Xiuya heard this and stood up to do something, but his father held him down with one hand.When Alice saw that Xiu Ya could not break free from her father's restraint, her head got hot and she ran out from where she was.

In the blink of an eye, she arrived at the girl's side.

"No hitting! No hitting! Mom is a bad person!"

Alice shouted, spreading her hands in front of the girl.Suddenly, the girl made slight movements behind her. She looked at Alice, and something seemed to flash in her eyes.

"Come here for me!"

Mrs. Black ignored Alice's obstruction. She pulled her little daughter behind her and angrily lectured her: "She is dangerous! Please go back!"


"No but! Go, go!"

Alice was yelled at a few times, and tears instantly filled her eyes.But she did not leave. Instead, she mustered up the courage to hug her mother's lap.She probably wanted to drag him away from the girl, but how could her strength compare to that of an adult?

Mrs. Black, who was so angry that her face turned red, grabbed Alice and spanked her as punishment. At this time, she said "Come here! We are leaving here!!!" but she stopped. action.

It was her husband, Mr. Black, who spoke.Mr. Black's voice was like an iron bell. The sound penetrated through many layers of barriers and reached the ears of Mrs. Black who was holding Alice.

Mrs. Black didn't care whether she was angry or not. She immediately dropped the wooden stick in her hand, picked up Alice and rushed towards the port.Back at the port, Mr. Black, who had finally untied the knots, and his wife put the children on the boat, and just when they were about to step into the cabin...

Several black shadows jumped out from the nearby collapsed houses and woods, causing Mrs. Black to scream again. Her high pitched voice was as harsh and unpleasant as the banshee.And she wasn't just screaming. While screaming, she also kept picking up rocks from the ground and throwing them at the shadows.But there were only a few palm-sized rocks that could resist their progress. After a while, they were surrounded by black shadows.

The shadows gradually approached, and their true appearance was exposed to the Black family.The Black family found that they were surrounded by young children. Logically speaking, a group of unknown children would be scary, but what was even more scary was their appearance.Their bodies were all stained with blood and dust, and some had a strange red strip of meat hanging from the corners of their mouths; and on their faces, their calm faces showed no expression, only the eyes of different colors. The murderous intention revealed can barely be called "emotional exposure".

"Let's go, let's go! It's okay if it's just you, let's go!"

When Mrs. Black realized that it was all over, she threw the last stone, turned and ran to the boat.She kicked out hard, and the successful person's boat left the dock.The boat left the port with only three passengers and went down the current.

Blake's adults and minors were separated at this moment.

In the end, neither Shuya nor Alice knew what happened to the Black couple, whether they were attacked, or whether the group of children did anything to them.The last thing they saw was just the lonely figure standing on the shore watching them leave.

However, in Alice's eyes, it was the most unusual scene in the entire extraordinary winter night. She was attracted by the golden hair blown up in the cold night wind; Eyes fascinated by the color of clouds at sunset.

As she watched, Alice involuntarily stretched out her hand towards the thin figure, and then...

The sound of water flowing and her brother's exclamation sounded at the same time, the cold hit her, and the tide like a tidal wave wrapped her tightly...


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Alice woke up from the memory in a cold sweat.She now had a splitting headache. Although she did not have any organs that could feel the pain, the pain seemed to flow through her soul, making her want to curl up in a ball.


Chapter 311 Blending...?

When a person finds that everything he knows has been subverted, the person he trusts the most has actually been deceiving himself.And then a person appears in front of this person, claiming that he can "get everything back on track".

What would that person do?What else will you say?


Escaped from the long-laid memories, Alice not only felt the pain in her soul that tortured her, but also the sense of distortion and disbelief also invaded her.She reflexively wanted to wrap herself up and use her arms to block out all the cold and biting things. However, in fact, she now looked like a round spherical object floating in the void.

There were no hands to wipe the tears from her eyes, no legs to escape from.

Even the mouth disappeared, leaving her no chance to cry out in pain or pain.

Woohoo, how desperate.

It was as if the world was covered with a dark fog, no, not the world, but the life of Alice Black was cast into a dark fog.She had never seen her life clearly. The "war orphan" she knew and was taught was just an illusion.

It took her many years to find the truth, and that truth told her: her unusual childhood was caused by an experiment.And the executor of the experiment happened to be her companion who had been with her for a long time.

"Is this really my childhood memory?"

[Do you want to say that it is your fantasy?Come on, you should still remember it, right?Remember "Shua Black" and "Camille Black", right?

Oh, right.

Aren't you the one who forgot them? 】

"Why don't the mentors tell me what's going on in my hometown?"

