The scene before Caschia's eyes was just a dilapidated ruin to him. Ruins were ruins, serving no purpose other than to lament that the glory of the past no longer existed.

In addition, looking from where he stood, the gray stones seemed to occupy all the space that could be occupied. Green algae spread from the roots of the stones to the top. They stopped at the place where the sun shined. Like a group of night monsters that are afraid of the sun.

This is a forgotten land, and no one would want to come here, not the survivors of Aram, nor ordinary travelers.It's wet and humid here, and there's a lingering sea smell in the air. Even if someone tries to find something here, they will only end up with their hands covered in mud and filth.

"What is it about here that attracts you?" Caschia climbed over a fallen stone pillar while continuing to think in his mind: "Performance, performance... There is no big stage here..."

After patting the dust on his hands, Caschia landed lightly on the ground.Immediately afterwards, he raised his head, narrowed his eyes, and was alert to the noise ahead.

Barlotta stopped, as if he had found the position he needed.Caschia saw him lift up his hood, and one side of the originally empty cloak began to swell. One by one, Caschia watched as more than 50 people walked out from under Barlotta's cloak. .

"I'm going to get closer. I can't see anything clearly from here."

After a brief daze, Caschia rolled and crawled towards Barlotta.He was lucky enough to find a huge stone tablet, which was broken into two parts, just enough to hide his not stalwart body.

Hiding behind the collapsed stone monument, Caschia had a clear view of Barlotta and the people surrounding him.In the sea of ​​people, he found familiar figures, his seven "brothers and sisters".

The four sisters put on brand new costumes. From the costumes, Caschia could vaguely identify their current professions: magician, priest, bard, and dancer.

Looking at his remaining three brothers, from left to right, they became: Knight, Lancer, and Rogue.

There were also other passers-by, dressed in quaint costumes that Caschia had never seen before, making them look like they had stepped out of an old story collection.They looked like they were hanging their heads and stood motionless around Barlotta.

"Welcome to our hometown - Aran." Balota's dry and hoarse voice suddenly sounded.The sound came so suddenly that Caschia's heart nearly stopped.

Before Caschia could catch his breath, Barlotta continued to speak to the crowd: "Today, on this memorable day, we will commemorate that tragic war."

"For the time we have lost, and for the people we have lost..."

Having said this, Barlotta turned his head and looked at the "people" lined up behind him.They started to move after hearing the applause. Their movements were very stiff, especially the movements of their heads.

It's as if they were born without bones in their necks, and their heads are tilted to a weird angle that ordinary people can't do. Usually, most people who try to imitate this movement have already...

Ahem, now is not the time to talk about this, at least for Caschia.He looked at the actions of his family members, and suddenly and for no apparent reason, he felt a headache.

"Uh...uh..." Caschia moaned slightly.Scenes of strange scenes flashed before his eyes, but the scenes disappeared too quickly. Several times, Caschia thought he had caught their tails, but in the end, he could only look regretful. Watch them slip through your fingers.

"What is that!? I seem to...seem to have seen something similar...?"


Chapter 259 The Glory City and the Day of Destruction (4)

The dissipated memories that spanned nearly ten years began to condense again in an instant. They seemed like a stone ball falling from the giant's hand, hitting Caschia's head viciously.

A nauseating, stomach-churning dizziness forced Caschia to squat on the ground in pain in just three seconds.At the same time, a few broken moans also emerged from his mouth. The sound sounded like the whispers of souls who did not want to return to the embrace of the Moon God.

“Memory can be a torment sometimes, especially when you don’t want it to slap you in the face with something you should forget.”

Caschia still remembers such a sentence. This sentence first appeared in a travel diary that he used as a tabletop. Now that he thinks about it, what the author of this travel diary said makes sense.

There were so many things that he wanted to forget, so much that he couldn't even fit them in five or six large baskets.

However, these memories will not be like the sandwich you forgot at the bottom. They will rot and disappear due to the passage of time, or they will enter the stomach of someone or something.Only when you accidentally untie the piece of red silk cloth on the lid basket, they will pour out, and then use extreme methods to tell you, "You shouldn't forget."

That's it now, yes, that's it now.

