But Vician was not in a hurry to go to the next room. He squeezed this and poked at that; he opened the door of the small cupboard and opened the small wooden box that was ajar.He found no other objects of note, so he had to admit that he had spent half an hour in the nursery.

Leaving the children's room, Visian walked into the next room.The second room is the study room, just next to the children's room. There are bookshelves all the way to the ceiling, and a desk surrounded by bookshelves. "There is definitely something here!" Visian's intuition reminded him.

More than an hour passed, and the lights on both sides of the street outside the window were turned off. Only the house where Wei Xi'an was still had the lights on.Night is a good time for reading, but it is not a good time after eleven o'clock in the night. Wei Xi'an flipped through several books in succession, and then the two eyelids above and below his eyes began to fight.

"Yawn..." Wei Xi'an opened his mouth and yawned. He put the open book upside down on the table, then stood up and opened the window behind him.The cool evening breeze blew in from the open window, and Visian squinted his eyes. He was slightly awake because of the wind.

He stood by the window for about two or three minutes. After the coldness drove away his sleepiness, he returned to his desk and read books.

If it were an ordinary book, he could just throw it away.However, what he found was Linda Triton's diary.

I don't know how many hours passed, until the sun rose and the dark clouds dispersed, Wei Xi'an barely finished reading Ms. Linda's diary.People often say that the elderly will become nagging, but they never thought that this nagging energy would be reflected in writing.

Weisian took out a stack of paper from the drawer, then brought ink and pen. He turned the diary back to the first page and prepared to start from the beginning and record the important contents written on it.

Wei Xianti wrote: "Candlelight Chronicle No. June 17, 28..."


Candlelight Chronicle No. 17 - June 28, sunny, north wind.

This is the first diary I have recorded, and my hands have become a little unruly.I don’t know if it’s because of the endless nightmares that plague me, or because I’m getting older.

It has been eight years since I left Mr. B and the team members. I am a coward and a fool who ran away from the battlefield.Say what you will, I will never set foot in Nomoft again.


The reason I moved from Normoft and chose to settle here is...

The reason is……

I don’t know, and I don’t know why I chose to settle near that place.Every day I stand at the window of my house and see the ruins, and even the old castle on the mountain.

Karta Sentinel, this is the name of the village.

The name it once was, because it has been destroyed.If anyone can find my diary (although I think it is impossible) and is a survivor of Kalta Sentinel (I also think there is little hope for this), I must apologize to you here.

I was a participant in that plan, and I also recorded it. I watched you being devoured by fire and the village destroyed.

Now that we have received the punishment we deserve, will you...

Can you let this poor guy go?


Chapter 3: Destiny and Destiny—The Observer’s Legacy (4)

"Can you guys get around me, poor guy?"

Visian wrote the last few letters of this sentence on the paper, and then he reached out and turned the diary in front of him to the next page.The date on the next page of the diary is inconsistent with the previous one, jumping directly to July [-]rd.

On July [-]rd, Ms. Linda Triton once again recorded her day's itinerary in writing.And when Wei Xi'an wrote on the paper at hand: Candlelight Period - July [-]rd, Rain.After these words, he threw the ball into a ball out of the window in frustration.

"What's the point of me writing this!? Let me think about it... I remember which page it was on?" Visian muttered, picking up the diary and flipping through it quickly.He read through the diary three or four times from beginning to end before he found what he really needed to record among the hundreds of pages of text.

That was three years after the first diary entry, and in this diary entry Ms. Linda Triton mentioned exciting news.

She was not the only member of the organization to survive the Full Moon Incident, there were five or six other survivors like her.


[Candlelight Chronicle—No. 20 years.October 23rd, sunny. 】

Which diary is this for me?

I don’t remember a bit, it seems that I am indeed older.But thanks to the mercy of the God of Light, I have been able to sleep well in recent years.The shadows and sounds that intruded on me disappeared, and I almost got a normal, very ordinary life.

However, everything that happened in the past will not disappear because of the passage of time.

Even though I am now an old man with white hair and the words on Facebook that I can’t see clearly, I still have a lot of things I want to do.Either to atone for my sins or to make myself feel a little better, I tried my best to find the remaining survivors.

Yes, they are just like me now, tortured by the haze of the past; they are also scarred like me, huddled in their houses waiting for the end of their fate.

But there is much we can do before returning to the embrace of the God of Light.Like I said, first and foremost, we can have a memorial service.I have discussed it with the priest, and one month from now, they will allow me to temporarily lend the church.

What a kind person.


I sincerely hope others can be there.

(I have to find a place to write down their names, otherwise I'll just forget them.)


……, …………, …….

(I keep the list and notes at the bottom of a drawer, right under everything, so they’re easy to find. But I’ll write it down here just in case I forget next month.)


So far, that is the content of the diary for October 23, all recorded on this small page.And the list mentioned in it is now in Weixi's hands.The process of finding the list was hassle-free and, as Linda Triton herself wrote, "very easy to find."However, if you check who is still alive on the list... that will be troublesome.

"'Died in Candlelight No. 20', and now it is No. 30. That means there is no record of these four years..." Vician looked at the simple answer given to him by Elvian. With.He thought for a while, even if Ms. Linda mentioned a few survivors in her diary, maybe they could survive until the day her diary was completed.But during the four years when this diary is empty, there is no guarantee that the person will pass away during this period.

