Everyone felt very nervous when they heard this sentence.


"Shuibozi?! How can there be a Shuibozi in this place?"

"How could it not be possible? Maybe the people who built tombs here thousands of years ago accidentally fell down and died here, and then the water floats formed."

When everyone heard this, their scalps felt numb and goosebumps appeared all over their bodies.

The so-called water drifters are people who died in the water and their ghosts remain, thus forming water ghosts.

Many years ago, they often heard rumors that in some small ponds or reservoirs, people often wanted to go swimming. Especially when the weather was hot in summer, everyone wanted to get into the water to cool off.

They will meet some very strange people, who seem to tell them that swimming is very fun, and invite them to get in the water and play together.

These people tend to disappear after they finish swimming.It's as if it never existed at all.

In fact, these people are just floats in the water, an illusion formed by them.

And those people who go into the water together will always disappear one or two, and in the end, their bodies will be found in the water.

In other words, these water scoopers will actually lure humans into the water to swim, and then take the opportunity to kill them, making it impossible for these people to swim ashore.

Let them drown in the water forever, become another water drifter, and keep them company.

Thinking of such a situation, everyone naturally felt very scared. No one was willing to really stay in the water together and become another water drifter.

Everyone wanted to get out of the water quickly.

The female corpses around were floating and floating in the water.Like one light source after another, the faint blue light converged together, shrouding them all.

This made them feel even more horrified, but after he moved forward for a certain distance, they suddenly discovered that the white female corpses suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

Everyone was shocked.

Chen Yulou was the first to notice this situation. He immediately said: "Brother Chen, look, the corpses just now seem to have disappeared."

Chen Zhao turned around and looked around carefully, and found that it was indeed the case.

He could only say: "Since it has disappeared, that is a good thing. Let's move forward first.".

Chapter 209 Waterweeds and Insects

Everyone felt relieved when they saw the body disappeared.

But one thing, Chen Zhao felt extremely worried in her heart, because she still couldn't figure out the reason why these female corpses suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly.

If they are really drifters, what do they want to do?

Is it just to make everyone feel scared, and then he will leave directly~...

In short, for Chen Zhao, he felt that the matter might be more than that - it was that simple.

Judging from the various situations they have experienced before, there are all kinds of dangers along the way.

Every danger was enough to cause them heavy losses, and many of their companions even lost their lives as a result.Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Zhao to give up at this time and have any doubt about the possibility of danger.

He had to take everything into consideration.

What he said just now was just to stabilize everyone's mood.

If everyone continues to feel scared and scared at this time, the military morale will be weakened and we will really encounter danger, and it will be very difficult to deal with it.

Although Chen Zhao had shouldered so many disasters for everyone by himself, at this time, he also knew very well that if someone was not careful, someone might die tragically in front of them when they encountered danger again.

This person could be any one of them, even the red girl.

Therefore, Chen Zhao felt very worried and did not even dare to relax.

The appearance of these water ghosts has indeed brought everyone an extremely terrifying experience, but everyone must be careful at this time.

As Chen Zhao swam forward, he turned his head and said to everyone: "Everyone, be careful. There are too many dangers lurking in this water. We cannot let down our guard."

The crowd could only nod their heads.

However, Chen Zhao continued: "But we don't have to be too afraid. As long as we all stay together, we will be able to overcome any danger we encounter."

After everyone heard Chen Zhao's conversation, their confidence increased a lot.

So a few of them continued to move forward together.

Miss Hong always stayed by Chen Zhao's side, not far from Chen Zhao, because she was also very worried.

As Chen Zhao walked forward, he pulled Miss Hong, and she said to Miss Hong: "Be careful."

Miss Hong looked at Chen Zhao's eyes and nodded. Although she was in the cold water, a trace of warmth emerged in her heart, and these two people continued to move forward.

Not long after, they saw a patch of aquatic plants in front of them, or rather plants in the water. Anyway, there were many types of aquatic plants, and they looked various and very weird.

This mess of water plants almost blocked their way forward.

If you want to pass through, you have to go around in a big circle and pass by in the gaps between weeds.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but frown.Indeed, it was a very strange thing for aquatic plants to grow in this place. After all, they had not seen any living creatures in the long distance before.

Perhaps it was because the huge creature was hovering over the water, so no animals or plants could grow around it.

But now, they are out of that water.

In these places, the growth of animals and plants is no longer restricted and will not be threatened by giant creatures, so they can grow as much as they want.

Without thinking much, everyone got in along the water plants, but as soon as they entered, they discovered that all kinds of animals were growing on the water plants.

These creatures are very disgusting. They are all small bugs, aquatic creatures such as ants, and even water spiders, water centipedes and other creatures that grow in moist waters. These creatures can be said to be very complicated.