【Tell you?Why should I tell you?

To get you to leave the academy?To make the only person willing to voluntarily investigate the source of Skyfall disappear?

Or is it because he wants his "good adopted daughter" to break up with him? 】

"Does anyone else know about this?"

【What do you think?

Do you want me to repeat this answer to you?

Everyone, yes everyone.

Of course...except for yourself.

"Then, Ivan, is she really...?"

Are you still calling that bastard Ivan so affectionately?

Don't you remember what she did to your family?

Okay, let me reminisce with you: together with my companions, we destroyed your village, caused the death of your parents, separated your brothers, and hid everything.

Are these enough to explain the problem? 】

"But, but... ughhhhhh!"

Alice collapsed. She was overwhelmed by the sounds of her own questions and answers, as well as emotions such as anxiety, suspicion, jealousy, anger, hatred, etc., to the point where she directly lost her mind.

She asked why God was so unfair to her.

She asked how someone could lie without hesitation.

She questions how someone could let go of the past so easily.

She questions how anyone can forgive someone who has done evil to him/her.

She questioned...

Just when Alice's mind was filled with crazy thoughts, an eye-catching light came not far from her.The light looked so warm that people couldn't help but feel the urge to get closer.

In fact, Alice did move closer.She originally thought that she would become one with the sticky dark void, or be swallowed by it, or swallow the darkness.

But she felt the so-called "light" again, as well as her long-lost limbs and torso.

Whenever she got closer to the vertical light, she would feel herself stretching. She felt that her hands and feet had grown back, and she also found that her heart began to beat again.This was magical. Alice had thought that she would be trapped in a slimy mire of black smoke and would never be able to move. She also thought that she would always be trapped in this terrible sphere.

But it was as if a pair of invisible hands were giving her the proper posture as a human being.

But if you put it this way, wouldn't she be a clay model?

When Alice stumbled into the realm of light, a warm embrace immediately enveloped her.At the same time, an inexplicably familiar voice whispered to her: "It's okay."

"It's okay, no one will hurt you again."

After hearing this, Alice opened her eyes in confusion, and then she saw a face bathed in light that looked very similar to hers.

No, it's not so much a "resemblance" as it is her face.Standing in front of her was another self, a "self" that was slightly older than herself.

"It's okay, everything will be fine."

The older Alice continued to talk to her younger self, and while she was talking, she held the other person affectionately with her hands.Alice felt a warmth flowing through her body, mind, and soul.Driven by her inner impulse, Alice's uncanny skills repaid the other party, and then she burst into tears uncontrollably.

While crying, she was still questioning.

"They all hid it from me...whether they were my companions or my mentors."

"They could obviously tell me that my home has been destroyed and my family is gone."

"Liars, they are all liars! What else can you say...'When you grow up, you can go find your own family outside!"

As if she wanted to vent her inner anguish and pain over the years, Alice kept crying in the other person's arms.Alice spoke one sentence after another, and after one sentence she immediately followed up with the second sentence. As her listener, the woman with an older version of her face just lowered her eyes and gently touched Alice. back as a sign of comfort.

I don’t know how long it took, but after Alice had almost vented her feelings, the grown-up girl said to her now: "But there is still someone who loves you deeply in this world. That person will not deceive you or hurt you." , and will not abandon you."

"Impossible, where do such people still exist in this world!"

Alice raised her neck with a look of distrust.

"Yes. Yes. In the past, there was another person in the world who would treat you like this, and that was him."


"Yes, him. You have known each other for a long time, before you met anyone else..."

Alice was confused by herself. She tried to remember whether she knew such a person. Somehow, Samuel's face came to her mind.

"No, no, no, it's not him! How could it be him!"

"But, last time he..."

"!!! What you said is right. He did not treat me..."


Chapter 3 What will the future be like...?

This is what happens when Alice is talking to her other self, and what happens after that.



When the three of Ivan Bell were immersed in carrying materials, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground suddenly sounded.The sound was so sudden that Ivan Bell jumped more than ten centimeters in fright.Turning around, the three of them found Alice lying on the ground in the same position as "Blackie".

They each put down the things in their hands, ran to Alice's side and stretched out their hands to turn her around, placing her on the ground with her face facing up.

Vician opened Alice's closed right eye and took a look. Alice was rolling her eyes, and she was still unconscious in this state.When Ivan Bell saw Vician's movements, he also opened Alice's left eye.

Needless to say, I was also rolling my eyes.

"Breathing is normal, pulse is normal."

Caschia did not join in the childish behavior of the other two people. He tested Alice's vital signs very professionally, and then he came to the conclusion that Alice fell into a deep coma.

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