"Let's take a look. Unfortunately, I don't have any potions or scrolls here that can disable the sense of smell. But there are things that can disable all five senses. Why don't you... give it a try?" As he said that, he picked up a large bottle of black The potion and a scroll wrapped with a white ribbon were waved in front of everyone.

Alice took the bottle of potion from Vician's hand. She lifted the bottle containing the thick black liquid and shook it a few times, then shrugged and put it back on the ground. "I don't dare drink this." After saying that, she retracted to her original position.

The time moved forward 10 minutes again. Alice and her party, who had been in the snow for a long time, finally stood up again. They dusted off the snow on their bodies, and then walked into the longhouse as if they were dead.

And those things that Wei Xi'an took out eventually returned to his pocket.

The second time I walked into the longhouse, I wonder if it was due to psychological effects, but the rancid smell was strangely more acceptable.After bypassing the broken wine bottles piled near the door and removing some of the furniture blocking the way, a path was cleared that could lead to all parts of the house.

Alice and her party first walked up the stairs leading to the second floor. After reaching the second floor, they found that it was not much better than the first floor.Almost everything that could be taken away was swept away, and the furniture and furnishings were also damaged to varying degrees.

"It seemed like there were people living here not long ago."

Alice lifted up the sheets on the bed in front of her. As she spoke, she observed the traces of human figures pressed out on the bed.The traces were unusually clear, allowing her to imagine the posture in which this uninvited guest fell asleep.

"You are right, and it seems that this guy just left not long ago. Maybe he will come back tonight." Visian said, patting his dusty hands, and then pointed to the open door and continued to talk. The companions said: "Come on, there are still many places we have not checked."

Four hours passed, and just because of Wei Xi'an's words, they searched the whole floor.But they couldn't find anything useful. I don't know who complained first: "The old man is really fooling us!", and the remaining two people also started to complain.Of course, Caschia was not included, and he was trying his best to consider every possibility in order to help them find what they really needed here.


Chapter 300 Chasing the past (3)

Another two hours later, Alice and her party started searching the first floor again after coming down from the second floor.To their surprise, they found a locked trap door under a blanket stuck to the floor.

Ivan Bell, who found the door, immediately called her companions, and then she patted the trap door with her paws, and the iron trap door immediately made a heavy echo.This sound indicated that there was a large space under the trap door. In any case, the things below must be something cherished by the owner of this longhouse.

Since it is a very precious thing...

That’s all the more reason to go find out, right?

"You found a locked door? Then why not let a professional like me help you solve this problem?" Visian was joking. He walked past Alice and then came closer. Ivan Bell's side.

Then he unhooked a bubbling potion bottle from his waist, removed the stopper and poured it onto the trap door.In front of everyone's eyes, the parts in contact with the potion were dissolving at a speed visible to the naked eye. Within a minute or two, the lock on the trap door no longer worked, and the door... could naturally be opened and closed freely.

"Everyone please."

Visian said and made a gesture to everyone. He looked extremely satisfied with his masterpiece.

Alice gave him a helpless look, then stretched out her hand to lift the trapdoor.Then she went down the rope ladder hanging next to the door, and then Ivan Bell also jumped down.

Then came Caschia and Vician.

When all four people descended to the space under the trap door, a brand new space appeared in front of them.It looked like a basement. Surprisingly, the air in the basement was fresher than above, and there were even bursts of refreshing wind blowing from afar.

"Wow! It's much better here!" Alice exclaimed: "Can we close the door?"

Upon hearing this inquiry, Caschia stretched out his hand and closed the trap door smoothly. It's good for people to be tall...

When he closed the door, the light in the basement suddenly dimmed, but they could still see their feet clearly.Continuing to walk deeper into the basement, after walking around a corner, bright light shone directly into the eyes of Alice and her party.

Behind the corner is a place that looks like an alchemy workshop, but it looks extremely strange.Water tanks that are taller than a person are neatly arranged in the middle of the room, and creatures of different shapes are floating in the cyan liquid inside the water tanks.Some have an embryonic appearance, while others have a human-like form.

"Is this... a human? It looks so strange."

"There seems to be something written here. Let me read it, 'Experimental Subject E-13'. What does this mean?"

