"We, can't sing. No, we can't sing that. We don't have those annoying songs, our songs are all very nice." Valyali's head almost shook like a weather vane in the strong wind.She stopped and looked at the compatriots around her. They all shook their heads together, their slightly charming faces full of doubts.

Only Valyali's sister, Valkyrie, put on a thoughtful face.

"My sister knows something. Let me ask..." After saying that, Valyali continued to talk to her sister in Siren language.

One thing is indeed true, that is, no one in the siren group where Valyali and Valkyrie belong can sing that weird song.

Although their singing has the ability to enchant people's hearts due to its inherent magic power, that ability is weaker than that of the sirens, and at most it is distracting.

The sirens didn't say this, so Alice and her party didn't know.

Now, they were standing together, staring suspiciously at the meeting of the Sirens.

"They said they didn't do it? But in this sea area, aren't the only ones who can make people jump into the sea involuntarily?" Alice whispered.

Ivan Bell nodded. She stood the sickle up next to her and said, "I think they are just telling lies. They must be telling them to escape. Anyway, I don't believe them."

"It's possible, but don't say it too harshly." Caschia patted Ivan Bell on the shoulder, trying to calm down the bellicose young man.

Wei Xi'an did not join the conversation. He was looking for his dagger all over the deck with his head lowered.He didn't care what the sirens were discussing, it was enough for him to know that there would be an answer in the end.

Ten minutes later, Visian found his black steel dagger from between the two wooden boards. When he carefully pulled out the dagger, the discussion on the Siren's side also ended.

"We discussed and came to a conclusion. It's not us, we don't have the ability to sing. It should be other ethnic groups, they may have come from far away." Valyali said, she pointed a direction for Alice and her party .

And that sea area happened to be the area where Wei Xi'an and the others had dived when searching for materials.But there are only sunken ships there, and there are no conspicuous figures of the sea monsters at all.

"There are no members of your tribe there. Are you sure they are there?" Weisian asked.

Valyali unexpectedly understood this time. She nodded heavily and continued to answer: "They can mimic and their scales can change color. It's hard for you humans to understand."

Oh, mimicry.That makes some sense. There are many mimicking monsters, even in the water.There are fish that can imitate corals, and there are octopuses that can imitate sand, so there is a group of people that can imitate their scales into... what?

wood?seawater?Or something else?

"Um, can you tell us what they will look like?"

"I don't understand. They are very powerful and can change many things."

Alice and Valyali asked and answered questions, and their voices sounded anxious.But it is true that there are a group of mimicking monsters lurking around, which makes people unable to calm down no matter how much they think about it.

"Wait, wait! How can we trust you!" Seeing that her companions were planning to have friendly exchanges with the sea monsters, Ivan Bell asked a little eagerly.

She would say this, partly because the "hot blood" in her body has not completely cooled down, and generally speaking, she has not had enough fun.Even though she rarely had this emotion before, now, she naturally followed her instinct.

Her instinct told her to say it, and she said it, plain and simple.

"I understand, you don't trust us. It's okay, we won't be unhappy." Val Yali looked at Ivan Bell sincerely. She moved a few steps forward with her tail, while she held Valk in her hand. Li's hand.

She wanted her sister to shake hands with Ivan Bell. She learned from the picture book that one of the ways for humans to reach consensus is to shake hands.

However, before she took a few steps, the "death movement" suddenly sounded...


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Valyari planned to have her sister and Alice conduct a friendly and peaceful "handshake and peace" ceremony.However, before she could "walk" a few steps in Alice's direction, the annoying "death movement" suddenly sounded.

At this time, no one would doubt that this devilish song was sung by Valyali and the others.

Look at them, they are all, or rather the whole fish is lying on the deck twitching as if suffocated.Their strong and powerful tails swept back and forth, while their webbed palms tightly covered their ears.

But it was obvious that their inhuman structure could not isolate the sound better.

All in all, they, like humans, are in great pain.

Look at the other side. Alice was half squatting on the ground. She had a splitting headache from the sound. A whole patch of darkness pressed in front of her eyes, making it impossible for her to see anything clearly in front of her.

