What surprised Chen Yulou the most was that the patterns carved on the golden mask were all whirlpools, which made people feel dizzy, as if countless eyeballs were staring at you. generally.

In the eyeball, those small circles layered one after another seem to represent human eyeballs.

Seeing this familiar look, Partridge Whistle began to get excited. He looked at the mask in front of him intently, and then said:

"You are right, this is indeed related to the Tomb of King Xian~???

After all, Partridge Whistle had already experienced so many difficulties and traveled to so many places in order to find King Xian's Tomb. What's more, he had also studied so many ancient books and materials. He was very familiar with these patterns.

As soon as he saw these patterns, he felt the blood in his body begin to boil. "It seems that they did not come to the wrong place this time. This is indeed the location of King Xian's tomb, but I don't know who the white-haired old man in front of him is." who."

Some people in the team came over immediately, including many who had in-depth research on these places. At a glance, they determined that the white-haired old man must be the wizard around the king.

"He used this method to preserve his body after his death."

Chen Zhao couldn't help but sneer, and then said: "This guy uses this method. He seems to think that he can continue to practice after death, and then become an immortal."

He felt so disgusted by this situation that he even wanted to vomit.

Chen Yulou couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity that he can really continue to practice under such circumstances? I don't know, but his body has become a link in such a weird system here. It's completely Is it just a big rice dumpling? It’s really disgusting.”

What Chen Yulou said is very correct, but Chen Zhao still said: "You also know that he has turned into a big rice dumpling now. We should be careful not to wake it up. Otherwise, it will cooperate with this strange system. , it’s not impossible to want us to kill him.”

Chen Yulou smiled and said: "Brother Chen, you are here now. I believe that even if King Xian turns into a big rice dumpling, he will not pose any threat to us."

Chen Zhao was very helpless when he heard this. He could only say: "What is going to happen is very difficult. We can't say what kind of danger will happen. It is naturally very easy for me to protect myself, but I want to protect myself." It would be too difficult to protect so many people and prevent everyone from being harmed."

Chen Yulou fell silent when he heard this. He knew that what Chen Zhao said was indeed correct.

Even Partridge Whistle was a little nervous at this time, but after thinking about it, they thought it was better not to enter that huge space.

Because, at this time, they all knew very well that if they waste time in this place again, they are afraid that the time to go to the King's Tomb will be delayed again.

Their energy will definitely be consumed by then.

Under such circumstances, Chen Zhao said to everyone: "?????The calamity is too much??Gao?湥???秧?襥 lying???childbirth??Nun??Fu?褤??Net ashamed????

Upon hearing this, Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle nodded immediately, and then said, "Okay, we all listen to you, brother, let's set off quickly."

As he said that, several people in this group planned to leave this place.

But just when they were about to walk away, suddenly, several extremely thick vines surged out of the surrounding woods. The vines spread quickly and flowed over like giant pythons.

Moreover, these vines seemed to have their own consciousness, and they immediately grabbed two people in the team, and those two people had no time to react.

When they felt the wind behind them, the vines were already around them, and then wrapped around their bodies in an instant.

Along with the screams, two unfortunate people in the team were immediately pulled back by the vines and fell into the woods.

Those around them had no time to react. By the time they realized it, the two companions had already disappeared.

Their voices no longer existed. What happened suddenly shocked everyone and made everyone feel very nervous.

"What's going on?"

Chen Yulou came over immediately, and those standing at the back also had frightened faces and were even trembling.

"I don't know. Just now, two things that looked like tree roots suddenly ran out and took Ah San and Liu Xiaoer away."

"What, two big living people were captured by two tree roots?"

Seeing the direction in which the vines were shrinking, everyone felt very worried, and Chen Zhao also walked over immediately.

Everything happened so fast just now, even he didn't have time to stop it from happening...

Chapter 153: Murderous vines and shadowy trees

This is indeed a very strange thing. No one expected that such a thing would happen suddenly.

Those vines seemed to be alive, and they even selectively captured humans.

After Chen Zhao walked over, he looked at the marks on the ground and found that someone had indeed been dragged away, because the weeds and branches on the ground had been broken.

Looking at this situation, there are more weird things in the woods than they imagined.

Chen Yulou was the saddest person when he was taken away. He scratched his head and looked at everything in front of him irritably.

"How could something like this happen? What are these damn vines? Could it be that the plants here have really become spirits?"

After all, they have experienced so many things before that are hard to imagine but have to admit.

Therefore, even if they encounter something that is too far away from human cognition, they probably will not feel any suspicion.

However, Chen Zhao remained calm at this time and said directly: "Everyone, be careful and don't take it lightly. You won't be captured again."

After those two people were taken away, everyone felt very sad. After all, they were brothers who had been with them through life and death. After these two people were taken away, there was no movement.

Even if they wanted to take a look at 300 in the direction where they were towed, they didn't dare to go there.

Because at this moment, all of them must be tightly united. If someone is left alone, it will be very dangerous.

Growing up in such a situation, Chen Zhao said to everyone: "You guys should get together well and don't let any more accidents happen. I'll go over and see the two people who were taken away."

Hearing this, everyone felt a little worried. Chen Yulou immediately said: "Brother Chen, you are the only one who can deal with these dangers now. If you go there alone, it will be very unsafe for us to stay here!"

Chen Zhao thought about it and found that it seemed to be the case. For a moment, he also hesitated.

