It really looks like a big box, but it is actually used to store items.

At this time, it was too late for everyone to find out whether the box in front of them was a coffin or a container.

However, the most important thing for them next was to find a notebook. This miscellaneous notebook recorded a lot of information they wanted, but many of the things in it were incomprehensible to them. Some totems , some symbols.

Even the meaning that they cannot understand may be a relatively early text.

Therefore, for them, even though they found this thing and it had very strong utilization value, for a while, they were unable to decipher its meaning.

Therefore, everyone can only shake helplessly for the time being.

Of course, Chen Yulou was still very smart at this time. He immediately ordered everyone to keep these things well. After installing these things, they had no intention of leaving this place.

Since they were walking on waterways, they couldn't bring too many things with them. They sorted these things into categories, checked them very carefully, and then eliminated them. They were indeed things they probably wouldn't need.

Then only take those things that must be useful to them, and then prepare to leave this place.

Everyone could only continue walking along the dark waters. After an unknown amount of time, each of them felt that their bodies were very tired.

At the same time, the cold feeling had invaded every one of their nerves, making every piece of their flesh, every piece of skin, and even every bone feel the coldness that penetrated their hearts.

That kind of chill seemed to be spinning around in their bodies desperately, making them feel very uncomfortable, and even made them feel very painful.

That is to say, under such circumstances, everyone is almost unable to support it.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Master naturally felt very tired at this time. Even Chen Zhao gradually found it difficult to support himself.

At this time, he held on to the red girl tightly. He knew that the red girl's condition at this time was actually very bad.

After experiencing so many hardships and dangers, and experiencing so many life-and-death moments, no matter who it was, they were exhausted.

Although Miss Hong is said to be very strong, she is still a girl, so Chen Zhao is still very worried about him.

He grabbed the red girl's hand and swam forward. Although he spent a lot of effort, he could help the red girl save a lot of effort.

Chen Zhao didn't think so, so what...

As for Young Master Partridge, Chen Yulou and the other subordinates, they actually felt very painful at this time. They could already feel that their strength had been almost exhausted.

If they continue to swim like this, I'm afraid they will die of exhaustion sooner or later, even if they don't die of cold or starvation.

Even if the strength in their bodies is completely exhausted, they can only sink into the water, and then cannot escape the fate of being drowned. Everyone feels very anxious.

His men have even begun to discuss: "How far do we have to swim before we can reach the exit?"

"Could it be that...we can't get out at all?"

"Did we take the wrong path?!"

"Are we going in the wrong direction?!"

At this time, everyone had doubts one after another. In fact, these doubts were also terrifying to Chen Yulou and Partridge Shao.

Because at this time, they simply couldn't get the answer.

In such an environment, nothing but darkness is dampness, nothing but coldness is the illusion of dying, which makes each of them feel very uncomfortable.

Chen Yunlong and Partridge Shao naturally could not escape this feeling. Therefore, they were very anxious at this time. On the one hand, they had to stabilize their inner emotions, and on the other hand, they had to take care of Concerned with the emotions of his men.

If everyone is not calmed down, I am afraid that everyone will die in this place and the entire army will be annihilated.

This was something that neither Chen Yulou nor Partridge Whistle wanted to see, so they couldn't help it anymore and said loudly: "Don't lose heart, everyone, just hold on, we will definitely be able to find an exit."

In this case, although Chen Yulou said this, everyone did not necessarily believe it. They just answered their boss very politely, but at this time, everyone felt very desperate.

They even thought very pessimistically that they would never be able to get out. Maybe they were going in the wrong direction, or maybe they would be trapped in this place forever.

In short, the coldness, like the god of death, slowly climbed up their bodies, and the shadow of death gradually enveloped them.

Everyone feels exhausted, and everyone feels further and further away from life. If this continues, they will soon lose consciousness and then drown directly in the water, perhaps from hunger. Damn it, damn it!

Or maybe he was exhausted...

Chapter 267 Water Flow

In short, they will not know how they died...

At this time, I saw that everyone was in a very bad mood. It seemed that if they were not careful, they would all die here.

After holding on until this time, Chen Zhao also started to speak: "Everyone must not give up. Once we give up, we will really die here."

If you keep going forward, there will definitely be hope.

But at this time, Chen Zhaodu didn't know where the hope was, how far away the light was from them, and he could only encourage everyone in this way.

At this time, he actually had plenty of strength, but many of them already felt that they might be running out of strength.

No matter what, everyone is feeling exhausted at this time.

Although no one knows how long they can survive and how long they can persist, with Chen Zhao's encouragement, everyone has not given up hope.

They still maintain a yearning for life and a glimmer of hope for survival.

Therefore, everyone is still struggling to persist, but at this time, their speed is getting faster and faster. In fact, their hands and feet are already frozen.

It became like ice cubes, without any sensation at all. Under such a cold temperature, they could no longer even feel whether their hands were moving or not paddling.