Here, Caschia is still bobbing in the ocean of memory; at the same time, the "performance" organized by Barlotta is also in full swing.

"Go and bring me the glorious book. Only in this way will there be some hope between you and me."

The priest with a better face was whispering to the man in front of her. Her hands brushed the man's face, moving her fingers from top to bottom as if caressing a frightened cub.

The man's waist immediately softened, and his strong muscles were ready to move. "Conquer her like a dragon!", the man said to himself in his heart.

"I will. I will definitely bring it to see you, my goddess." The man's breathing became heavier. As he spoke, he looked at the priest's hand on his chest.

He could imagine what a wonderful experience these hands would bring him. He knew that they were experienced and playing wonderful music on a sausage was their "specialty".

Even if they touch countless ingredients, so what?

"An experienced chef is always better than a novice." This sentence can be applied to any situation.

The man smiled and raised the helmet in his hand. He lifted it into the air. All the light from the glass window hit the surface of the helmet, causing it to reflect a dazzling light.

"I swear to the gods in the name of the dragon knight Grid! I will return with glory!"

The man's declaration echoed in the ruins, and his words marked the beginning of the next series of sins.And this is exactly what Barlotta needs.

But having said that, how can the script be as thrilling as real life?Literary works often face a huge problem, and that is distortion.

That's what Barlotta's script was like. He didn't know what the dragon knight Grid had talked about with the priest.In this case, let's take a look at what happened in the first place.


Time goes back to more than 30 years ago. There was a saying in Yalan more than 30 years ago that was very widely circulated and was well-known to everyone.

And that sentence says this: "If you want some 'meticulous personal service', then bring money and treasures to find Zenobia in the Great Temple."

The "private service" in the sentence specifically includes those. Regardless of how this sentence spread specifically, we have to mention the so-called "Zenobia".

As we all know, many pastors are basically poor. They (or they) pursue spiritual tranquility, so most of them treat money and other objects very lightly.

However, Zenobia was an exception.

Rumor has it that her boudoir is open day and night to gentlemen who are willing to donate, and there are even a few ladies mixed in.But this is not the point. Whenever red candles are lit and bursts of imaginative sounds are heard in the room, it is enough for everyone to know one thing:

"Another believer has been baptized by Zenobia."

As for the dragon knight Grid, unfortunately, he is the poor believer who will always be rejected.For some reason, he just couldn't get Zenobia to be "interested" in him.

It’s not that he didn’t hand over his money and belongings, it’s just that none of those things could enter the eyes of this holy priest.Until one day, Zenobia gave Greeno a chance, a chance for her to fall into his arms.

"Give me the Holy Book of Light. Only in this way can there be a relationship between us." This is what Zenobia told Greenough. There was no caressing of fingers or tender whispers, just such a simple sentence.

ah!There should be a loud slamming of the door closing here!

All in all, Greeno, who couldn't control his body below the neck, embarked on a journey to find the Holy Book of Light.

But where can the holy scriptures be so easy to find?If it were so easy to find, it would have been lying under Zenobia's clothes among other debris.

Therefore, the great dragon knight Greeno found an "expert in treasure hunting", that is, a master thief.

Speaking of this master thief, there are many things to talk about about his deeds. He often becomes the talk of the town at banquets, and everyone loves his fancy moves.From castles to secret chambers, from dungeons to the strongest prisons, everyone said that God had stolen all over the continent, saying that he had been searching for treasures worth grabbing since he was born.

No one knows the true identity of the thief, after all, he is so mysterious, but only two people know that the notorious thief's real name is "Baclos".

One of them happened to be the dragon knight Greeno who couldn't control himself. When Greeno returned from the Great Temple, he immediately went straight to Bacross's house.

"Dear brother, please help me this time. For me and for my future with that lady!" He shouted while excitedly "unloading" the door of Baclos' room.

"What are you doing!? I told you not to bother me!" Baclos responded angrily as he looked at his damaged door.

It's a pity that his words did not reach anyone's ears, except for his own ears of course...


Chapter 2: Glory City and the Day of Destruction (5)

Baroques was very angry about the visit of the dragon knight Greeno. He looked at the wooden door of his house leaning on the ground, and sparks of anger instantly ignited in his eyes.

