"It's over. Didn't I beat him to death?"

Alice carefully opened a corner of the cloak. After one glance, she threw it away as if the cloak was on fire.Ivan Bell raised her eyebrows. She also pulled up her cloak and took a look. She saw the guard lying on the ground with a bruised nose and face. His face was bruised and purple. He was obviously knocked unconscious by Alice.

"It's okay, I can't die at this level... I should..."

Ivan Bell stretched out her hand and retracted it. She wanted to get her cloak back, but she didn't want to see the man who was beaten into a pig's head.After hesitating for a moment, the cloak returned to her hand. As for the guard, of course she threw it under the seat.

As the saying goes, out of sight is out of mind. If you can’t see it, just pretend it didn’t happen...

Perhaps because most of the human guards were arranged outside the arena, the road from the third floor to the first floor was unusually smooth.Alice and Ivan Bell only encountered one patrolling guard along the way.The two of them, Alice, repeated their same trick, and let the guard and the one in front receive the couple's package and go to enjoy the cool air.

After going down to the first floor, the first thing that caught Alice's eyes was the empty hall. The hall and the periphery of the arena were built with a hollow circle structure. This separated the entrance and exit of the hall and the arena from two unusually thick stone walls. .Alice and Ivan Bell were thus able to move freely in the hall away from the enemy's sight.

Perhaps the audience who usually come to watch fighting performances would resent this design of "the entrance and the ticket office are separated by three streets", but Alice gave the designer a thumbs up at this time.

The guards couldn't see them, they couldn't see the guards, it was perfect.

"Although I don't know who designed it, I want to tell you that you are really a genius!"

Alice thought so, she wiped away the tears of joy gathering at the corners of her eyes with her fingers, took a deep breath, and began to search the hall.

There were a lot of things scattered in the hall, including leftover food and wine bottles, as well as some crumpled flyers.Alice picked up one and started to read it. After noticing her actions, Ivan Bell also came over. The two of them leaned together and read the leaflet.

This leaflet details the purpose of this arena. A gladiatorial fight is held every Wednesday in this arena. The life-and-death battle between a warrior and a monster can be described as exciting.

Surprisingly, this leaflet actually comes with pictures. You must know that if people want to print pictures on paper, they must use a method: the magician's [Copy] magic.

Magicians who can use this kind of magic usually charge high prices, but the flyers in Alice's hands and feet are all printed with pictures, which can only mean that the owner of this arena is really rich.

"Alice, look! This!"

"what happened?"

Ivan Bell seemed to notice something. She patted Alice on the shoulder and motioned her to look at the lower right corner of the flyer.

[Our arena has introduced new technology. Thanks to those mages who cooperated, let me see this miraculous scene! 】

This is the text, and the focus is not on that, the focus is on the accompanying picture.Those three small pictures were printed with the fighting area of ​​the arena. What is surprising is that such pictures showed everyone how the arena allowed gladiators to rise from the underground waiting area to the fighting area.

The picture shows the scene of the ground opening and closing, and these displayed images are like thunder flashing through the minds of Alice and Ivan Bell.

"This...should we...?"

"Go and have a look, we must take a look."

Alice suddenly felt that the goddess had given them both an olive branch, and pointed the way forward with a smile.

There is no end to the road, and Alice and Ivan Bell's hostage rescue plan has officially begun.


Chapter 53 Unexpected Support

There is a sign in front of the tightly closed door that says "No Entry". Under normal circumstances, this sign is very useful. Two gatekeepers can keep out any overly curious tourists.

But it now welcomes Alice and Ivan Bell of the "Search and Rescue Team". They don't care what the sign says. They smash open the door like a group of robbers who robbed a house.

With a "Bang!" sound, the old wooden door that had been working for nearly ten years fell down, revealing another world where it had persisted all its life.

Stone walls, stone bricks.

Stepping through the door that was knocked open, Alice saw these things.The rest room originally used by the staff became a mess. It had obviously been robbed by thieves. After kicking away the clothes on the floor, Alice walked forward, and Ivan Bell followed her.

