At the same time, everyone on the water was startled when they heard the sound and looked at the water in horror.

The sound emitted by this tentacle mother body is like a volcanic eruption. It is extremely shocking, making people feel frightened and involuntarily want to escape.

And both Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle were startled by the sound. Miss Hong clenched her fists. She looked at the shining golden place very nervously and couldn't help but ask questions.

"What exactly is this sound?"

In fact, what she wanted to ask more was whether Chen Zhao was okay. After all, the noise coming out now was really terrifying.

Chen Yulou saw Miss Hong's worry, frowned and said, "Perhaps Brother Chen has found the monster's body and is currently fighting a very fierce battle with it."

"Let's not worry, trust Brother Chen."

Partridge Whistle also nodded, agreeing with Chen Yulou's view. He also said: "Brother Chen's power is so powerful, there should be no problem in dealing with such creatures. Miss Hong, don't worry too much."

Both of them knew very well that Miss Hong must be very worried about what would happen to Chen Zhao at this time.

After all, the red girl now looked very worried, and there were tears in her eyes.


There is no need to be such a worry, both of them thought, so they could only persuade the red girl in this way, hoping that she could relax.

When Miss Hong heard what the two said, she could only shake her head silently. Of course she knew what Chen Zhao was capable of, but she couldn't help but feel worried in her heart.

Mainly because Chen Zhao was in danger for a day and she couldn't relax.

Everyone looked at that place again, but they saw that the water surface there began to churning crazily, even causing a lot of air waves.

It was as if the water in the distance had been boiled by a fire and was bubbling.

At this time, Chen Zhao saw the indestructible appearance of the whip and could only use the golden light spell to continuously attack it.

However, this whip is indeed very powerful, so it is not so easy to defeat for a while.

It swept around wildly, and Chen Zhao quickly shuttled between these tentacles, and his figure was also extremely fast.

Even though the speed of these tentacles in the water has reached a very alarming level, there is no way to kill Chen Zhao for a while.

Chen Zhao avoided and launched attacks at the same time. Gradually, he actually left shadows one after another in the sky.

The entire body of water seemed to be filled with Chen Zhao. He seemed to appear everywhere. This situation was enough to prove the horror of Chen Zhao...

Chapter 205: Attack the Mother Body

Although there are countless tentacles swimming quickly in the water, trying to attack Chen Zhao, Chen Zhao moves too fast.

Even the huge whip was unable to cause any harm to Chen Zhao.

Under such circumstances, the creature seemed to become angry. It began to roar, and its entire body began to tremble continuously. Because his body continued to vibrate, the surrounding water flow also continued to vibrate.

Chen Zhao soon realized something was wrong. He quickly felt that as the creature vibrated crazily, the surrounding water seemed to be surging crazily.

Moreover, the way these waters surged was an extremely strange way that he had never seen before.

It seems that this creature can control the water flow here. While the water flow continues to surge, the entire water surface begins to boil, and countless water waves are controlled like Chen Zhao rushing over...

At this time, people who were originally staying on the water felt even more uncomfortable. Half of their bodies were in the water at this moment, even though they were hugging the rocks on the surrounding walls or stepping on a certain stone.

However, this water wave was too huge, causing their bodies to be continuously impacted, and a huge force was acting crazily on their lower bodies.

At this time, everyone felt uncomfortable under the attack of such a powerful water wave. They could only hold on to the surrounding stones harder to avoid being carried into the water by this current.

At this time, Chen Zhao also gradually realized that the waves in the water seemed to be vaguely affecting the direction of his attack and weakening his attack strength.

Chen Zhao knew that this mother creature must be dealt with, otherwise this war would only become more and more troublesome.

The most important thing is that Chen Zhao also realized a very important thing, that is, these tentacles seem to be able to grow continuously.

In fact, while he was waving his sword and releasing golden light spells just now, he had also destroyed many tentacles.

However, what makes people feel very strange is that the number of these tentacles does not seem to increase, but it does not decrease, and it is always constant.

With so many tentacles attacking him, Chen Zhao could quickly deduce that although these tentacles were powerful, in the final analysis they were just tentacles grown from the body of this huge creature.

Therefore, even if it is cut off, it is not too important. It will not cause huge harm to the body, let alone cause a life threat.

Therefore, there is no way to simply solve the meaning of these tentacles, because once these tentacles are solved, the body of the creature will grow back more tentacles.

If you want to get rid of all these tentacles, it is simply impossible.

After Chen Zhao thought of this, he immediately rushed towards the huge black shadow.

He now knew that the tentacles were no longer important. What was important was to kill the main body. Only after the main body was dead could they continue to move forward.

After Chen Zhao rushed over, he saw the more detailed side of this biological creature.

This creature looks like a cylinder, with a hat on its head, but its entire body is reddish-brown in color, like the bark of a certain plant.

Seeing this situation, Chen Zhao was still worried, because he knew very well that if the skin of this creature was so thick, it would be impossible to kill it.

At this moment, countless tentacles flew quickly from behind him, like arrows from the string, and quickly arrived behind Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao turned around, then waved his hand gently, and the huge energy blocked these tentacles.

"It seems like you are really determined to fight against me? Then let's see who among us is more powerful."