I don’t know how many times, Greenough could never remember how to write the words "show mercy". Based on rough statistics, Barlotas was sure that nine out of ten of his furniture would be in the hands of the other party. .

"What on earth do you want to do!? Get out! Don't bother me!" Baroques waved the weapon in his hand and continued to say to Greenough impatiently: "I have no money to lend you. I also have family needs. Raise!”

Greenough was a little stunned after hearing this, and then he waved his hand quickly and responded: "No, no, no! I'm not here to borrow money from you! I only come to you when I have other things to do..."

Halfway through his words, he strode towards Barrox, while Barrox stood there and stared at him with vigilant eyes.

"Do you still remember the 'Dragon's Lair' you mentioned before? I think I have to go there and take a look. There is something I must get that I left there." Greenough lowered his voice, mysteriously. murmured.

Balotas turned his head and glanced suspiciously at the dragon knight in front of him. After a while, he said thoughtfully: "Ha! I understand! That succubus is nagging in your ear again? Bar?"

"She is not a succubus! How can you say that to Lady Zenobia!" Greenough retorted loudly: "She is...!"

"She is the embodiment of light, the 'Mother of the World' who is willing to help us wash away our sins!"

Balotas folded his hands on his chest with a joking look on his face. Just now, he said something for Dragon Knight Greeno that he didn't have time to finish.

"How many times have I heard you say this? Come on, there is no 'Mother of the World'. You know, those ancient legends are all made up by priests."

"No, she is! At least for me.... In short, I must get that holy book!"

"Where did she keep the things you brought over...? Wait..., Holy Scripture? What is it?"

Balotas immediately focused his attention, his ears perked up, and he began to listen carefully to Greenough's thoughts.

Greenough also saw the change in Barlotas' behavior. He nodded with satisfaction, cleared his throat and began to speak: "'Bible of Light', I remember you mentioned before that that thing is hidden in the southwest. In that dragon's nest."

"Yes...I did...I did mention it."

"That's right! You have to take me there! My good brother!"

Greenough excitedly grabbed Balotas's shoulders and even started to shake him back and forth.Barlotas was shaken to the point of being dizzy, but at least he did not shake his brain out of his body. He rejected Greenough's request very rationally.

Barlotas shook off Greenough's hand and said in the calmest tone possible: "No, I won't go. You don't know how dangerous that place is, and there's a dragon sleeping there."

"But you went alone last time. Am I right about that?"

Balotas nodded awkwardly, his mouth tightened, and he squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "That's right."

Greenough smiled understandingly, patted Pallotas heavily on the shoulder, and continued the conversation: "I'll go this time too, how about it? Did you feel confident instantly?"

Although he doesn't want to admit it, as a dragon knight, Greenough's force value is still guaranteed.

Balotas struggled for a while, scratching his head and stamping his feet.After five or six minutes, he reluctantly agreed.

The next second he said "Okay, I'll go with you...", his legs lifted off the ground, and Greeno led him all the way to the southwest of Alan.

The destination was the Dragon's Lair, and there were only two people entering, and they were two people who had made almost no basic preparations.


The Dragon's Lair team has achieved great results, and it would be better if the horrific scars on the face of Dragon Knight Greeno could be ignored.Half an hour ago, Greenough was hit by a breath of the copper dragon. At that time, he felt a temperature that could turn his skin into coke spread on his helmet.He lay down on the spot to avoid the continuous breathing, and took off the helmet on his head.

Should I say it's good luck?Or just bad luck?

Greenough was not "disfigured beyond recognition", but he still left shocking burn marks on his face. The wounds made him look like he had just escaped from a fire scene. If he got closer and sniffed, he would even be surprised. There is an illusion of smelling barbecue.

At the same time, thanks to Balotas' magical props, a water bottle that is always filled with water, Greenough was out of danger.

After that, Greeno and Balotas, who barely recovered, worked together to kill the dragon. Then, like the protagonists in all stories, they returned home loaded with treasure.

After returning to Aram, the two of them went their separate ways. One returned to his residence, while the other ran to the Great Temple.

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