"Does the leaflet mention the specific location of the 'elevating mechanism'?"

"Hmm...no. But it's right below the battle site. We have to walk forward and take a look."

The leaflet did not introduce the specific location of the lifting mechanism, but Alice and the others were already on the right path. They only needed to pass the door in the lounge and walk along the passage to see it. Arrive at the preparation area of ​​the arena.

There they will not only find mechanisms, but they may also find some unexpected surprises.

"There is a door here, let's open it and take a look?"

"Okay, let me take out the weapon first...Okay! You will fire when I count to three."

Ivan Bell held the weapon, and Alice held the door handle in front of her. As they said "one, two, three.", the door was opened by them.

There were enemies outside the door. The man didn't hear the sound of the lounge door being knocked open, so he didn't leave his post.Therefore, when he found that the door behind him was suddenly opened, he expressed joyfully, "The shift is finally here!" But what greeted him was Ivan Bell's sickle attack.

Ivan Bell's attack could be described as "killing with one blow." The man's head was blown, and he collapsed to the ground without making any sound, becoming a speechless ornament.


Alice applauded Ivan Bell in amazement. Ivan Bell's actions just now can be described as smooth and flowing.

Ivan Bell shook her hand, and the weapon in her hand disappeared in an instant. She coughed a few times and said, "Go forward, let us rescue the hostages."

It was another downward path. Fortunately, the stairs in the arena were generally relatively wide, which prevented Alice and Ivan Bell from falling into the dilemma of having to squeeze together with their chests touching their backs.

There were no other enemies on the way from the lounge to the preparation area. Perhaps it was because Thief's Wrist had concentrated all its people on the battlefield and the periphery of the arena. There was no one holding hands even in front of the gate of the preparation area.

However, Alice and Ivan Bell's policy of action has always been "caution first", so they kept their footsteps as low as possible and headed inside with their own weapons in hand.

When they finally reached the middle of the preparation area, they returned to their original appearance and no longer acted cautiously.

"There are so many cages, just like the ones where Mr. Olga is imprisoned."

As Alice said this, she stretched out her hand and knocked on the iron railing a few times, and a crisp metallic sound echoed through the room.There are many such cages around her. These cages were used by the arena to hold monsters for performances, but now, they have been used in worse places by thieves.

"Did you find anything over there?"

Ivan Bell's voice came from afar. She started from the center of the preparation area and scanned half of the entire area at an extremely fast speed.Unfortunately she couldn't find anything, all she could find was empty cages and empty cages.

"Sorry! I haven't had time yet, I'm going to look for it now."

Alice's whole body trembled. She wandered for a little too long and almost forgot about the current task.She passed over Ivan Bell, who had an expression of "please be serious", and quickly walked to the other side where the other party did not check.

It turned out that Alice was indeed much luckier than most people. After wandering around for a while, she was led to the corner by her own intuition.There were many boxes stacked near the corner. Not only were the boxes piled high and taking up a lot of space, they were also covered with a piece of cloth.

Alice pulled the cloth away and met a pair of monster eyes.The monster tilted its head towards Alice, then spread its wings, and its eagle-like beak poked out from the gap in the railing, and pecked Alice's hand.

A living griffin, a live young gryphon in a cage!

Alice was stunned, and so were her friends.Ivan Bell came to her from afar because he hadn't heard Alice's noise, and now he stood blankly in front of the griffin's cage.

They stared at this "young" monster together, their hearts filled with excitement.

"This is a big surprise."

Alice murmured to herself that they were originally looking for a mechanism, but they didn't expect to find such a "treasure".In Nirnati, griffons are very rare. It is said that these monsters were trained to be used as mounts for warriors in the previous generation of continental wars.Today, decades later, the number of griffins has been reduced by nearly [-]% due to the war. It can be said that even a feather shed by a griffon is priceless and extremely precious.

"Damn rich people."

Ivan Bell understood the reason why this griffon appeared in the arena. It was simply because the owner of the arena spent a lot of money to buy a gimmick for his property.

