"Huh? Why isn't there anymore? The one who was here a few hours ago!?" This time, it was the mage among the adventurers who was shouting.His tone was full of disbelief, as if he had encountered some unspeakable misfortune.

Alice couldn't help but look at her a few more times, but because of this, the mage not only caught her gaze, but also looked straight over.

"Have you seen a contract that says 'Conquer the Ice Element'? I remember it was posted near here."

"This neighborhood... is so nice. No, sorry! We didn't see a similar contract when we came here."

Alice replied apologetically, retracting her gaze from the bottom of the bulletin board and looking back at the anxious adventurers in front of them.After receiving the reply, this group of adventurers gathered together anxiously to discuss. They discussed for about a few minutes and then called the staff over.

The staff stood in front of the bulletin board and pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "A group of brats just ran in and ran away with a contract. Will the contract you are looking for be in their hands?" Come on, you and the others are just tall enough to reach here."

As he spoke, the man made two gestures at the bottom of the bulletin board. The height he pointed out happened to be the average height of a child.

"I remember it was a guy with red hair and freckles on his face. Behind him were three children about the same age as him. They said they were here to register adventurers, but I kicked them out. But I didn't expect... …”

"Then where are they now!?"

"Hey! Let me tell you, those little brats are very cunning. If they don't take the main road, they have to take some small road..."

The staff talked endlessly about their previous experiences, and the group of adventurers who had lost their contracts also listened carefully.As Alice listened, she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

An astonishing fact emerged in her mind, that is what the staff said, no matter how you look at it, it is Arthur and the others!


Chapter 293 Ice Attack (1)

"Let me tell you, those little brats are so cunning. They don't take the main roads easily, so they have to take some small roads. As a result, we chased these people and got stuck in the cracks of the wall! And... ...Bara-Bala, Jili-Gulu..."

Alice heard the staff member pouring out his words like a floodgate to the three adventurers who had lost their contracts, but as she listened, she suddenly realized that this person's mouth was She knew the "little brats" she was talking about.

Needless to say, the only ones who can do such terrible things are Arthur and his children.But this became a problem. Alice was hesitant. She didn't know whether she should tell the guild that they knew the "suspect" at this time?Or are you pretending not to know anything about it to avoid getting burned?

"Should I say it or shouldn't I say it? If I don't say it, I always feel like I've lied to someone..."

Alice was extremely tangled in her heart. This tangle lasted for nearly 5 minutes, so long that the other people behind her had already discussed a countermeasure.

"Alice, come here. We have something to discuss."

Vician lowered his voice and spoke to Alice mysteriously.Alice stared at him in confusion for a while, then nodded and followed him out silently.

Vician took Alice outside the guild door, where Caschia and Ivan Bell were standing. They seemed to be waiting for Alice to come over.

"What's wrong? What do you want to say?"

"Alice, did you hear what that gentleman said just now? We think... that might be Arthur and the children behind him."

Caschia sighed quietly. He raised a hand and rubbed the middle of his eyes, looking exhausted.

The corner of Alice's mouth twitched a few times, and she said with a wry smile: "So you guys feel this way too, I thought I was the only one who felt this way."

After saying that, she began to sigh like Caschia.

For the next minute or two, none of the four of them spoke, and then after the two minutes passed, someone spoke up to break the awkward situation.

It was Ivan Bell. She grabbed one of her ears and asked in a bad tone: "What about now? Are we really going to stand here for the rest of our lives? And then turn into four stone statues at the entrance of the guild?"

Her words made everyone shiver. They all turned their heads and looked around. They didn't know that the passers-by on the street were paying attention to them, and even two staff members from the guild ran to the door and treated them inhumanely. of onlookers.

It was really not a good idea for four people like them to stand at the door, and Alice and her party understood this deeply.

"Then, then... what should we do now? We think we should go find them and 'surrender'"

When she said the word "surrender", Alice glanced at the guild member leaning against the door warily, and lowered her voice and spoke mysteriously.She looked like a small vendor in the black market, and she was the kind who specialized in contraband.

"'Turn yourself in'? Sorry, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why? We can't pretend we don't know anything, right?"

"At least we have to wait until we find Arthur...wait, they won't be using the contract to defeat monsters, right?"

Vician was still refuting Alice's proposal at first, but after he continued speaking, he suddenly had a bad idea.He stated this possibility very bluntly, and judging from everything that is happening now, he was right.

