Starlight nodded half-underlyingly. She didn't understand what happened. She just agreed to all the requests because she cared about her master's anxious face.

"Yeah, Starlight can do it. Master, please rest assured!"

"This is my good boy. I leave everything to you. Are you ready?"


Alice's ability to coax Starlight became more and more skillful, and Starlight agreed to the entire plan with just a few words from her.Ivan Bell was waiting near the city gate, and Vishian was responsible for creating opportunities for her to take action when the truck arrived.

After a while, Thief's Wrist's truck arrived at the northern city gate on time.Vician threw a smoke grenade against the western wall.

Gray-blue smoke suddenly spread to the west, and the guards at the northern city gate were attracted.After Ivan Bell made sure that no one was guarding the city gate, she ran over in a sprint. She pulled open the rag covering the truck and stuffed the starlight inside.Before she left, she took a few more glances at the truck, secretly glad that they did not pass the proposal of "hiding in the car and sneaking in". The carriage in front of her was filled with loot, and there was no room for the four of them to hide. Get up.

After completing this series of actions, Ivan Bell hid his figure and quietly left the scene.

Visian also came back not long after, and he also got something from the guard, which was a piece of paper with a code written on it.

"Index finger, number three."

This code was really confusing, so Alice and the others could only put it aside for the time being.The four of them squatted in the bushes near the city gate. Vician nodded to Alice. Alice closed her eyes and got in touch with the starlight in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Ander's fate lies in our hands."

I don't know who is whispering like this.


Chapter 47 Starlight’s Infiltration Operation

The truck jolted, and Starlight hit many weapons, making a clanging sound.

"Let him run away! Go and report it to Lord Hawke!"

"Obey! Captain!"

The guards who failed to capture Visian returned to the city gate. They seemed very angry at Visian's escape.But at the same time, Alice and her party were pleased with Vishian's successful escape.

"Tsk, is this the supply you sent? A bunch of broken weapons? Seriously!?"

"It's better than nothing. Why don't those craftsmen refuse to cooperate?"

"Forget it, let's go in."

"Aren't you going to check?"

"No more checking, no more checking. I'm still in a hurry to catch that idiot who stole my wallet."

The guards were talking, and Starlight noticed that the carriage she was "riding" began to move.After a while, she found that she was very close to the temporary storage point of the goods. The voice of the person who responded gradually became clearly audible. Within a while, the light shone on her again.

Starlight's perspective shook for a while. She was picked up and waved twice. Then with a murmur of "they're all tatters", she was roughly thrown back into the pile of weapons.

"Starlight is an arcane weapon! It's not some junk!"

Starlight complained angrily inside the staff. This ignorant receptionist had already been marked with a red cross in her heart.

This can't be blamed on that person. Starlight's staff looks ordinary from the outside. Only the crystal in the dragon carving's eye is probably worth a few dollars. The rest is basically a wooden staff that can be seen everywhere.

But who would have thought that such an ancient staff could be a legendary arcane weapon?

However, this appearance also brought convenience to Starlight. She followed Alice's command and climbed out of the van after everyone left.

Her human appearance is relatively inconspicuous, and even if she is discovered, she may be regarded as a lost child, which greatly reduces the possibility of being executed on the spot.

"Starlight came out of the storage room and there was no one around!"

"Good job, now I need you to go to the lower city and find a wizard named Jersey. Vishian said he can help us. So go, Starlight, I leave it to you."

"Received, as the master wished. But how will Starlight find him?"

"You go to church first, do this...then do this...and then do that."

Starlight carefully wrote down the information Alice told her, and after recording it, she stepped out of the storage room.There were still people guarding the outside of the storage room. Starlight's whole body was tense, and she was carefully fighting wits with the guards, listening and investigating. The remote control from Alice allowed Starlight to pass the guards smoothly and see the sky again.


The streets of the imperial capital Ander are no longer neat and tidy. Waste everywhere is piled haphazardly on the roadside. Vomit and half-dried blood are splashed everywhere. This scene is basically the same as an abandoned city after a doomsday disaster.

The black mark was imprinted on the stone brick wall, which looked very disharmonious. It was the mark of the Thief's Wrist. Starlight recognized the mark mentioned by her master.

Most of the residents of Ander stayed behind closed doors. They either chose to hide in their homes and pray to the gods for the Thief's Wrist to leave soon, or they were arrested by the Thief's Wrist's subordinates for "acts of resistance", so the streets were empty. Yes, a gust of wind will only pick up a few fallen leaves.

No one knew where the captured people had gone, or whether they were still alive. All those who were still alive had to hug themselves and tremble, peering out from a small corner.

In the past, Ander should have been bustling with activity during this season, but now the city was devastated, leaving only silence.Starlight's little figure walking alone on the street was very conspicuous. Someone opened the curtains and looked down, and saw her walking forward silently.

"Is she crazy!?"

"What does this kid want to do?"

These questions did not reach Starlight, who was concentrating on searching for the wizard named Jersey that Alice mentioned.

The road from the upper city to the lower city is not easy to walk. Along the way, you will more or less encounter those patrolling. The group of arrogant thieves will destroy everything they see along the way.The glass of a house was broken, and the people in the house screamed, which was unbearable.

Starlight is moving forward, and her current location is outside the barracks near the northern city gate. To find the way to the Lower City from here, you must pass through the Silver Market and the Central Square.

