After hearing the inquiry, Ivan Bell walked out of the queue and came to Alice's left.She raised her head and introduced to Alice while recalling: "Zeg, it is a very small town. There are only a hundred residents in the city, but the facilities there are complete, not only taverns, hotels and churches, but also a The Adventurer’s Guild’s stronghold is here.”

"The adventurer's guild's stronghold!? Really? We haven't even visited the guild since last time!"

Alice said with some surprise and nostalgia. She blinked and continued to ask with a smile: "Then when we get to Zeger, let's go visit the guild, okay?"

"Of course, even if those two guys don't agree, I will take you there."

Ivan Bell deliberately raised her voice when she said this. She knew that Vician and Caschia were paying attention to the situation on their side, so her words were not only meant for Alice, but also for These two men listened.It's just that it's not just Wei Xi'an and the others who have been paying attention to the conversation between them, but also the group of children following them.

Arthur, the tallest guy who had led others to hide under the snow to ambush Alice and her party the day before yesterday, was quietly slowing down and retreating.Gradually, he walked side by side with his closest companions, and then they began to discuss at a volume they thought no one else could hear.

What they said is still a secret for the time being. No matter what they are planning specifically, they have no time to implement it at this stage.That was until they arrived at Zeger.

Zeger is, as Ivan Bell said, a very small town, but the same rumors of a complete implementation are also true.As soon as they passed through the northern gate, their group saw various signs hanging on the roadside.

"Look, there are so many different shops here! Wait, is that a fan shop?"

Alice saw the fan shop across the street at a glance. She didn't react for a moment. After all, who would go to a cold area to buy a fan?Do you want to fan yourself with cold air to make yourself cooler?

In fact, the people who buy fans in that store are travelers. They buy animal skin fans that are unique here, and then transport them back to other continents for sale or collection.And shockingly, fans like this are quite popular.

After constantly receiving the impact of novel things, Alice and her party split into two groups near the market and continued their action.Alice and Ivan Bell will take the children to a nearby restaurant for dinner, while Vician and Caschia will go ahead with supplies to discuss with the church.This course of action can save a lot of time. By the time Alice's meal is over, Visian and the Pastors' Association must have made a decision...


Chapter 288 Little Knights (5)

When two girls and a group of children broke into a restaurant that was open, no matter what they thought, they would definitely attract a lot of attention.This is the case for the restaurant Paralila, which is also open today. The waitress Lila of this restaurant happened to be holding a cutlet when Alice and her party broke in. When she saw a group of people swarming in, At that moment, she almost dropped the steak on the head of the bald guest in front of her.

Fortunately, no bald guy scratched and screamed because of the steak, and Lila didn't have to apologize profusely for it.After placing the meal in her hand on the table, she immediately rushed to the new guests and enthusiastically asked them what they wanted.

"What do you want? Well, he gave me a lot of money anyway, so can we order whatever we want?"

Alice held the money bag in her hand and lowered her head to ask Ivan Bell who was standing at her feet.Lila also noticed Alice's gaze from the side, and she involuntarily moved her gaze to Ivan Bell. She almost screamed at this sight.

In her impression, half-orcs were mostly burly men covered in fur. They usually looked like a cross between humans and beasts.Take Lila herself. She has seen orcs with tiger heads and some with snake heads.

But this was the first time she saw the harmless and cute rabbit head.

"Is this really an orc? Or is this a newly discovered race?"

Not only did Lila think this, she looked at Ivan Bell’s gaze getting hotter and hotter as she thought about it.

Ivan Bell moved her ears. She glanced at Lila and immediately looked away.In her eyes, Lila's gaze was too familiar to her. She thought that was how she was stared at by those little brats.

"Then just do whatever you want, anyway, it's not our money."

Ivan Bell jumped up. She first jumped on Alice's shoulders, and then sat down.Alice therefore had to adjust her stance to prevent Ivan Bell from falling from her shoulders.After the series of actions last night, she turned to Lila, who was still a little dazed, and asked her: "We really want to order food. Can you give us the menu?"

"Huh? Ah, oh oh oh! Here, here is the menu. If you want to eat something, please call me and I will come over and take the order right away!"

Lila was startled. She had an inexplicable feeling of embarrassment about watching someone being caught while they were having sex. Because of this, she hurriedly dropped the menu and ran back to the kitchen, leaving Alice alone. Looking at her retreating back inexplicably.

In a place where Alice and the others could not see, Lila took her brother Pala and talked incoherently about everything she saw after returning to the kitchen.