Does he really want to spend his time "looking for someone who may or may not be dead"?Is it worth it?

the answer is……

No matter what the answer is, since it has begun, just think that there is no need to find out the ink with difficulty, and Visian will continue to search.Fortunately, he did find someone who might still be alive.

Let’s start with Ms. Linda’s list. That person’s name is: Frances Hall.He was a guy who worked as a transporter in the Group project. He was much younger than Linda. If he could really live to this day, he would only be around 60 years old.

From a certain perspective, he is still very young.

And Francis Hall lives in Ander, yes, he lives in Ander.But it's not in the city, but in the county. It seems to be on the outermost side of the county, and has little to do with the city of Ander.But interestingly, he chose to settle in Alder for the same reasons Linda did.

They all settled in their respective towns for religious reasons.

The holy land of Landinchard and the imperial capital of Andre, their belief circles are all built around the God of Light, and the teachings of the God of Light are very simple in layman's terms: repentance, atonement, and redemption.With these three things in mind, it seems understandable why Ms. Linda and Mr. Francis chose to believe in the God of Light. After all, they both wanted to repent and atone for their sins.

At the same time, they all look forward to the salvation given by God.

"Francis Hall. Illuminati believer. He is about 60 years old. He is tall and lame. He has a daughter of unknown age and black hair."

"I live in the outskirts of Ander, on the border of the earldom. A farmer..."

While reciting the contents on the list and in the diary, Visian kept writing on the paper with a pen.A few minutes later, a document containing Francis' personal information was released.Taking the documents, Wei Xi'an stood up from his desk and walked downstairs.

It is now seven o'clock in the morning, a time when everything comes to life.But for night owls who have stayed up all night, it is a drowsy time.Before Weisian had taken a few steps, he felt light-headed and waves of dizziness hit his head.It felt like the last time he was running around for the Thief's Wrist thing, but this time, he might not be able to make it back to his bed.

"Bang!" Wei Xi'an's consciousness was interrupted.

Afterwards, if the alchemy doll who was waiting in the house hadn't discovered him, he would have been lying in the study and sleeping soundly all day long.As for where the alchemy doll threw him, that will have to wait until Visian wakes up to figure it out.

Although Wei Xi'an fell into a deep sleep, the rest of the people were still working hard.During this period, Ivan Bell found what she wanted to know.


When the person who [convicts] transforms into the person who [condemns]...

When [Guardian] becomes [Destroyer]...

When [self-discipline] turns into [indulgence]...

What kind of scenery is waiting on the other side of destiny?


Leaving his companions and the path he should be on, Ivan Bell felt somewhat confused.But this confusion only lasted for a short time, because she now began to have new goals.

She first heard a voice, which called her from the far shore, "Come to me, I know what you need now. Strength, revenge, proof, everything I can give you..." This The voice speaking to her was so tempting that she couldn't resist.

"Then where should I find you?" Ivan Bell couldn't help but ask.She didn't question the source of the voice. Maybe she had already made it clear that she didn't care?In such a bizarre situation, she even struck up a conversation with the voice.

For a person who has lost almost everything and has half his life turned upside down, he really doesn't care about anything anymore.

But...is that really the case?

Does Evan Bell really want to take care of nothing?

"What I want to do is..."

What do you want to do?

Before Ivan Bell could figure out the problem, the voice immediately rushed into her head again.It said to Ivan Bell: "You want revenge, don't you? In order to get revenge on the group of guys who played with your life, in order to get revenge on the group of people who told you what you should do is the right thing to do."

"You've had enough, and I've had enough. We're just pawns in someone else's hands, gone. No one cares about how we feel, we're just a tool to fill them up with. Desire. Killing or harm, which one makes us truly desire?”

"But you can't control yourself, am I right? You can't control your desire to destroy, because that's your nature. But it's not your fault, it's those people! This is leaving a mark on you The [sin] of the person!”

The voice suddenly became excited when he said this, and Ivan Bell could imagine the expression on the other person's face now.However, she herself seemed to have the exact same look on her face.

"What do you want me to do?" Ivan Bell asked again.

But as soon as she finished saying this, her eyes suddenly became distorted.Everything around her seemed to be covered with a layer of dark red glass. As far as the eye could see, it was a color that was unsettling.Ivan Bell looked up in surprise. She saw that the originally boundless clear sky was occupied by an unknown giant. The giant floated with countless tentacles, looking down at her from top to bottom.

The giant thing discovered the existence of Ivan Bell, and it slowly turned its huge body to face her.

"It's not what I want you to do. It's what you want to do."

"I want...I want to go..."

Ivan Bell opened her mouth, but at the same time, her whole body tensed up unnaturally, and even the long ears hanging on both sides of her head stood straight up.

After a while, Ivan Bell answered hesitantly: "I want to find the people who created me."

But the giant thing didn't seem satisfied with this answer, and it continued to question Ivan Bell.

"Is this all there is? Is this all you really want!?"


"Listen, that's not all you can do. Come here, my mate, and I can show you."

As he spoke, a rope that seemed to be composed of multiple silk threads extended down from the giant object, and this rope was tied around Ivan Bell's neck.The feel of the rope was very familiar, just like the unknown red thread she had come into contact with in Alder.

Then, just when Ivan Bell was about to say something, the rope suddenly inserted into her neck, and streams of boiling liquid poured into her body along the surface of the rope.

There is no pain, but a feeling of "regaining life"...

"This is……!?"

Ivan Bell stretched out her right hand in a daze, and she noticed that her right hand was no longer a furry paw, but a human palm with a normal appearance.

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