"Hmm... I don't understand the formula here. It doesn't look like alchemy."

Everyone, except Ivan Bell, was telling each other about their findings.There was only Ivan Bell, who was looking at the water tank in a daze, and was still subconsciously approaching the water tank.

The contents of the water tank gave Ivan Bell a familiar feeling, which disturbed her mind and caused strange fragments to appear in her mind.

One second she was looking at the outside world through the water tank, and the next second she appeared on a carriage.As the carriage swayed forward, she looked to her left and then to her right. She saw many children similar to herself.She and the group of children were all crowded into the small carriage. Suddenly, someone got on the carriage.

The man swung the whip and struck her on the body. While he was whipping, he was still saying:

"Ivan! Ivan, get out of the water tank quickly!"

Ivan Bell opened her eyes suddenly and looked around blankly. Her vision was filled with cyan liquid. Through a layer of glass, she also found Alice patting the water tank anxiously behind the glass.

The water tank began to vibrate, and Ivan Bell realized what he was doing.She stretched out her paw towards the open water tank valve. Alice saw it and quickly reached out to pick her up.

After leaving the water tank, Ivan Bell shook his hair and spit out the bitter liquid in his mouth. "Bah, bah, bah, how did I get in that thing?"

"You ask this? You just climbed up the water tank as if you had lost your soul, then opened the valve and jumped in alone."

"I, what have I done..."

Ivan Bell was very puzzled when she heard Alice's answer. Before she could understand what she saw, a new question hit her again.While talking to Alice, she suddenly felt that there was something on her head. She reached out and touched it and found that the thing was a book with a dusty surface.The dust on the books looked like it not only covered her head with a layer of dust, but also made her paws dirty.

"Oh, it seems your swimming time is over? In that case, come and help me move these things away, and let us see what is hidden under this pile of things." Wei Xi'an raised his eyebrows on one side, and then put a A new book was placed on Ivan Bell's head again.

"What is it? Let me take a look."

"I can help, but if you dare to put something on my head again, I will smash your head with it!"

As Ivan Bell and Alice spoke, they both walked to the place pointed by Vician, but Ivan Bell accidentally smashed the book in his face when they passed by him.Arriving at the debris pile, Caschia put the things in his hands on the ground and raised his head to smile at them both.

"Actually, there aren't many things here. We've almost finished sorting them," Caschia said.

"It's okay. Is there anything else we can help with?"

"Then...well, let's go read those books. Maybe there is some noteworthy information in them."

"Okay. Ivan, can you come and help me?"

Alice waved to Ivan Bell, and Ivan Bell nodded to her, and then jumped over and ran over.For a moment, the only sounds left were the noise of moving things and the rustling of pages being turned.

An hour later, the sorting of miscellaneous items was over, but the flipping through of books was not yet over.There were piles of finished books at the feet of Alice and Ivan Bell, but unfortunately they could not find any information in these books.

After a while, Vician and Caschia walked up to Alice and the others holding a yellowed document.Caschia handed the document to Ivan Bell and whispered to her: "You should take a look at this."

On the other side, Vician temporarily pulled Alice away and said to her: "We found something...well, something related to Ivan Bell."


3 Chasing the Past (4)

"We found something, um... about Ivan Bell."

Alice was pulled aside by Vician, and when she just stood still, she suddenly heard Vician say this to her.

As for Alice, she first looked at Vishian suspiciously, and then asked: "...? What is it? Why is it so mysterious?"

"It's a bit complicated, so I'll just focus on it: Ivan Bell is not a human being."

"??? Of course she's not human. Isn't her race half-vampire?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. What I meant is that she does not belong to the category of 'human' from the very beginning."

Alice became even more confused when she heard this. What is meant by "category that is not fundamentally human"?This sounds even more difficult to understand than what the old professor of their college said.

"I know she is physically different from us ordinary humans, but so what? She is still our companion!"

"...Why do I feel like you still didn't understand what I said? Stop for a moment and let me start over again. This time I will speak more clearly."

Weisian coughed a few times and cleared his throat when he said this. Alice, who was next to him, looked at him with a look that looked like a fool while waiting impatiently for the next sentence.

After about half a minute, Wei Xi'an continued: "Here's the thing, have you seen these strange water tanks around you?"