"Brother! Brother! Listen to me, there is a rare species in our restaurant!"

"Ah? What on earth are you talking about...!!! Don't come over here! Are you going to ruin my pot of stir-fried vegetables!?"

Parra pulled away Lila who was lying on top of him, but the moment he pushed Lila away, Lila was stuck to her again like a magnet.

"Go away! The food is going to burn!"

"It won't be confusing. Brother, aren't you shaking the spoon? No, listen to me. A group of strange people came to our restaurant. Not only are there many children, but there is also an orc with a rabbit head!"

When he heard the word "orcs", Parra's movements in his hands paused. He didn't like orcs, just like other people living in Nomoft. Orcs almost occupied the top three of his dislike list.And when his only sister told him happily that an orc came to their small restaurant, he began to become irritable.

He stared at the pot in front of him. He originally decided not to leave the platform during working hours, but now...

Maybe it's time for him to break the rules.

"Orc? I'll go take a look. You just stay here."

As she spoke, Parra took off her apron and threw it aside, then ran out of the kitchen with her boots clanking.As soon as he came out, he discovered the strange group of guests that Lila had mentioned. They were so conspicuous that there was no possibility of admitting their mistake.


Parra walked to the table and slapped it hard.Alice, who was sitting opposite, raised her head in confusion after hearing this movement, showing an expression of "what happened?"

"Are you here to dine? I'm sorry I..."

"Oh! Are you here to order? That's just right. We have just decided what we want to eat. If you want, please tell the chef."

What Parra was about to say was interrupted by Alice, who apparently mistook him for another employee in charge of ordering.

"I'm here...!"

"Please give us these, these and these. Ah, plus this and this and that. Sorry there are too many of us, but we will pay the money properly, so please don't worry about this."

Alice smiled shyly at Pala, she put the menu in his hand, and then turned to talk to Ivan Bell who was sitting on the chair.Ivan Bell was so short that she was not noticed by Pala while sitting on the chair, but after Alice's "reminder", he was able to meet Ivan Bell face to face.


Parra stared at Ivan Bell. He looked left and right, no matter from which angle he looked, he couldn't see anything about Ivan Bell that looked like the half-orc he was familiar with.Orcs were extremely ferocious in his memory. They were tall and strong and could break a human's neck with just a pinch.

But the very well-behaved rabbit-shaped half-orc child sitting on the chair was just like a well-made doll.If it hadn't been talking to the person next to it, he would have thought it was the child who put the toy on the chair!

"This, this is your companion?"

Parra spoke to Alice. Alice thought he would ask about the group of children who took up a lot of space, but she didn't expect that the other party seemed to be more interested in Ivan Bell.

"Yes, her name is Ivan Bell, and she is a good friend of mine."

Alice answered casually, her tone calm, as if she was repeating an established fact.Ivan Bell sat aside and nodded. She rubbed her cheek and said to Pala: "Then she called Alice. Waiting behind us are a group of little kids who are looking for a temporary residence."

Parra didn't know what else to answer for a moment, and he felt that his world view had collapsed.I don’t know if I should first marvel that “orcs can speak Common Language”!Okay, it's time to sigh, "You two have brought so many people!" Okay.

Confused, he could only answer "Oh, oh..." and then returned to the kitchen as if he was being chased by a wild beast.And when he returned to the kitchen, he was greeted with "loving" greetings from his sister Lila...


Chapter 289 Interlude - The two people whose world view was subverted and the wealthy Alice

Parra, whose world view collapsed in an instant, returned to the kitchen tremblingly. All he could think about was: "Are there still those kind of half-orcs in this world?" and "There are really people who make friends with those half-orcs." !?".But what he never expected was that Ivan Bell was not only a half-orc (for now), but also a half-vampire.

Normally vampires are already very scary, but if you add rabbit-shaped orcs to the mix...

kindness?Why does it feel like it’s even weirder?

Putting aside the turmoil in Parachi's heart for the time being, let us focus on his sister, Lila.Although Lila runs this small restaurant with her brother Para, her cooking skills are actually very poor. The consequence of letting her cook is that a large amount of dark matter will be produced, just like this time.

Originally, Parra's plate of stir-fried vegetables was about to be finished, but Lila flipped it over a few times, and the tender green vegetables turned into sticky black balls in an instant.This made Lila a little overwhelmed. She almost ran away from the kitchen on the spot and planned to seek help from Pala. However, what did she see?

She saw Parra patting the table while chatting with the newly arrived guests.

