The advancing queue finally disbanded in front of the Kendrick family's palace. After completing their escort mission, the knights returned to the Knights Academy in the north of the city under the orders of the two knight captains.

Of course, the 22 siren horses were taken back together by them. Starlight and Little Victor were a little regretful about this. They both thought they would be able to have close contact with these monsters after this.

"Okay, there is nothing to do today until five o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone can do whatever they want." Wei Xi'an was in a good mood after solving a major issue. He waved his hand to indicate that everyone could move freely.

Old Tania and old Victor had already returned to the palace. Currently, only Alice and the other young people remained in front of the gate.

Alice did not go to Ivan Bell immediately. Instead, she sneaked to Vician and Caschia.

It just so happened that Caschia also happened to talk to Alice about something "urgent"...


Chapter 1: Binding the Girl

Alice rubbed the rim of the tea cup with her fingers and sighed: " she seriously ill?"

"We can't rule out this possibility. It's too early to draw a conclusion now." Caschia groaned, frowned and put the teapot back on the table.

Alice picked up the tea cup and put it down again. She was not in the mood to enjoy the black tea. She was so distracted that she had lost her appetite.

At this moment, Visian opened the door and walked in.He was supposed to discuss "the strange thing about Ivan Bell" with his companions immediately after returning to the palace. However, he was called by his parents to talk about the matter, and he has only just come here now.

"How's it going? Have you come to any conclusion?" Wei Xi'an sat down and asked.

Caschia and Alice both shook their heads, expressing confusion.Although the two of them did not analyze the reasons behind Ivan Bell's mutation, they summarized the changes in the other's body.

"He has a bad temper, is listless, and his appearance has changed." Caschia recounted the information he had compiled.

"Her eyes became redder and her pupils were erect, like a cat's. Her teeth also became longer and very pointed." Alice added.

What they were talking about were the abnormalities Ivan Bell showed today.This change happened without warning. Through Caschia's memories, Ivan Bell was still in a normal state for the first three days.

"Do you have any other ideas? For example, has she been injured in any way? Didn't you take her to hunt the fallen a few days ago?" Vician asked Caschia.

Caschia pondered for a while and said: "It seems that there are indeed...but they are just minor injuries."

After hearing what he said, Alice and Visian no longer cared about drinking tea. They both raised their spirits and listened attentively.

The time goes back to two days ago. On that day, Caschia and Ivan Bell were performing a mission in a small border village.This small village is not far from Les Penaud, and it only takes a day to go back and forth from the village to Les Penault.

In other words, what changes happened in Ivan Bell's body during the mere day when he actually performed the mission.

And if we want to say what kind of damage she suffered, it would be very troublesome to calculate...

If you exclude the various internal injuries caused by the blows, Ivan Bell and Caschia both suffered varying degrees of external injuries at a glance.

Bruises, lacerations, puncture wounds.

If these wounds caused the disease, then Caschia should also be infected with the same disease.

But he didn't. Is this because of the physical differences between races?

"Is this related to Ivan being a half-vampire?" Alice asked confused.

Wei Xi'an held his chin and thought for a while, even for a man with extensive knowledge like him, he couldn't come to a conclusion for a while.But because he thought it was troublesome, he simply suggested that Ivan Bell should be tied up and examined carefully. Maybe he could get the answer in this way.

What a simple and crude solution, this method is indeed a good idea, but the problem is...

Who is going to "kidnap" Ivan Bell?

"What are you all looking at me for?" Wei Xi'an stared at the two burning eyes.

"You suggested that you go, of course. Do you want me to go?...Besides, Ivan seems to hate me now." As she spoke, Alice lowered her head again.

Visian shrugged and said that he would go alone.However, Caschia stopped him and grabbed Alice by the way.

"The three of us will go together so we can have someone to take care of us if something happens."

"No need to go to such trouble, right? I just brought her here, not to fight with her."

Vician rolled his eyes and complained that Caschia was overly worried again, and Alice nodded in agreement.However, when the three of them really kidnapped Ivan Bell, they had to thank Caschia for his foresight.

The process of kidnapping Ivan Bell was very "tragic", as if Ivan Bell, who was suffering from rabies, almost tore down the three of them and the entire room together.

If Ivan Bell had not stayed in the palace for a few days and had become familiar with her, and if Visian had not repelled the guards who came after hearing the news, she would probably have been executed on the spot as an assassin sent by the enemy.

After a lot of struggling, almost hitting Ivan Bell with a cross on her face, she finally fell and was defeated by the garlic that Alice forced into her mouth.

Now no one will doubt why garlic is listed alongside poppy seeds in "Ten Ways to Deal with Vampires."

