The elves have good adaptability to magic. As a race closer to 'gods' than humans, they can use their first magic almost at an early age.

During the Great Migration, a small group of elves left their homeland and voluntarily stayed in Elniland.

Minor races:


Vampires are more commonly known as vampires; they are alien races that live on blood and are hidden among humans. They only appeared in the world after the collapse of the continent.

The Vampires are physically close to humans, but their lifespans are several times longer than humans. According to records in human history books, individual Vampires can approach immortality.

The Blood Clan was born due to the changes in the parliamentary staff after the 'Full Moon Incident': 'Humans who voluntarily donate blood can be recognized as members of the family, and the Blood Clan needs to take on the responsibility of protecting the safety of the suppliers. 'Such a treaty.

Because of this treaty, the relationship between vampires and humans has improved slightly.

Vampires have good adaptability to magic, and can gradually master magic such as transfiguration and simple mental manipulation within a period of time after being transformed; those with superior abilities can skillfully use dark attribute magic.


A race that mainly exists on the continent of Xios, a race that survives by cannibalism; it cannot transform humans like the Vampires. In order to increase the population of the race, it can only use the method of cursing pregnant women.

Most of the time, a werewolf has the same body shape as a human, with the only obvious difference being that it has more hair; after a full moon or after cannibalism, it will return to its werewolf form, and its appearance will become closer to that of a wolf that walks upright on two legs.

After reverting to werewolf form, they will attack their enemies with their sharp claws.

Some werewolves refuse to eat living people and survive by eating corpses and other methods. These werewolves are usually opposed to the original group.

After the 'Full Moon Incident', the relationship with humans and vampires became very bad; it even became one of the main targets of human beings' crusade.

Werewolves have poor adaptability to magic, and can only use some painless magic attacks except to increase the curse of the group.


For a race that lives in the ocean, the ocean filled with Nirnati is their home.

The siren's upper body is close to that of a human and its lower body is fish-tail-shaped, with tiny scales on its arms and neck; the siren cannot survive on land for a long time.

In the songs sung by humans, the blood of the sirens will condense into gems in the sun, and the medicine made from the scales can make people have beautiful singing voices; therefore, the sirens are sometimes attacked by lawless people, even if the content of these songs Whether it is a fact.

Sirens' magic is very adaptable, and their race's unique ability can contain magic in their songs; objects who hear the sirens' songs will behave differently.


The race living on the nameless island woke up and appeared in front of the world after the "collapse of the continent".

Basically there will be no fights with other races, and they will only fight back when other races attack; the dragon's unique dragon breath (fire) can even penetrate the arcane armor made by the dwarf craftsmen.

Dragons show different postures due to their own magical attributes, but most of the magic of dragons is released through dragon breath.

In the songs sung by humans, dragons can give up their power and become ordinary humans.

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