"...Why are you still here? Go find it!"

The words woke up the dreamer, and Alice's team immediately started running around like a flock of frightened birds.Although after 10 minutes, they realized that there was only one destination and merged into a group again.

Following the slightly blurred footprints on the ground toward the pursuer, Alice and the others squeezed through the narrow path and climbed over the roof of a family's house. Arthur's trajectory was weirder than any of them thought. They After almost running around Zeger, he finally stood on the edge of the east city gate.

Obviously the East City Gate is just two streets away from the Adventurer's Guild...

When they walked out of the east city gate, Alice and her party expected to find Arthur directly, but instead they were the first to welcome Arthur's little follower, Clayton.

Clayton stumbled over from afar, and after seeing Alice's familiar figure, he obviously sped up.Alice hurriedly ran towards him, and then, in her arms, there was a guy with a snotty nose and slurred speech.

Clayton cried and said with teeth leaking: "Save us, we, we are defeated... Wuwuwu, we can't beat the tower, they are too powerful."

"There, there are so many there!... Well, ah!! I'm so scared, Arthur and the others are still fighting, I'm scared!"

As he spoke, Clayton burst into tears.He couldn't speak a complete sentence at all in this situation, and Alice and the other four could only understand some things from fragments of words.

"So they really went to fight monsters!?"

Alice is not only troubled by the fact that Vician's bad premonition has come true, but she is also anxious about the unknown that will happen next.

Caschia watched from the side and felt that he should do something. He walked to Clayton's side, gently put his hand on his head, and softly said "Shh" to him several times.The booing miraculously calmed Clayton down for a while, but within three seconds, the little guy started crying again.

But what he said after crying was much easier to understand.

Clayton said: "Right over there, woo woo! They asked me to get fat first and find someone, so here I am."

"You've got the ball, come with me. Save them."

Seeing that Clayton was almost dehydrated from crying, Alice and her party also realized the urgency of the matter.They quickly asked Clayton to lead the way, and Clayton, an eight-year-old child, led them staggeringly across a small river, and then stopped near a flat land filled with ice picks.

The flat ground is covered with large ice picks half as tall as a man. The ice picks are translucent and you can clearly see the scenery behind them.In the center of the ice cone array is a strange-shaped ice sculpture.

Clayton collapsed to the ground when he saw the prototype of the ice sculpture. He simply passed out and temporarily lost consciousness.

"Ivan, can you look at him first? We...we are going to have a look inside."

"Tsk, is it like this again? Okay, okay, I'll look at him."

Evan Bell shrugged his head and squatted next to Clayton with a depressed expression.While poking Clayton's face with her hand, she muttered softly: "I can't be of much help in this situation anyway, right?"

Alice looked at Ivan Bell apologetically, but at the same time, she was also amused by Ivan Bell's almost awkward behavior.After she said "Wait for me" to Ivan Bell, she ran towards the center of the ice cone array like Vician and Caschia.


Chapter 294 Ice Attack (2)

When Arthur got the contract, he felt that he had the strength to lead his soldiers to get all the rewards written above.

I don’t know if it’s the gold coins or the respect the adults show them.

This is simply everything Arthur pursues, so he can't wait to lead his companions to find the so-called "ice element".

Although he has no idea what the ice element looks like and whether it is powerful or not.He even misunderstood the words on the contract from the beginning.

In fact, this is not entirely his fault. Who can guarantee that an 11-year-old farm boy who was born and lived in a rural field can understand every word on the contract?

But other than that, he had to take the blame for everything.If he could realize that he made a mistake in skipping "a group" and "extremely dangerous" without reading, then they wouldn't be frozen into human-shaped ice sculptures by eight ice elements now.

Yes, the entire text written on the contract was not "defeat the ice elements wandering in the suburbs, and you will get a bounty of one hundred gold coins"; it was "defeat a group of ice elements wandering in the suburbs. They are extremely dangerous and dangerous." It is difficult to deal with, but those who defeat it will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins."

It seemed that Arthur not only missed the words, but even spelled "hundred" and "thousand" completely wrong.

I can only hope that after he is rescued by Alice and her party, he will learn the spelling of these words under the guidance of the church...

Speaking of Alice and her party, they are currently fighting against the legendary ice elemental group.As soon as they stepped into the center of the ice cone array, they were immediately surrounded by ice elements.