This was the same as last time. If that were the case, she would wake up in the sea again within a few minutes.

You can't sit still, can you?

"Hurry up and use your smart mind to think of a solution!!!" Alice urged herself, trying to get her head to move quickly.

However, we need to think of a way, but when it comes to this kind of "movement" where the source of the sound is unknown and there is no use betting on your ears, what kind of attack is effective?

Alice failed to give the answer, but Ivan Bell gave it.

As mentioned before, she has been extremely irritable and violent in recent days, which means that in this situation, it is possible for her to do anything.

But "set fire to cook seafood" is still a bit too much.

The chain on the sickle was thrown into the sea by Ivan Bell, and black flames immediately burned along the thrown chain.

Of course it was burned in the sea.

Let me explain, the fire of the Abyss Crosser is a kind of existence called [Ghost Fire]. To put it bluntly, it is a ghost fire.Nirnati's will-o'-the-wisp can burn indefinitely, whether in an oxygen-depleted space or at a depth of more than 20 to [-] meters, it can continue to burn.

Therefore, the sea surrounding the Isabel II was covered with an ominous layer of black flames.

Immediately afterwards, the smell of grilled fish wafted out of the sea. After waiting for another minute or two, a semi-humanoid object also floated up.When the object floated up, the "death movement" stopped, and there was no sign of it playing again.

After their sight and hearing were restored one after another, everyone on the deck had a chance to breathe.

"Hiss...my ears." Ivan Bell stood up holding on to the railing on the side of the boat. She looked to the side in confusion and saw a messy sea surface.

By the way, her chain is sinking to the bottom of the sea at this time, and it is probably impossible to retrieve it today.

Ivan Bell squinted his eyes and carefully identified the floating object with its back facing up and its limbs hanging down. Unfortunately, the object was covered with burnt marks, making it difficult to identify it easily.

"Oh, oh, my head." Alice covered her head and sat on the deck.She closed her eyes several times before regaining her clear vision.She saw Ivan Bell staring at the sea, so she stood over and watched together.

One after another, all sane people ran over there to "view" the masterpiece created by Ivan Bell.

"It would be better to fish it out." Wei Xi'an looked at the floating objects and then came to such a conclusion.

This is a good idea, but...how to fish it out?

The humans all looked at Valyari. The sea monster could swim in the sea and swim very fast.

So if Valyali is not allowed to go at this time, who else will go?

Thanks to the efforts of "Chief Diplomatic Ambassador" Alice, Valyari readily accepted the task and jumped into the sea with a single leap.At this time, Ivan Bell's ghost fire is no longer burning, so Valyali can swim in the sea boldly and safely.

Within a few minutes, Valyali dragged the half-human floating object up.

Spread the float flat on the deck so that it lies face up.Alice leaned over and looked at it for herself. Lying in front of her was a monster with a fish face.

Thick and dull scales started from the base of his ears and extended to his neck. Below the neck, there was light purple skin. At first glance, he thought it was poisoned.

Although the skin now looks even more horrifying because of the burnt marks...

Alice suppressed the fear in her heart and began to examine the fishman's head.Ivan Bell's hand passed across her eyes at this moment, and the other party opened the fishman's mouth first, allowing everyone to see clearly what was inside.

The fishman's mouth is full of sharp fangs, which are somewhat similar to shark's teeth, but much smaller than that.There are some dark marks left on the teeth, and there are a few seaweed sticks on them. It looks like they haven't taken care of them.

And when Ivan Bell continued to open the fishman's mouth wider, a disgusting fishy smell suddenly emerged.

Ivan Bell trembled and quickly closed the fishman's mouth.

She was not the only one who smelled it, everyone standing next to the fish-man corpse smelled it to some extent.However, as humans, Alice and her party only felt "very sick". Instead, one or two sea monsters with poor endurance lay on the side of the ship and vomited.

Alice and the others looked at the two sea monsters lying on the side of the boat with puzzled faces, and complained in their hearts: "Don't you guys smell like fish?"