"I see, I'm not blind."

"Don't be so aggressive. Ahem, okay! Ivan Bell was born from these water tanks! This is the information we got from a document, of course! Provided that the document we found was not artificially fabricated if."

"Huh? What? What did you say?"

Faced with Wei Xi'an's answer, Alice fell into a state of confusion for a while. It took her a long time to utter these simple sentences.


Alice pointed to the water tank not far away, and Vician nodded to her.

Then, she moved her finger in the direction of Ivan Bell, and Vician nodded to her again.

Alice put her finger down, and Alice began to think about life.

After a while, she suddenly realized and said to Vishian: "So, Ivan, she was born from this thing. Just like other things floating in it?"

"According to my understanding, the thing floating in the water tank is not a thing, it is also a kind of creature."

"So... I should say something..., I'm starting to have a headache."

Alice's whole body seemed to have been struck by lightning, and she leaned against the wall behind her with a sad face.Now her mind was filled with the words "Ivan Bell is not a human" and "My companion was born from here" flying alternately. It might be an illusion. She even heard someone shouting in her ear like this.

On the other side, Ivan Bell, who saw the document with his own eyes, is in a similar mental state to Alice.But all she could think about was the profound philosophical question of "What kind of existence am I?"

Thinking about philosophical issues usually gives people a headache, and absorbing a large amount of information in a short period of time also gives people a headache. When the two headaches are superimposed on each other, even if you have a stone head, it will explode.

"I, I don't understand anymore. I don't know what to do, I don't want to anymore."

Ivan Bell threw the document in his hand on the ground with a look of resentment. It seemed that ever since she became like this, her cold attributes as an abyss crossing were completely insulated from her.Looking at her current appearance, she is basically no different from a rambunctious and willful child.

"We can't help much in this matter. Even if what is written in this document is true, you are still our companion." Caschia bent down and picked up the dusty document, and then continued to comfort Ivan Bell, "Everyone thinks so," he said.

"Anyway, I'm not a normal human being. Now I just know that the way I was born is a little different."

"Well, it seems that there is really no normal person among us."

"It's weird. Isn't there a saying that says, 'a drunkard in a barrel' or 'similar people will always get together'?"

Ivan Bell shook his ears as he spoke.

At this time, Alice and Visian also ended their conversation and came over.Seeing the two of them coming, Ivan Bell waved his paw at them casually as a greeting.But when Alice really stood in front of Ivan Bell, she became reserved. She hesitated and seemed to have forgotten everything she wanted to say.There was no other way, so Weisian had to help her organize her words behind her back, and then she finished the next words.This is what she said to Ivan Bell: "Ivan, we are still good friends! No matter who you were before, how you were born, or what you did before. We will still be partners in the end!" "

Evan Bell looked at Alice inexplicably, and she keenly noticed Alice's strangeness. "You shouldn't have said something to her, right?" She gave Vician a sharp look, and Vician shrugged innocently behind Alice, with an expression that said, "What are you talking about?"

Although Vician expressed this, Ivan Bell obviously didn't trust him very much. She waved to Alice and then pulled her aside.The two of them quickly exchanged a wave of information. At this time, Ivan Bell learned from Alice that the other party had also been called to "learn the truth."

In addition, she also heard from Alice's mouth that Vician had said that she was no longer human.

If someone else said this to her, she would still be able to bear it, but this time the person who said this was Wei Xi'an, who was extremely arrogant in her eyes. No matter what, she wanted to take revenge.

As for how to take revenge, let's wait until tonight.

After planning the target, Ivan Bell pulled Alice back to her original position.She pulled Alice and raised her head at the same time and asked: "Who wrote this document? We might be able to find him."

"There is no signature on this document. But if you look around here more, there may be other documents."

Having said this, Caschia motioned for everyone to look at the pile of documents placed on the table. Those were documents that he had not yet sorted out. There were enough white jade copies, and each copy had no less than twenty pages. .

Alice trembled and pulled out the top document from the pile. She turned to the first page and saw "Synthetic Object Observation Diary-0039" written on the header of the document.This seems to be the 39th entry in all observation diaries, and the content in the diary is just an "observation diary" as the title says.

But the content of this diary may not be too strange.

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