Chen Zhao immediately jumped up and flew into the air.

At the same time, the bones of the birds in the air quickly gathered together, trying to attack Chen Zhao, and these bones had become a whole system.

Like an army, they cooperated with each other to get rid of Chen Zhao.

Those flying birds circled around Chen Zhao, then flew and rotated, forming a very powerful hurricane...

Chapter 163: Coordinated Operations, Breakout Killing

Once the beasts on the ground attacked, they launched a very violent attack on Chen Zhao, and the force of the attack was quite terrifying.

This ferocious beast rushed over, and Chen Zhao had no intention of confronting him head-on, so he quickly walked away.

Unexpectedly, after he left, the skeleton of the alien beast hit a hill next to it. The ground continued to tremble, and the hill shook and collapsed.

After all, this mountain peak is about a hundred meters high. As soon as the beast hit it, it directly knocked down the small mountain peak.

What a terrifying thing this is!

Seeing this, everyone felt extremely shocked. Fortunately, they were far away from the battlefield now. If they were on the mountain peak, they might have been hit by this beast and fell to the ground, and then died there.

However, at this time, Chen Zhao also tried his best, so he jumped up and flew into the air, trying to avoid the attack of this beast.

But he never expected that all the dead birds in the sky would fly over and directly surround Chen Zhao. These flying birds were also very fast.

I don’t know where the birds are from, but their bones are buried in this land, and they have such powerful abilities.

The bones of these flying birds range from large to small, and some are even tens of meters in size. When the wings are spread, the entire bone can't be seen to the end, and the wind is blowing.

The most important thing is that these flying birds began to rotate rapidly around Chen Zhao. During their rotation, they caused the air to flow continuously, and actually formed a hurricane.

This hurricane surrounded Chen Zhao, and Chen Zhao felt that there was infinite power around his body, which seemed to be tearing him apart.

"Damn! These bones can really be dealt with!"

He knew that the initiator of all this was the big zongzi with white hair. Although this man had turned into a big zongzi, his ability was actually still very powerful.

Since he could use these bones to launch such an attack on himself, these attacks made him simply involved. Even Chen Zhao found it difficult to deal with the situation of losing sight of one thing.

Seeing the elephant-like corpse on the ground rushing over to attack him, it was not easy for these birds to trap themselves in the deep hurricane and then rush out.

Chen Zhao waved his hand again and directly used the golden light spell. In an instant, the golden light spell landed and the energy rushed directly, killing most of the surrounding birds.

When the hurricane weakened, Chen Zhao rushed out very directly.

As the number of these flying birds decreased, hurricanes formed and were not so powerful. It was not so easy to trap him.

After Chen Zhao flew out, he rushed directly towards the beast on the ground, not wanting to continue to avoid it. This beast originally targeted Chen Zhao.

After it hit, Chen Zhao also rushed toward it.

At this moment, there was an invisible force of wind surrounding Chen Zhao's body, wrapping him up.

This strong wind was extremely hard, and it directly collided with the huge bones. The beast's bones were impacted by the huge force at this moment, and they were directly broken.

And it didn't fall apart one after another. Every bone was directly turned into pieces by Chen Zhao's huge impact, and then fell to the ground.

Although this beast was very powerful, it was ultimately no match for Chen Zhao's powerful force.

Soon, several more ferocious beasts rushed over, obviously planning to attack Chen Zhao again.

At the same time, the flying birds in the sky did not stop spinning. Although Chen Zhao had just taken action to deal with many of them, there were too many of them. They were still using their abilities to disrupt Chen Zhao's progress.

I have to say that Chen Zhao was still very uncomfortable at this time.

The huge wind force blocked his entire body, and coupled with the attacks of those beasts, it was difficult for him to escape from such an environment.

Therefore, he could only work hard to solve everything in front of him.

At the same time, Miss Hong and the rest of the people also came down from the mountain at this time. They knew that at this moment, it would be useless for them to stand on the mountain and observe.

But since Chen Zhao was dealing with those bones at this time, they might be able to help Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle get rid of the white-haired old man.

Miss Hong looked at the people on the side and couldn't help but said: "We can't wait any longer now. You see, the number of these bones is so huge that it is almost impossible for Chen Zhao to deal with them by himself."

"If we don't help Chen Zhao, then if he dies, he will definitely not survive if he stays here with us."

Another person nodded and agreed, "Girl, I think you are right, but with the abilities of people like us, how can we deal with that white-haired old man?"

The rest of the people stood up, and Miss Hong pointed at them, and then said: "Our numbers are so huge, are we still afraid of this white-haired old man? Although our strength is not as good as growth, we can help him!"

Everyone was a little worried and even hesitant. They didn't think this was a good idea.

The red girl immediately said, "Look, this white-haired old man is controlling these countless bones at this moment. It must be very difficult to control so many bones. If we don't find a way to control these white-haired old men, If the Bone System is destroyed, I'm afraid he will take this opportunity to kill Chen Zhao."

"And he has no intention of dealing with us now. It is difficult for him to distract himself while he is standing with Chen Zhao."

After hearing Miss Hong's analysis, everyone thought about it carefully, and it seemed that she was right.

But they were still scared, but when they saw Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle rushing toward the white-haired old man without any scruples, they thought about it and immediately decided to secretly help Chen Zhao.

So a group of people cautiously approached the big white-haired rice dumpling, trying to get around the huge pothole and the bones.

It's a pity that the battle between Chen Zhao and these bones is so crazy that it can affect the scope.

At this time, even if they tried their best to avoid this vast battle field, it was still very difficult.

It was under such circumstances that Chen Zhao suddenly rushed up and reached the middle of the pothole.