Ignoring the sirens who were solving physiological problems, Alice continued to ask Valyari at Vishian's signal.

"Are they the other ethnic groups you are talking about? Are they the ones who can sing the kind of songs just now?" Alice slowed down her speech.

After hearing the whole sentence, Valyali did not nod in agreement with Alice's words. Instead, she shook her head and replied: "They, the guys with fish heads, speak ugly and can't sing. But they are indeed bad guys, and they will also attack us."

As she spoke, she pointed to the spear in Caschia's hand, and then pointed to the fishing nets stacked in the corner.Immediately afterwards, she continued to say word by word: "They live very deep and will use these things to catch us back. Many people cannot come back."

Valyali lowered her head, looking depressed, while her sister Valkyrie put on an angry face that looked like she wanted to kill someone.


Chapter 1 Leading to the Deep Sea

"Many people didn't come back." Val Yali lowered her head after saying this.She had a depressed look on her face, as if she was recalling a bad memory.

Even Valkyrie, who had been silent behind her, was in a mood swing. She had been kicking the fish's head since it was fished out, and now her eyes changed from "hateful" to "kill you!" .

"It seems they have a lot of hatred, but why? Aren't they the same species?" Alice raised this question, and the person she asked was no longer Valyali, but Caschia .

Caschia's knowledge of monsters in the ocean was still limited, so he asked Alice's question to Vician again.Vishian is proficient in magic, although most of it was forced upon him by Samuel to memorize it before.

But now, Wei Xi'an was vaguely grateful for this. After all, many names of monsters came to his mind, and one of these names always belonged to the charcoal-grilled fish-headed monster in front of him.

He began to announce names, one after another, until his mouth was dry as he spoke, and the sirens didn't overdo it.

"Okay! I have no choice, give up!" Wei Xi'an failed to recognize the identity of the fish-headed monster, so he sat cross-legged and began to poke at the corpse with his eyes.

Alice did not give up because of this. She used [Magic Sense] to investigate, and finally came to the conclusion that "the fish-headed monster cannot use magic."

However, the strange thing is that there are traces of magic left on it...

"Hmm...then can they use magic? Like me?" Alice gestured to Valyari to look at her staff. She waved it lightly, and the tip of the staff drew pictures in the air with her movements. There was a bright light.

Val Yali's eyes lit up. She kept nodding and replied, "Yes! Those with staffs will, but they are few in number and will not show up."

Now that we know that there is a fish-headed monster that can use magic, the next step is to follow the magic lines that have not had time to dissipate.

Alice could do this. She volunteered to stand up and express her intentions.It was okay if she didn't say it, but as soon as she did, she was immediately surrounded by the sirens.They were very excited, dancing and talking about something, but Alice didn't understand as usual.

But this is quite understandable, if it is converted into a human situation: your dear compatriot has been abducted by the enemy, and is most likely dead.However, although you know that someone on the other side can use magic, you are unable to track him. Until a few months later, a magician appears in front of you and says to you: "Hey! I can help you track the magic on the other side." division!"

Are you excited?

will it?

That's why the sirens were so excited. Alice was surrounded by everyone and almost couldn't breathe.The Siren girls had very good figures and smooth scales. A large dazzling light swayed in front of her eyes, almost making her dizzy and faint.

Ivan Bell hurriedly fished out Alice, and Alice put her shoulder on her shoulder, gasping for air.

"I almost died..." Alice muttered, and she wiped her forehead to wipe away the sweat.Then, she picked up the staff and took a few steps towards the fish-headed monster.

[Magic Tracking] is very similar to the one used when searching for Mioya's bones in Tidal Harbor, but this is a magic that only Alice can cast.

Alice murmured to herself, and a series of mantras came out of her mouth. She chanted the mantras at an unusually fast speed. Valyali only listened for a while, but she couldn't concentrate anymore.

Within a few minutes, Alice opened her eyes and looked towards the west.She could see a vague line extending into the western sea. The line kept repeating the behavior of disappearing and appearing. This was a sign that the magic power was about to dissipate.

There's not much time to waste, and you must act now if you want the fish-headed monster's accomplices.

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