As for why she wanted to hide the griffin under the cloth, Ivan Bell didn't have the heart to guess the intention. She was only interested in this griffin.

"It's too bad we can't leave it here. The thieves will take it away."

This was like saying that it was right for Alice to take away the griffon. In fact, they did.Alice and Ivan Bell moved the box blocking the cage, and then one of them was responsible for opening the door of the cage, and the other was responsible for luring the griffin out.

This young griffon was very well-behaved. It had no intention of attacking Alice and the others and walked out of the cage obediently.After it walked out of the cage, it neighed, and the wings growing on its sides were fully expanded. The wings looked very strong and powerful.

Alice, who was born with an affinity for animals, quickly became familiar with this griffon. This griffon probably regarded Alice as its master and loyally obeyed her commands.Alice was delighted and even gave the friendly gryphon a temporary name: Yar.

The appearance of Yael unexpectedly allowed Alice and Ivan Bell to gather the conditions to complete the plan. As long as they can find the mechanism that controls the ground, a perfect air strike will be completed!


Chapter 54 The show is on

"Now we have help!"

"A gryphon, it's perfect. Why is this guy so friendly to you? Forget it, let's not talk about it. Alice, how sure do you think we can save everyone now?"

"I don't know, but now we have Yal. Be good, Yal, will you help us?"

The griffon Yar let out a long cry, and Alice quickly held down its open beak. Although the young griffon was not as big as the adult, the volume of the cry was almost the same.

"Hush, Yal! Keep your voice down, you'll expose us!

The dark round eyes blinked twice, and Ar's head ducked into Alice's arms. Its feathers rubbed against the side of Alice's neck, making Alice laugh.

"Haha...ha, okay, be good."

"Here, I'll give you this, but don't make a sound after you eat it!"

Exchanging a delicious snack for the favorability of a cherished monster is a very cost-effective deal. Yael no longer rejects Ivan Bell's touch, and now she can finally masturbate Yael.

The feathers on Yael's body are as soft as the feather pillows on the beds of nobles.After being trapped in this sea of ​​feathers for a moment, Alice and Ivan Bell were suddenly recalled to reality. This was thanks to Starlight's friendly calls (calls) and reminders (attacks).

"Master, you! Humph!"

Starlight suddenly came out, and she puffed up her cheeks angrily and looked at Al with dissatisfaction.Alice and Ivan Bell got off Yael in embarrassment, looking stiff and planning to muddle through.

"Nothing, what did we do?"

"No, it's all an illusion. We are looking for a trap, yes! That's right! We are looking for a trap!"

Starlight didn't like this. Ya'er's appearance gave her a lot of sense of crisis. People often call this feeling "jealousy".

Alice is stuck between Starlight and Al. Starlight seems to be very dissatisfied with Al's "love-taking" and has been trying to quarrel with Al, and feels that Al, as a monster, can understand. Her words.The "quarrel" between them lasted for a while, and it was not until Alice gave Starlight a bang that the childish competition ended.

"Yal only joined temporarily. Starlight, don't target it. It wants to help us rescue Mr. Olga. Do you remember Mr. Olga?"

"Starlight remembers that it was the man with the big beard who made me."

"Now that Mr. Olga has been caught, is Starlight willing to rescue him? Of course, Yal will also be with us."

Starlight held the bag on her head and nodded to show her understanding.She knew that Mr. Olga was kind to her.

"Okay...but Starlight must be next to the master! Master, don't forget Starlight's existence!"

Alice smiled with satisfaction, and Starlight followed her instructions and became friendly towards Al.Seeing such a scene, she put her hands on her hips and suddenly felt a sense of pride that "my child has grown up."


The rescuers continued to move forward. Both sides of the underground preparation area of ​​the arena were searched by Alice and Ivan Bell. After failing to find anything, they had to start over again. This time they must search more carefully than the last time. many.

The result of checking every inch of land was that they had indeed found the mechanism, but the mechanism was over their heads.

"No wonder the flyer says 'Thanks to the magician for his help'! Who can see this mechanism!"

"This is a wicked design. Is the boss of the arena possessed by a gibbon!?"

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