to have precognitive dreams, but the future appearance of Horikita-san in his dream is too real.

It makes people feel that it is also a prophetic dream.

After all, he is just a novice superpower user, so it is also possible that the superpowers he has acquired cannot be fully controlled.

In other words, could it be that the dream about Horikita Suzune growing up and having two daughters with her was a precognitive dream?


In the confirmed precognitive dream, I was dating Karuizawa-san from Class D.

She dated Karuizawa, but ended up marrying Horikita Suzune.

And if the Horikita-san in the dream is not a prophetic dream, it's just my ordinary dream.

Then it means that he has been paying attention to her, and then he thinks about her day and night.

Then just now, because I felt that I was taken care of, I felt a little joyful and excited.


So, what a bad boy he has become.

Because he thought of something subtle, Oreki turned his attention away.


The two were walking in the school.

In the beginning, Horikita-san was called over because Oreki didn't have enough points, only 32, so he had to make up for the 100 million that was transferred from an unknown account.

But now it is confirmed that he was indeed adopted.

And the other party specially called 200 million to come and spend it casually.

So now Oreki-san doesn't have a mandatory task to collect points.

There is also no need to fill points so quickly.

But after all, Horikita-san was called out, so let's make some money.

Oreki-san thought.

"Horikita, what do you think is the best way to collect points?"

Oreki asked.

"Collecting points... According to your previous practice, you are collecting points from students."

"Yeah." Oreki nodded. "If you want to collect points in the long run, there are three directions, one is to take special exams, the second is the students in the school. The third source is the teaching staff, and they also use points to spend in this school."

"However, when I went to the chairman to exchange cash yesterday, I found that there is a dedicated staff for the exchange."

"And it's not the kind of casually looking for people to make up the numbers, but setting up these people specifically to do this job."

"That is to say, the school's faculty and staff will also exchange cash while spending in the school."

"So they may not have much savings in school, so they still have to find students to count points."


Horikita-san nodded to show that she was listening.

In fact, she has no plan.

Rather, the points obtained after enrolling were all drawn by Oreki-san.

At the same time, she felt that Oreki-san had explained so much to her today.

It's not usually like, what are you doing, Horikita, what will you do next, Horikita, or you can just keep aloof and so on.

Horikita, you can go back, or something.


Now he is actually explaining to her and imparting her knowledge.

What happened to Oreki-san?

She obviously doesn't know.

Oreki-san is reflecting on himself.

Troubled with my own complicated adolescence.

Because I always dream about Horikita-san, I wonder if I have been plotting against her in the depths of my heart.

And whether I actually have the potential of a scumbag.

Mixed feelings.


"In short, since it's out, let's count points."

Oreki said.

"Actually, among the students, I have reserved a reserve point."

"I've been putting it there, and then I thought, now that it's a new month, the other party should be filled."

"But he was busy before, so I don't know how many points he has left." Oreki said. "So how much you can brush depends on how much he has left."

"..." Horikita Suzune.

Suzune didn't pick up on this, because she always felt that Oreki-san was too much describing people as points.

After a while, I found that Oreki-san didn't explain, so I continued to ask.

"Then who is the reserve point you chose?"

"It's the man. Look, here he comes!"

Oreki said.

The two of them are now on the stairs below the teaching building, but at the vending machine on the first floor of the stairs, a few people came.

These few people seem to have momentum.

Also a small team.

And unlike several factions in Class A, they are students from Class C.

And there is only one faction - the Dragon Garden faction.

Ryūen Sho claims to be the tyrant of Class C.

With red hair parted in the middle, he is tall and looks quite domineering.

"That's Sho Ryuen from Class C. Our plan to open a store was also terminated because of him." Oreki explained.

"He integrated Class C, and then discovered that the points of the students in the class were leaking out, so he terminated the students in Class C and our store opening plan."



That's it.

Horikita Suzune knew it.

Oreki just wanted to cheat Class C and Class B of their early points.

What he said is that as long as there are representatives from Class B and Class C, they will also participate in the class competition.

Then in order to climb up, I definitely don't want to lose the points of my class.

Therefore, the store opening plan will definitely be terminated like a strong man cutting his wrist.

So the fact that Ryuuen can do this kind of thing shows that...Ryuuen is very courageous, and at the same also shows that he is sharp and insightful.

And is this the representative of Class C?

If she continues to be asked by Chabashira to bring Class D to Class B, she must first defeat Ryuuen.

After all, above Class D is Class C.

It's just that Class C has been integrated in a short period of time, while Class D is still a puddle of mud.

Completely spread out.

In other words, she suddenly realized that she did not have the ability to command Class D.

There is no ability to lead Class D to climb up.


Chabashira-sensei himself didn’t even look at who Class D was.

That's the person who did some quantitative ranking on the first day of school, and then got the school rules, but deducted the 1000-point class evaluation score to 0.

No self-control.

There is also no class cohesion.

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