The white-haired old man didn't expect Chen Zhao to be so fast...

Chapter 164: Twists and turns of aid, Zongzi roaring

You know, the entire underground space is filled with countless bones.

The number of these bones can be said to be tens of thousands, but he never expected that under the attack of so many bones, he could break through directly and reach the middle of the pit.

At this time, the white-haired old man Da Zongzi seemed to have realized this matter.

So he immediately got angry and heard the big rice dumpling roaring in the distance, which made the whole world tremble.

Chen Zhao raised his head and couldn't help but think of this big rice dumpling. It seemed that he had become a spirit. He could control such a powerful energy by himself, and even heaven and earth could cooperate with him.

It is not difficult to imagine that this guy must have been a very powerful wizard when he was alive. Otherwise, he would not have turned himself into such a strange appearance after death.

And he can possess such a powerful force to control thousands of troops. Although this army is all dead bones, he can single-handedly move all these countless bones and make them attack humans. , that’s a very powerful thing too.

At this moment, Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle have also realized that the white-haired old man seems to be angry. At this time, he may have spent all his energy, but there is still no way to deal with it.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Chen Zhao could only try to use more powerful attacks to make Chen Zhao surrender.

Chen Yulou looked at the direction from which the roar came, and couldn't help but sigh: "What kind of thing is this big rice dumpling? The roar of the snap is really so shocking that it shakes the world and makes people tremble... -"

Partridge Whistle frowned and was a little confused. He had been studying the project for so many years, but he never thought that there was such a thing outside the project!

He couldn't help but say: "This wizard is an existence that has not been recorded in any ancient poems I have reviewed before. I think he must be a very powerful person."

Chen Yulou was also very confused, "Why is this? Then King Xian didn't record this powerful wizard in his history? Why does he exist in this place?"

Partridge Shao and Chen Yulou had countless questions in their hearts. After all, such a powerful figure should be recorded in history.

But when they looked through the information about King Xian's tomb before, they had never heard of the existence of such a character.

So when they suddenly saw it now, they were very surprised, and they were also very confused.

What was the purpose of placing his burial place outside the King's Tomb?

Neither Chen Yulou nor Partridge Shao could figure out what kind of existence this wizard wanted. After all, although he was outside the tomb of King Xian, he had no intention of guarding the tomb of King Xian.

If they hadn't forcibly opened the banyan tree and dug out the wizard, I'm afraid the wizard wouldn't have caused so much trouble.

Both Chen Yulou and Partridge Shao couldn't help but regret at this moment. They shouldn't have done this at the beginning, but it was already too late. At this time, he had no room for reversal, and it was impossible for him to regret it again.

Chen Yulou couldn't help but said:

"But I think this guy hid a place like this for himself outside the tomb, quietly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and turning himself into a huge zombie. Maybe that's what he wanted, and he deliberately made it difficult for others to find him. to him."

"Although he is a very powerful wizard around King Xian's Tomb, he thought that he must have secretly used the King's Feng Shui treasure land to cultivate himself. Isn't it a good thing?"

Chen Yulou thought for a while, and it seemed to be the case, so he couldn't help but said: "It seems that this story is more troublesome than we thought. How about it? Are you afraid? Don't you have the confidence to let him kill him?"

Seeing Partridge Whistle's frown, Chen Yulou couldn't help but said, and at the same time a smile appeared on his face. This was challenging Partridge Whistle's bottom line. Partridge Whistle frowned and said firmly :

"There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just a big zongzi. Don't we encounter too many zongzi? Chen Zhao is fighting hard. What's the problem for the two of us to solve this big zongzi?"

When Chen Yulou heard this voice, Partridge Whistle also saw his very firm intention, so he smiled and said:

"Ah, okay, then the two of us will hurry up and get rid of this big rice dumpling."

But what they didn't expect was that one or two of their subordinates were also rushing towards this place. It seemed that they also wanted to get rid of this big rice dumpling.

It seemed that the two of them were just walking forward, not paying attention to the situation behind them. At this time, Miss Hong led a group of men and quickly approached the battlefield.

"Brothers, Chen Zhao is fighting alone now. If we don't help him, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to escape from this situation."

Everyone feels very uplifted and excited at this time. After all, they have worked together to overcome so many difficulties along the way, and they certainly cannot give up like this here.


After all, there is still the entire Tomb of King Xian to explore, and no one knows what will happen in the Tomb of King Xian.

But judging from the current situation, they know that this wizard's ability is probably even more terrifying. Maybe after this wizard is eliminated, entering the Tomb of King Xian will not be so dangerous!

At this time, everyone had cheered up and mustered up the courage to follow Miss Hong.

"Don't worry, Miss Hong, we will definitely find a way to work together to get rid of this guy."

Since everyone had to avoid the corpses, they could only deliberately make a large circle and pass by the mountain. The mountains in the Yunnan Worm Valley were also very steep, almost all of them were cliffs, and it was very difficult to walk.

The mountain road is rugged and bumpy, so many people have to be careful before passing it.

Otherwise, if they accidentally fell under the cliff, they might have died accidentally before they could help Chen Zhao.

This is a way of death that they are absolutely unwilling to accept, so everyone is very careful.

"Everyone, be careful not to go the wrong way. After all, in the mountains and forests, if you go the wrong way, it is easy to get lost. It is also very difficult to find the large army."

Everyone strengthened their confidence and continued to move forward. In the battlefield, Chen Zhao was also fighting desperately with these bones.

Chapter 165 Weird Wizard, Yang Wu Leiwei

These bones seemed to be endless. After fighting for a while, Chen Zhao also felt very troubled.

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