Chapter 21 “Garden of Eden”

Time passed as usual, and the Light Festival held in the imperial capital also came to an end.

On the penultimate day before the end of the festival, Alice sat alone next to the fountain in the center of the square, watching passers-by throw coins into the top of the fountain in order to pray for blessings.

She had tried several times. The coin in her hand flipped several times in the air and hit the stone wall and top of the fountain. Then the coin hit the water at an angle.

Alice didn't know what she had in mind when she threw the coin. She had been in a daze since returning from the ball.

Perhaps she should, as Vician said, treat everything that happened that night as a magic show.

But deep in her heart, there was a voice praying not to forget this matter.

This made Alice's head almost explode. She walked out of Pergade and came to the street just to get away from the mess of thoughts.

She was sitting on a stone chair looking at the water in a daze. A gust of wind brought light-colored petals to the water, causing a ripple.

"It can't go on like this."

Alice moved her fingers on her knees, stood up, left the square and began to wander aimlessly in the city.She walked past a group of dancing girls, passed through alleys extending in all directions, and walked on the shadows under the eaves of residential houses.She was getting farther and farther away from the central square, so far away that even she couldn't determine her position.

As she walked, Alice stopped. The sign of the bar in front of her attracted her attention. Some magic was used to make the words on the sign change into various colors.

Alice had never drank, but maybe a glass of wine would make her feel better for now.

The world behind the door is extremely luxurious, just like Les's small clothing store, the appearance is seriously inconsistent with the inside.There was no hustle and bustle like that adventurous tavern in Uptown. Low and slow music echoed in the room, which reminded Alice of the dance party a few days ago.

Sofas that looked like they were made of genuine leather were placed in open compartments. Women in different costumes were next to the guests, with wine and fruits on their hands or on the table.

"This is a new face. Normally we don't accept minors...but let's make a special exception today."

"Come on, tell me what's bothering you."

Alice smelled a scent, and she turned to the person who spoke to her. The man had a good figure and was wearing a champagne-colored high-cut dress.

"This is the Garden of Eden, sinful lamb, come and repent to me."

The woman who whispered to her brought her into the so-called paradise.


Alice felt like her body was being hollowed out. She had drunk too much wine, and the person sitting opposite her had turned into a yellow object in her eyes.


Hearing the customer's call, Alvina arched her eyebrows and smiled. Her slender fingers rubbed the rim of the glass. The wine in the glass exuded an alluring smell, just like herself.

It was a complete accident that she met Alice. This bar called "Eden" has a somewhat... different positioning for its customers.

However, the bar is still a bar. As one of the clerks, Alvina was very dedicated to drinking with Alice. They ordered bottle after bottle until the table could no longer be placed and Alice fell asleep due to alcohol. .

Perhaps because of her conscience, or perhaps because something Alice said touched this extraordinary lady, Evana rarely showed mercy and chose some cheaper drinks to recommend to Alice.

Although the accumulated amount of drinks on this table is not cheap.

The gears in the wall clock hanging in the store were running as usual. When Alice woke up, she was no longer in the cubicle, she was lying on a bed.

Alice sat up holding her head, which was aching from the hangover. Someone put a spoonful of it to her mouth. She drank it, and her headache soon subsided as the potion was taken down.

Alice woke up a lot and remembered what she had been doing before.She remembered walking into a bar, drinking to drown her sorrows in the company of Alvina, and then for some reason woke up in this strange room.

Alice had a bad premonition and quickly checked herself. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her original clothes were still on her body.

"I'm so glad you woke up."

Alvina put down the spoon. She had been watching over Alice during her sleep, but she had another reason for being there.

"Unfortunately, our bar is closed."

"If you can, be sure to settle your bill before you leave."

Alice found the bill in Avina's hand. When she saw the amount on the bill, she almost fell off the bed. The amount was so horrifying that she couldn't afford to pay it back even if she sold her.

Alice couldn't afford it, and Alvina knew about it, so she "kindly" made a suggestion.

"What should we do? We don't accept credit here, um..."

"But I don't want to bully you. I will go and talk to the boss."

Avina twirled her long hair around her ears and walked out of the room as she said this. She did not go looking for the so-called bar owner. Instead, she waited outside the room for a while before turning back.

"Our boss agreed. She said you can find someone to ransom you back."

Avina said as always to Alice, who was in the same anxious state as the past guests.

Alice thought for a moment. She didn't really want to cause trouble to others, but in this situation, it seemed that she could only ask others for help.

"I know someone, you can come to him."


Wei Xi'an was eating when he heard someone coming to report. He immediately fell down after hearing "The Garden of Eden asked you to redeem people."

"What idiot again!"

Wei Xi'an felt that he had almost become a regular customer of that bar, not because of frequent visits, but because he went there almost every week to redeem the guild members.

Over time, Wei Xi'an became familiar there, and he also knew the bar owner in this way.

Visian pushed aside the half-eaten steak and angrily came to the "Garden of Eden" bar. He didn't see any stupid-looking strong men, but he did find Alice surrounded in the middle.