Elements are an existence that ordinary people cannot see or touch, but in the magic world, that is, in the thinking of magicians, elements are the basic existence that constitutes everything in the world.Just like the building blocks a child uses to build a house, every object in existence and the world is made up of elements stacked one by one.In this way, the existence of elements becomes even more mysterious. If you know someone who claims that he can "see" elements, the most he can see is a patch of glowing particles or mist. Don't be shy, just call him. Just be a liar.

However, there is still a way for them to be observed by humans, that is, when they condense into entities, one of the forms becomes an activated element by ordinary people.

The common name for activated elements is X-elements.This X can refer to many natural elements, such as water, fire, wind, earth, and the ice element now in front of Alice. They are all members of the activated element family.Activated elements can not only be summoned by people, but may also appear out of thin air in certain places. Of course, those places must have a high magic content, otherwise the magic flowing in the air cannot support the activated elements to appear.

In addition, although activated elements are often used by magicians to do various things on their behalf, in fact, their IQ is not high, and they are more like beasts.Then a group of naturally occurring living elements would be equivalent to a group of lawless and destructive beasts.No wonder someone posted this contract on a bulletin board.

Back to the topic of ice element, ice element is like a frozen combination of water element and wind element in people's eyes.There are large and small ice cubes floating around the funnel-shaped spiral gas cloud. These ice cubes are all in an irregular shape, but the ice cones surrounding the main body of the ice element and constantly rotating in circles present a perfect rhombus shape. .

The two ends of these diamond-shaped ice picks are extremely sharp, and it seems that they can easily cut through a person's skin.

And when the ice element attacks... Alice has to explain it.She is currently fighting an ice elemental.

First, when Alice broke into the sight of the ice element, the ice element was the first to give her a heavy blow.Following a roar that could deafen the ears, a cold and biting wind blew over.She felt like the gust of wind stretched out a hand and gave her a big mouthful, which immediately made her fall to the ground dizzy.

Before she could recover from her dizziness, a strong sting made her cry out.She blinked and looked towards the place where her eyes were full of pain. She saw a sharp ice pick stuck on her shoulder, and the ice pick moved away as if it had its own consciousness.

In a blink of an eye, the ice pick was pulled out of her wound.


Alice was completely awake now. She subconsciously put her hand on her wound. Fortunately, the ice pick was not big, just a thin, long, scary-looking thing. Otherwise, her shoulder would have been completely scrapped. .

For a small injury, Alice's own healing magic alone would be enough.After using magic to stop the bleeding, she joined the battlefield again.

But in the eyes of the ice element, this is the best moment for it to pursue.Before Alice could regain her footing, the second ice pick whizzed towards her.From the beginning, the ice element seemed to have no intention of sparing Alice's life (from the actual situation, we don't think the ice element would understand the meaning of mercy.), first on the shoulder, and this time on the throat.

A sharp and large ice pick flew through the air, and Alice felt that the next second this thing would be inserted into her neck, or directly pierce her and fall to the ground.Both of these thoughts were unpleasant, and Alice still wanted to do her best to avoid any casualties.

But how to fight the ice element?

Or...what is their weakness?

The answer is obvious, ice is weaker than fire, this is common sense.

It happened that Alice was very lucky to have taken an alternative exam in the academy. The topic of the exam at that time was "Use of Elemental Magic."Guess what?Alice got full marks in the category of fire attributes. She is simply a living fire child. Flames are her best, even better than wind blades.It's just that she is not good at using magic in complete details, so some people think that she is poor at using fire magic.

But, but!Now that all the restraints around Alice were released, she subconsciously roared, and a barrage of flames spread out straight ahead.

Dots of flame figures fell on it, making a series of sizzling sounds when they touched the snow, which made people feel their scalp numb.

When Alice stood up in the fire curtain, her eyes had changed.This change was not accidental, but because she saw it. She saw the ice element retreating because of the flames!

Chapter 295: Fire Phoenix Starts a Prairie Fire

After realizing that the ice element has the characteristic of fearing "fire", Alice immediately realized that the time for her to show off her skills had come.She describes herself as an excellent magician, and what she is best at is the incredibly destructive fire magic.

"If you don't use it now, what's the point of waiting?" Alice asked herself. She slowly raised her head and stared at the ice elements in the distance with malicious intent.Then in the next second, she jumped in front of the ice element and launched her own attack.

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