Chen Zhao muttered to himself, and then swam towards the distance again.

Chen Zhao did this in order to draw away all these tentacles and then eliminate them all at once.

As expected, these countless tentacles chased Chen Zhao and rushed over quickly. After reaching a certain distance, Chen Zhao turned around. This time he was no longer entangled with these tentacles...

"Yang Wulei!"

Chen Zhao read out these words with great shock, and then the rumble of thunder quickly rushed out of his hand.

No one knew how the power of thunder and lightning was formed, and how it landed on Chen Zhao's body so quickly.

And the moment these thunder and lightning were released, the parts of these tentacles that were close to Chen Zhao were directly burned into coke.

The power of thunder and lightning is very terrifying. Even this very powerful creature has no way to withstand it when faced with lightning.

It only took a moment, and all the thunder and lightning came in response, directly turning all the tentacles into ashes and no longer existing.

The creature's mother body seemed to feel that the tentacles had been eliminated, and it roared even more heartbreakingly, seemingly because of the pain.

After Chen Zhao eliminated these tentacles, he flew to the body of the creature and began to try to eliminate this huge biological matrix.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to resolve this battle.

At this moment, Chen Zhao stabbed the huge creature with his sword. He wanted to start from the top of the creature's head.

However, even with the extremely powerful internal force gathered, this sword did not exert its expected 4.6 effect at all.

This sword was inserted into the thick skin of this huge creature, but the sword could not penetrate more than a few centimeters, and it could no longer move.

It was obvious that there was a harder object that resisted the thrust of the sword.

Chen Zhao frowned, feeling very helpless.

Then, he changed another place and thrust in hard again.

But unexpectedly, the result was exactly the same as before. It was impossible to know where the weakness of this monster was. There was no trace of scars on its body.

Chen Zhao actually poured his own huge power into these two swords, but there was no way to penetrate the skin of this powerful mother creature. This was really too terrifying...

Chapter 206

After several attempts, there was no way to pierce the hard shell of the mother creature. Chen Zhao became angry for a moment and wanted to get rid of this guy.

I'm just afraid that I have to get rid of those things that are an eyesore first.

So Chen Zhao quickly swam to a place several hundred meters away, and those tentacles would naturally not let go of Chen Zhao.

Although many tentacles had been amputated by Chen Zhao, these tentacles quickly stretched out from the ground, as if this mother creature could grow tentacles that spread continuously.

These tentacles gathered together again to form a huge whip, which was whipped towards Chen Zhao fiercely.

Chen Zhao was not afraid at all. He used the previous method again, only to see countless sword lights spinning rapidly, directly cutting the whip formed by the tentacles into pieces.

Soon all these tentacles were eliminated by Chen Zhao, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Black viscous liquid flowed out from the wounds of these tentacles, dyeing the entire water black again, which looked very shocking.

However, Chen Zhao did not stop at this time. He rushed towards the periphery again.

In fact, Chen Zhao has clearly seen in the past 24 times that these tentacles will continue to grow after being eliminated by himself, which means that this parent creature has strong regeneration capabilities.

These tentacles grew out of his body, so if you want to solve this dilemma, you may have to kill the parent creature.

After Chen Zhao quickly rushed outside, countless tentacles rushed towards him.

This time, Chen Zhao did not hesitate any longer. He waved his hand and the golden light was quickly emitted. One after another, the golden light was like a laser cannon, launching a very terrifying attack on these tentacles.

Under the attack of the laser cannon, these tentacles exploded one after another, once again forming a very bloody scene.

If their blood were red, they would probably look even more terrifying, but fortunately, the blood now is black and looks disgusting.

At the same time, countless tentacles quickly emerged from the mud in the water, and then rushed towards Chen Zhao.

This time Chen Zhao ignored these tentacles. The reason why he flew so far away was not to avoid the attacks of these tentacles, but to escape from the attack range of these tentacles.

What he wanted was to sprint, use all his strength and speed, and then use the extremely hard sword in his hand to attack the mother creature.

In this way, the strength and speed can definitely cause serious damage to its body.

So Chen Zhao quickly gathered his inner strength, then raised the sword in front of his chest. He jumped up and rushed along the water flow. All the strength in his body was poured into the sword in his hand. .

Golden light also appeared at the tip of the sword, which seemed to be condensed with very strong power.

Chen Zhao shouted loudly and rushed away. At the same time, countless tentacles rushed towards Chen Zhao quickly, as if they wanted to stop Chen Zhao halfway.

Then at this time, Chen Zhao's body was surrounded by countless strong winds. These strong winds were like sharp invisible swords, spinning rapidly around his body.

Before the tentacles could get within two or three meters of Chen Zhao's body, they were smashed into pieces by the strong wind like a meat grinder, and were of no use at all.

Chen Zhao rushed over quickly. In the water, he acted as if there were no obstacles. His speed was like a bolt of lightning, and he reached the mother creature in an instant.

The sword stabbed hard, and at the same time, Chen Zhao also poured his strongest internal energy into his shoulders.

Sure enough, this was indeed effective, and all of this suddenly broke through the hard shell of the parent organism.

Originally, its hard shell was as strong as reinforced concrete. Even if it was used hard, there was no way to pierce it.

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