Miss Hong is originally a girl, although she has experienced a lot.He is also a person who dares to fight hard, but seeing bugs is always a bit harmful.

So it approached Chen Zhao, and Chen Chao took Miss Hong and walked forward together. Everyone felt very disgusted when they entered the water plant.

But each of them had to grit their teeth to continue their behavior. However, this was not the most irritating thing they had encountered.

The most irritating thing was that the further they walked, the more they felt that these, aquatic plants, and insects were becoming more and more obstacles to them...

It seems that the water plants are becoming more and more lush, and the insects on the grass are becoming more and more numerous, and even getting bigger and bigger.

After everyone moved forward for a certain distance, they felt more and more something was wrong.

Chen Yulou stopped and faced everyone and said, "Don't you think the insects here are getting bigger and bigger?"

Even Partridge Whistle frowned at this time: "Yes, I also discovered this situation."

Chen Zhao and Miss Hong naturally did not hesitate at all. They looked at the insects around them and found that they were indeed much larger than before.

In the past, the largest ants, centipedes or spiders were only the size of a finger, but now, they are as big as a fist.


"What happened to this?"

"Could it be that the further you go, the richer the nutrients in this water area, so these creatures grow bigger and bigger?!"

Everyone was very confused and worried when they saw the fist-sized insects in front of them.

This bug was originally a troublesome thing, and most people would feel very scared when they saw it, but now that they have become so big, it makes people feel frightened and trembled.

However, at this time, Chen Zhao touched his head and said doubtfully: "It shouldn't be. Even if there are differences in nutrient content between waters, these creatures will still run around..."

"Why do we find these bugs getting bigger and bigger?"

Everyone just felt puzzled but at this time, because everyone was eager to move forward and was unwilling to waste more time on the road, everyone had no time to think about the various reasons.

Just think of it as these creatures.They are distributed separately, some have mutated, some have not changed, some absorb nutrients better, and some absorb nutrients worse, so when they grow, there are also differences in size.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle immediately ordered their men to continue moving forward and not to waste time. They must get out of this place as soon as possible...

Chapter 210 Weird Realm

What is happening in this place now has already exceeded everyone's imagination.

At this moment, Miss Hong looked at Chen Zhao and asked very cautiously: "Chen Zhao, do you feel that all of us seem to be getting smaller?"

The meaning of "getting smaller" in Miss Hong's mouth means that everyone's size seems to be getting smaller.

The reason why she had this idea was that some of the food around her, whether it was weeds, bugs, spiders, ants, etc., were all getting bigger and bigger than what they saw outside. of many.

Red Girl used these things as a reference to come to this conclusion.

At this moment, everyone was actually confused. Whether it was Partridge Whistle or Chen Yulou, they were all surprised when they looked at the objects around them.

Chen Yulou also immediately said: "Yes, Brother Chen, don't you think that everything around us is getting bigger and bigger? If it's not that we ourselves are getting smaller, could it be that these plants and some insects are in this place?" Have they all mutated?”

Chen Yulou said very worriedly, his eyes full of fear and uneasiness.

However, at this time, Partridge Whistle immediately retorted: "I don't think it's right. If these plants and animals have mutated extremely hugely at the same time, and they are still enlarged in proportion, then it means that they have all expanded. Same multiple.”

"Their size increases exactly the same as the ones outside. How can there be such a coincidence?"

The words of Partridge Whistle awakened everyone present. If these plants or animals mutated at the same time, how come they would mutate in exactly the same direction, and even the multiples of increase in size would be exactly the same. of?

Especially since animals and plants are two completely different things, how could their mutations be so similar?

Therefore, after everyone heard this sentence, they all felt that what Partridge Whistle said was very correct.

"Yes? What is going on? Is it true that we are all getting smaller?"

This sentence made everyone start thinking, because this is simply an unbelievable thing.

They traveled a long distance in the icy waters, although they encountered some strange creatures along the way, as well as female floating corpses of unknown origin.

But they didn't encounter anything strange?Why do they suddenly feel that their bodies are shrinking?

In fact, at this time, Chen Zhao actually didn't understand the situation.

He looked at the surrounding environment, suddenly frowned in irritation, and couldn't help but said: "Don't you think the shape of the place we came in is very strange?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle opened their eyes and looked around. They used searchlights to shine out and used the light to look at the surrounding rock walls, but found nothing unusual.

However, Chen Zhao said: "The cave we came in is actually a bit like the gourd we saw outside, don't you think?"

Hearing this sentence, Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou looked carefully again. After Chen Zhao said this, when everyone looked over again, they saw that it was indeed the case.

The place they entered was very small, but the middle part was very large. The shape of the entire cave turned out to be a trumpet arc. The further they went forward, the space of the entire cave continued to increase.

The most important thing is that this cave is completely formed naturally without any trace of artificial intervention, which makes everyone feel even more terrifying.

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