"Don't be rude to your guests. This will not only leave a bad impression on them, but also make the food taste bad." This is what their parents often say, and Lila has always kept it in mind.At the same time, it is also because of this sentence that she works so hard to smile for the customers during business hours.

"Smiling can heal people's hearts." Whenever the guests relax and smile back at her, Lila will feel that her behavior is extremely correct.But at the same time, she also takes her work more seriously, so that in her eyes, "rude hospitality" = NOT GOOD.

But this time, it was her brother who broke this rule with his own hands, which was very embarrassing.

Before Parra could recover from the shock, he felt a shadow rushing toward him.His nose smelled a familiar strange smell, which directly caused his psychological shadow.Only four minutes after being knocked down by the dark cuisine, he managed to survive from the brink of death.

"What are you doing! You want to kill me...!? Wait, is this the dish I didn't finish cooking just now?"

"Huh! You can't eat it anyway! But how can you treat your guests like that! I can see it all clearly!"

"That's not a guest! It's an orc! Those savage guys are damn barbarians even if they look like that!"

"But it looks so cute! Oh, no! But it is our guest, how can you talk to it like that!?"

Lila angrily took the menu from Parra's hand, and began to beat Parra with the menu. Fortunately, she didn't use too much force, otherwise Parra would definitely be beaten with a concussion.And when Parra apologized profusely, she put down the menu.

"I will apologize on your behalf this time. You cannot discriminate against your guests because their race is different from ours."

"That's not discrimination, it's fact..."

"La la la, you can't hear me! Anyway, hurry up and prepare the meals they ordered so that I can deliver them to them quickly!"

"'Meal ordered'? Well, I didn't remember this..."

The air at the scene suddenly froze, and it took Lila half a minute to understand what Parra said. Then she realized that her brother didn't seem to be talking casually.

He really, really didn't remember it.

Well done, Parra, with a crisp and clean NG two-shot.

Lila stared at Parra with twitching eyes. Parra also realized at this moment that he had lost his composure. He shrank his neck and rolled back to the edge of the table in despair, lighting a fire and preparing to cook.

"Hey, why on earth did it become like this?"

Lila looked at Pala's back and sighed quietly. If there was anything in this world that was most unlikely to happen, it would be for her brother to completely put aside his prejudice against orcs.Although three-quarters of the people in this world are just like him, people always have to have hope, right?

After that, Lila once again found Alice and her party with the menu.She first apologized for Pala's rudeness. Although Alice and Ivan Bell didn't pay much attention to it, she still apologized very sincerely.Then, came the second order.This time Alice's order was carefully recorded on a piece of paper, and this piece of paper was taken back to the kitchen by Lila and clamped firmly on the hemp rope above the kitchen counter.

With the steam generated during cooking, the document filled with text dangled on the hemp rope, dazzling Lila and Parra who were watching from the side.Lila has just calculated the total amount of the receipt. More than 40 dishes total 530 gold. If divided equally among 17 people, the cost for each person will be more than 31 gold.

This is almost their monthly income for two months. People in this cold northern land generally prefer high-quality and cheap dishes, and there will be such "generous" prices as they do.

"They ordered a lot of expensive dishes. Do you think they can really afford it?"

"Huh? But I remember they seemed to have said, 'Don't worry about money, we can afford it'?"

"...I'm so touched! Brother, you still remember what the guest said!"

"Is now the time to say that!?"

Parra pulled Lila away from him again. In fact, although he said that just now, he was not sure whether Alice's table would be able to pay the bill.

But he didn't have to worry soon. When Lila placed the first plate of cooked dishes on the big round table in front of Alice and others, Alice handed her the money bag full of gold coins.When Lila took the money bag, she was almost impressed by its weight. She did not open the bag immediately to check the authenticity of the gold coins inside, but ran back to Parra with the money bag in a daze.

As soon as she walked into the kitchen, Lila put the money bag on the table.The money bag and the tabletop collided with each other and made a loud "bang" sound, which frightened Pala into thinking that Lila had kicked the door down.He wanted to turn around and complain, but the next second he turned around, he was almost blinded by the golden light.

More than 500 gold coins spilled out of the untied bag, and the overflowing gold coins almost covered half of the countertop.Parra walked over, and then he picked up one of the gold coins by accident and put it between his teeth and bit it. The hardness that was about to knock his teeth off didn't mean it was a real gold coin.

"They really paid it off, they really paid it off..."

"Yes, yes."

Parra and Lila stood dumbly in front of the pile of gold coins. They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, until the burning smell from the other side of the platform woke them up.


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