Just when everyone was at a loss and didn't know what to do next, suddenly there was another sound in the woods. The sound sounded very fast and suddenly approached them.

At this time, everyone was ready, so it was impossible to be caught by surprise like last time.

Sure enough, several more vines stretched out from the woods. The vines seemed to be alive and swam directly over, seeming to launch an attack on a group of humans.

Seeing this situation, Chen Zhao rushed out immediately.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle immediately picked up their weapons. They did see these vines coming straight towards the crowd, and they obviously had already made their next move.

Chen Zhao stepped forward directly and struck out with a horizontal palm. The golden light in his hand was like a knife. The golden light fell on the vines and cut them off directly.

However, after they were cut off, they seemed to feel great pain, and tremblingly retracted the participating vines, like tentacles.

Another section of vines fell to the ground, and some blood actually spilled out. The blood was bright red in color.

When everyone saw this situation, they felt that the vines were just plants. How could there be blood? The color of the blood was so bright that everyone felt very confused.

On the other side, Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle also encountered an attack from a vine. Chen Yulou took a knife and slashed at the vines. Although there was no way to hurt them, he could still disrupt its attack. .

At the same time, Partridge Sha also took out the diamond umbrella. The diamond umbrella was extremely strong. Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou blocked each other, and the vines could not move forward for a while.

After Chen Zhao quickly dealt with a few vines that were rushing towards them, he jumped and landed directly next to Partridge Shao and Chen Yulou.

The two people immediately shouted loudly: "Brother Chen, this thing is so powerful, we really can't do anything about it!"

Chen Zhao nodded, and then said softly: "You guys stand back and I will take care of it!"

With that said, Chen Zhao rushed over again and struck down hard with his palm again, just like the previous time, directly cutting off the vine from the middle.

In an instant, several vines disappeared and were destroyed in the woods.

Moreover, there was bright red blood left on their path, which seemed to be the blood left at the place where they were cut off by the correctional institution.

Seeing this situation, everyone was even more confused and asked with trembling voices: "Are these vines really monsters that have become spirits? It's really terrifying."

Although they felt extremely confused, everyone still walked towards the remaining vines, intending to take a closer look at what kind of existence these vines were.

However, after careful observation, Chen Zhao was extremely surprised that something was growing out of the cracks in the vines.

It seemed that it was what they thought. After these vines were broken, they looked like human arms, or animal tentacles, and they actually flowed out bright red blood.

Moreover, Chen Zhao observed these carefully and found that there were strands of red flesh lines in these broken places.

Such a scene made Chen Zhao even more surprised. He couldn't help but said: "Is it possible that these vines are also controlled by this entire system? What kind of existence is this jade coffin? It controls all the surrounding plants. stand up."

If such red flesh lines can enable all things in the surrounding woods to be controlled by this strange system.

So the place they are in now is surrounded by trees and there are countless weeds at their feet. Can all of these be controlled?

Such an idea is entirely possible!

So for a moment, everyone looked at the vines on the ground with infinite fear in their hearts.

Chen Zhao looked at everything in front of him and warned:

"Everyone must be careful. It seems that this place is more complicated than we imagined."

"No matter what the identity of this white-haired old man was at that moment, it is obvious that his methods have reached an extremely terrifying level. When we attacked them, we did not cause any casualties."

Otherwise, their team will probably become smaller and smaller...

Chapter 154 The rice dumpling with a human head and a snake body is shocked

What is happening here now is indeed beyond everyone's imagination.

This strange place was filled with an extremely dark and abnormal atmosphere. Everyone felt very worried, because no one knew whether a vine would suddenly come out at the next moment and kill one of them. People were taken away.

In fact, Chen Zhao was also surprised at this time, even though he had experienced so many weird things.

But now the jade coffin, the body of the white old man in the coffin, and the surrounding trees and plants seem to have been completely connected into a system, and the key link connecting this system is those red coffins. meat line.

These red flesh threads look extremely weird. They serve as the connection and transmission part of this world's domination. They not only connect everything together, but also can be manipulated.

Just like human meridians, they are responsible for the function of transportation.

The most important aspect is that it can not only transfer a large amount of nutrients, or plunder the blood of other organisms, and then supply it to the operation of the entire system.

This is completely an extremely sophisticated and complete system.

At this time, everyone was very surprised. No one could have imagined that ancient people had such wisdom and developed such a complete system, and this complete system was composed of various living creatures.

It has to be said that the wizard Xian Wang is indeed extremely powerful, and he is actually able to use such a method...

Chen Yulou's face was full of worry at this time. He looked at everything in front of him with flickering eyes, and then turned to look at Chen Zhao.

"Brother Chen, if the wizard of King Xian can be so powerful and arrange his burial place like this, then what exactly is the situation in King Xian's tomb?"

"After all, this guy, this white-haired old man, was just working for King Xian. Now he has connected his body with this huge weird python, forming such a powerful system. "

"If King Xian appears, will there be more terrifying moves? I really can't imagine it."

At this time, they seemed to have fallen into an extremely dangerous situation. Although it was still calm at the moment, the fact that they had seen countless people die tragically before naturally meant that they were now in deep danger.

Now they were surrounded by these vines and those weird trees. They were stunned for a moment, not knowing which direction to go, because no matter which direction they went, they might encounter very dangerous things.

Partridge Whistle held the Vajra Umbrella in his hand at this time. He was observing the surroundings very vigilantly. Everyone had gathered together at this time, everyone was leaning back to back, and then observing their respective directions.

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