Unfortunately, these two areas were also occupied by the Band of Thieves. Starlight walked through the group of carts in the market.There were people on both sides of her. They seemed to be having some kind of all-you-can-eat party. One hand passed over Starlight's head, and at the same time something would disappear from the cart.

At this time, a plump piece of ham flew over Starlight. Someone cheered for catching the ham, which attracted Starlight's attention.

"You are indeed our master! Praise the immortal Forenhawk!! Those fools who are always brilliant deserve to be thrown into the monster's lair!"

The gangster who was chewing red meat in his mouth shouted like this. His face was red and it was obvious that he had drunk a lot of wine before.

"Yes, my hiccup brother. Look here, these on our hand hiccups, damn why I keep hiccupping. No matter what, what are the names of those clowns who pretend to be good people?"

A drunken thief leaned on the stall next to Starlight. The stall couldn't bear his weight and slid forward a few inches.

"Bah, bah? Bah? Hahaha, this name really suits them!"

"Although something seems wrong...but what the hell, drink, let's keep drinking! Hahaha."

Alice, who was connected to the starlight consciousness, naturally heard these conversations. She looked at Vishian, who was frowning. He was silent and did not speak, but the worry and seriousness in his eyebrows were hard to ignore.

"We'll get them out."

Alice gestured to Vician, but Vician shook his head.

"Get the king out first, you don't have to worry about Pelgard."

Vician was planning something, but Alice couldn't pry anything out of him, so she had to give up.

On the other side, Starlight quietly walked past the group of thieves who were drinking and drinking. Thanks to the high-purity alcohol, the thieves did not notice this special stalker at all.

After leaving the Silver Market, the next step is the central square located at nine o'clock. From the starlight position, you can vaguely see the blurry outline of the fountain in the square.

Part A of the plan was successfully achieved.


Chapter 48 Wizard Jersey

After walking towards the south for a while, the fountain on the central square was clearly visible. Starlight could see the small rainbow formed by nature due to the splashing water in the sky.

Although this place is not beautiful at all, those thieves did not know what changes they made to the fountain. The original clear water was replaced with beer.Even though the starlight is still some distance away, you can still smell the pungent smell of alcohol.

By the way, they also took away the gold coins from the bottom of the fountain. Those small shiny metal pieces were divided up by them, and now I'm afraid only one of them is lying in the wallet.

Xingguang moved forward a few steps, holding a potted plant as tall as herself to cover herself.Fortunately, the thieves surrounding the fountain were all immersed in pleasure like those seen in the Silver Market, and no one would point at the starlight potted plant and shout, "This thing is alive!"

"I'm at the fountain"

"Okay, be careful next. Did you see the church? Yes? Good job. Go to the waterway behind the church. You can walk along the waterway and you will reach the lower city."


Starlight poked her head out from behind the potted plant and took steps cautiously. Every few steps she took, she would stop for a while and put the potted plant in her hand on the ground while she stayed behind and pretended that she was a pot of green that could be seen everywhere. plant.

"Hiccup, you are worthy of being... our master. I have never drunk such delicious wine in my entire life."

"But isn't this wine burp conjured by the magic clown?"

"Yes, that clown named Samuel. Ha, damn the burp, I don't care who conjured it up. This wine tastes good! It's okay!"

The thieves gathered around the fountain in twos and threes. They kept scooping beer from the pool with large wooden cups in their hands. The amount of beer may be too much for them, but they didn't mind the fact that it was wasted.

Because there is a mage beside their king who can do anything, this city, these inexhaustible supplies of fine wines and delicacies from the mountains and seas.

They were all conjured up by the mage with a wave of his hand.

"This is a paradise for scoundrels!"

Several thieves were singing tuneless songs in the square with their arms around each other, and their voices were even harsher than a flock of vultures.

"But, I heard that Lord Vollenhoek has a nasty thing."

"Huh? What? Bugs?"

"No no no."

Starlight stopped behind the fountain. She was ordered by Alice to stop here and listen to their conversation.

"Speak quickly! Don't make any trouble with me."

"Hey, I just heard. Our boss, he hates six. If someone mentions this number in front of him, he will brag about it and twist your hands into twists. .”

The gossiping thief started dancing as he talked. He stumbled and fell directly into the fountain. Following a burst of "gurgling" bubbles, the man stopped talking because of the beer.

"The number six...could it be..."

After hearing Alice's retelling, Vician took out the piece of paper with the code written on it. He was calculating various possibilities, but there was only one answer that seemed very possible, and he wrote it down.


The starlight was still on the square, and her strange way of walking took her a long time to touch the wall of the church. She was finally able to put the potted plant on the ground forever.

Behind the church, the waterway to the lower town is within easy reach.There are stone slabs on both sides of the wide waterway that allow workers to walk.But those stone slabs are narrow and dangerous, and can only allow a single person to pass. Not only that, anyone who is not careful on them will fall into the waterway next to them.

Starlight turned sideways and moved forward close to the wall. She didn't want to get her new clothes that Alice bought for her wet.

All the way along the waterway, the passage was completely covered, and the front of the passage was shrouded in darkness.Starlight drummed in her heart. This was the first time she was so far away from her master. She was almost an entire Alder away from Alice, and she was still moving forward.

Groping forward again, in the dim environment, Xingguang's identity as an arcane spirit brought her a little convenience. Although she still couldn't see clearly like a nocturnal animal, the "night vision" The ability is still put to use.

"Go left 20 yards and go forward. Turn right at the intersection."

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