After all, they were like walking zombies at this time. All of them felt that they had been frozen into a block of ice, and even the most basic feelings were gone.

In fact, this is a sign of approaching death. Under such circumstances, everyone even feels desperate.

At this moment, Chen Zhao suddenly shouted: "Don't give up, everyone, look for the light ahead~???"

Everyone raised their heads when they heard Chen Zhao's voice. At this time, they heard that Chen Zhao's voice was full of excitement, excitement, and hope.

Therefore, at this time, they were also shocked in their hearts!

As he continued to move forward, he only saw white light in front of his eyes, which proved that he was not far from the exit.

The light outside was getting closer and closer to them. At this moment, it was as if they had died and a shot of life-saving medicine had been forcibly injected into them.

They felt a warmth begin to sprout from their hearts, and then it entered the erection of their hearts and was shot out in all directions.

Along their blood vessels, it gradually spread to their limbs. They even felt that under the influence of this hope, there was an invisible force that warmed their whole bodies, causing their entire bodies to begin to feel the impact of power.

Then, they had already lost consciousness and gradually recovered. At this time, everyone began to row forward crazily. At this time, their last willpower was aroused by the desire to survive.

If they can escape, all of them may survive. Therefore, a person actually feels very excited at this time.

The desire to survive is actually their instinct. This kind of power from instinct makes them have more strength even if they have used up all their strength. Come.

With their remaining strength, they kept swimming forward. Soon, they saw the light getting closer and closer.

In the end everyone already felt it.The wind outside had blown away the fresh air from their faces, which was much better than the air they smelled in the dark and damp tunnel.

"There really is an exit, we're almost there!"

Chen Yulou began to shout loudly. He also saw the dawn of victory, so he also saw the excitement.

"You don't have to give up, you don't have to give up!!!"

Chen Yulou kept shouting loudly at this time. He hoped that he could use his voice to keep everyone strong, because he knew that as long as they could find the exit, they would be able to find a way out.

If they continue to stay in this place, they might really die miserably here. Even if they survive by chance, they will definitely be driven crazy by the endless darkness and endless roads. .

Therefore, Chen Yulou was also very excited at this time. As long as he could save the lives of his men, he would do it at any cost.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Shao were both at the front, while the others followed closely behind them, including Chen Zhao.

He grabbed the red girl's hand tightly, hoping to protect the red girl.

Although they have found the exit, no one knows what kind of things will happen in front of them. There may not be danger waiting for them, so they must be extremely careful.

He did not dare to relax even for a moment. He had to hold on to Miss Hong tightly, so as to ensure that Miss Hong would never be harmed by any sudden accident.

At this time, everyone was extremely excited, relying on their remaining strength and last hope, and swam quickly towards the front. However, the further they swam forward, they suddenly felt that the water flow seemed to become more and more turbulent.

Originally, the water flow here was very calm, as if it were a pool of stagnant water.

Although they knew that the water was flowing originally, the current situation made them feel very confused.


"There seems to be an exit ahead!"

When Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle saw the exit, they didn't think so much. They knew that if there was an exit ahead, they had to go through it, so they rowed forward quickly.

However, gradually they also felt something was wrong, because they were swimming at the front.He was also the first to feel it before everyone else. The water seemed to be getting more and more turbulent...

It seemed that all the water was flowing forward, taking them towards the exit. At this time, they all felt a little worried...

However, what they felt at this time was the water flow, which kept moving forward. They even could be carried away by the water without exerting any effort.

This situation made them feel very excited...

Chapter 268 Vortex

But if there is water flowing ahead, it proves that there must be a river ahead.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Shao were also ready to enter the river and climb to the bank, so they shouted loudly to the back:

"Everyone, hurry up, we're almost there."

But after the two of them shouted loudly, they felt a huge force pulling around their bodies.

This force is very strange, it seems to be distributed around their bodies, and then there is a huge pulling force in the direction, and then it pulls them, causing them to start to spin.

At this time, no one realized what happened to Chen Yulou and Partridge Shao.

First, they continued to swim forward. At this time, the sound of the water flow became louder and louder, filling their ears with the sound of huge water waves.

Therefore, they couldn't hear what Chen Yulou and Partridge Shao were shouting at this time.

When Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle felt the strange power, they both looked at each other. They were both very confused as to what was going on.

But at this time, they could no longer hear each other's voices, and they could quickly feel the force. 427 actually pulled them and spun them in place.

The two people soon realized that they had fallen into a whirlpool. This whirlpool was so hidden that even if they swam all the way along, they would not be able to see it if they followed the current.

It wasn't until they arrived at the center of the whirlpool that they felt this strange force pulling them around.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle began to shout wildly and loudly, trying to prevent the people behind from coming to their place, but their voices were drowned by the endless sound of water, so that the people behind could not hear them at all... …

Since no one behind them could hear the warnings from Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle, they also swam forward.

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