"Even you?"

Alice read the above information in Vishian's speechless expression.

"What are you doing here!"

Weisian skillfully signed the documents and placed a bag of gold coins on the bar.He kicked Alice, but Alice looked away and said tangledly: "Please don't mention it."

"Wait a minute, don't leave so fast."

Before Vician and Alice took a few steps to leave, the owner of the bar stopped them.

"I'm really bothering you."

Visian gritted his teeth and said that if there was anyone he least wanted to see in the entire Ander, then "Artemis" would definitely be in the top five.

This person who is known as the goddess of hunting, the object of her hunting is not a beast, but other people's wallets.Vician was pulled by Artemis to talk for a while, and after Alice finished drinking a glass of juice, he came back with a dark face and asked Alice to leave the bar.

When Alice walked out of the store, she found that it was completely dark.

"I drank from morning to night!?"

Alice secretly swore never to touch any alcoholic drinks again. She and Vishian walked on the street at night, heading in the direction of the guild.

"No wonder they smile when they see you."

After Alice spoke, she finally stopped apologizing. After learning from Visian why he was so familiar with the owner of "Eden", she just wanted to give Visian some wax.

"It's not 'them', it's 'them'."

Vician corrected, and Alice raised her eyebrows in confusion. The clerk in that bar looked like a woman no matter how she looked, either in terms of figure or...? ? ?

Wait, there seems to be something wrong, just like Avina, she seems to be a little different from herself.

Alice touched her neck, and found that there was no protrusion like Alwina's at her throat.

"Ah? What? Damn it!!!?"

Miss Alvina (♂), the honorary clerk of the "Eden" ladyboy bar, captured a large number of customers with her graceful figure like a woman, including the confused Alice.

Wei Xi'an dragged Alice's chin which was about to fall to the ground, shook her head and sighed: "It's over, another one."


[A certain cubicle in the bar "Garden of Eden"]

Alice smashed the wine glass on the table, stepped on the edge of the table, and let out a sad and angry roar: "What's the use of these breasts? I might as well be a man!"

These words reminded Avina of her past self, when she suddenly became a member of the "Garden of Eden" because of the same words.

Avina felt an inexplicable emotion lingering in her heart, which made her replace the top-quality red wine she had just ordered with a relatively cheaper version of the same type of wine.


Avina let out a sigh, and she quietly looked at Alice, who was starting to go crazy with alcohol, and fell into memories.

Chapter 22 Murder in the Church

The holy bells echoed in the church, and everyone bowed their heads and offered prayers to their gods.As the 12th bell rang, the Pope walked out of the inner chamber. The magnificent jade he held in his hand shone with light, gentle and solemn. This was the beginning of the prayer ceremony.

——Excerpted from "Nirnati's Experiences"


Alice put the book back on her waist. It was now noon, and the imperial capital Ander was being illuminated by the warm sunshine. The few and pitiful shades of the trees could not cover everyone.

It's just that this book is of no use to Alice for the time being. After all, reading under the sun is not a good choice, not to mention that she has already read through the contents.

In order not to make a joke in this event that the whole country participated in, Alice did a lot of homework.The "Nirna's Notes" that she had just stuffed back into her pocket contained relevant content about the prayer ceremony.

As much as she wanted to go to church to avoid the sun, she couldn't just walk in now and get a refuge from the heat under the protection of the gods, as no one else could.The door of the church not far from her was closed, and there was a sign with a notice beside the door.

"In view of the convening of the prayer service, the church is temporarily closed and entry will not be allowed until the prayer service is opened."

It was for this reason that Alice, like the other residents, gathered in the open space in front of the church.Everyone gathered here changed from brightly colored clothes and put on simple robes.

For an occasion like a ceremony, this kind of dress is indeed more appropriate.

Alice's mood immediately dropped to freezing point after she saw in the book that the prayer ceremony had a dress code. She didn't have the robes embroidered with gods' patterns like others. Just when she was about to shrink into the room in despair, Robinson Brought a gift - a ceremonial robe

Although Robinson dug this robe out of Les' old clothes, it was better than nothing.

Speaking of which, it was thanks to the fact that Miss Rice and Alice had a similar figure when they were young. If Alice were to wear Robinson's old clothes, the robe would no longer be a robe.

While Alice was thinking about how to grow as tall as Robinson, more and more people gathered in the clearing.The noise from the crowd attracted Alice's attention. Looking around, half of the residents of Ander seemed to be gathered together, and there were even some adventurers among them.

Alice had read some books about myths and legends, and wondered whether those adventurers appeared in Ander because of the influence of these legends.

According to the legend, the God of Light is called the "Lord of Life." It is said that people who can be blessed by the God of Light can stay away from the threat of death.

No one knows whether this legend is true or false, but this does not prevent them from praying for their safety in front of the statue.

Alice actually wanted Vician and Caschia to come together. She came up with this idea after learning about the rather rough life experiences of these two companions.There is nothing more gratifying than living a smooth life, although it is not Alice's turn to say this.

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