Ivan Bell seemed to have stopped because of the garlic in his mouth, but he still did not regain his consciousness.To prevent her from spitting out the garlic, Alice pulled off the tablecloth spread out on the round table and wrapped it around the other person's face.

"Ugh! Ooooh!".

Ivan Bell let out an inarticulate growl, his eyes were blood red, and he was looking at his "former" companions with a look that wanted to kill.

Visian leaned down and pinched Ivan Bell's chin to force him to raise his head. He carefully looked at the other person's current appearance and felt that maybe just blocking his mouth was not enough.

He directed Caschia and Alice to help him tie up Ivan Bell, intending to take him to his "workshop".

The appearance of the three people carrying a girl with her limbs tied up and a cloth wrapped around her mouth out of the room looked really weird.Some of the guards who were waiting outside the door looked horrified, while others... were secretly guessing whether their king had any special preferences.

In this regard, Wei Xi'an expressed that he was wronged.

Ivan Bell, who was tied up in a ball, was struggling constantly. Caschia, who was originally carrying her, gradually felt that he was unable to do what he wanted. In the end, only the three of them worked together to carry Ivan Bell into Vishian's "workshop" inside.

This "workshop" is not so much a workshop as it is a space filled with a bunch of strange items.

The interior of the room, which is wider than the single room, is filled with various shelves. Bottles containing liquids of various colors are scattered on the shelves. They look magical against the background of the indoor lights.

Walking a little further into the room, clutter began to appear on the floor.A specimen of an unknown monster lay crookedly in the corner, and half of the scrolls were spread out, while one side was hidden in the shadows.

As Alice shuttled among these things, she had to always pay attention to her steps, otherwise she would step on something if she wasn't careful.

There are so many scary things in this room, and each item releases some magic power to a greater or lesser extent.This troubled Alice a little. As a magician, she was very sensitive to magical objects.There are so many things at the scene, and her instinct and curiosity urge her to hunt for treasures in this "magician's playground".

But Ivan Bell's struggling and frantic voice was reflected in her eyes, and Alice could not abandon her.She could only pray that Visian could really pull her best friend out of the abyss of madness.

"Put it next to that table. Remember to keep an eye on her and don't let her break anything." Vician pointed to a table with various tools and asked Caschia and Alice to put Alice there.

Caschia and Alice gently put Ivan Bell on the ground, and Ivan Bell

, she started to hit nearby things with her body as soon as she touched the ground.

The wooden alchemy table made a muffled sound under her impact, and Alice quickly pulled Ivan Bell away, for fear that the other party would break his head.

Vician did not stop Alice's move, after all, Caschia was also helping her.He silently picked up the fallen bottle of potion, and then quickly wrote something on the paper.

Nearly three minutes later, a list filled with raw materials was handed into Alice's hands.

"Both of you are good, hurry up and get the things on the list. I'll prepare the medicine, so there should be enough time..." Wei Xi'an urged.

"I'll do it. I'm not that strong and can't suppress Ivan."

Alice panicked and took the list, striding towards the shelf.When she got to the shelf and was about to look for materials according to the list, Alice was dumbfounded.

She didn't know anything on this list. If she took it apart, she would know the words. But when the list was put together, it became a "heavenly book" in her eyes.

"How can I find this..."

Alice looked at the dozens of neatly arranged large shelves and thought with tears in her eyes.


Chapter 131: Filling with medicine

The list in her hand was like a holy book. Alice looked at it with tears in her eyes, hoping that it would tell her what the hell was written on her "body".

After winking and trying to identify it for a while, Alice really had no other choice. She shouted loudly to Vician on the other side of the shelf: "What are the things written on the list you gave me! I can't understand, I don’t even know where they are!”

"Ah, I forgot about this. Forget it... can you make stabilizer? If so, come and help me make stabilizer. I will find other materials myself." Wei Xi'an said awkwardly.He overestimated Alice's knowledge of alchemical materials, which should have been a mistake that he shouldn't have made.

On the other side, Alice paused in front of the shelf and was stunned for a moment.

"Stabilizer?" she thought.

Stabilizer is the most basic potion in alchemy, and is usually the first item that alchemy apprentices need to learn to make.

At the same time, in a sense, this is also the most difficult item to make. If the alchemist wants to make a good potion, then a high-quality stabilizer is essential.

Fortunately, Alice had learned how to make stabilizers, otherwise she would not have been able to successfully make the medicine used to treat infectious diseases.

"I'll make the stabilizer! I'll come over now!" Alice no longer had to worry about finding materials. She quickly got out from between the two shelves.

The two shelves are very close to each other. I am afraid that only men and women can pass smoothly.

Vician threw down the dagger. He took the list in Alice's hand and said without looking back: "Pour all the things on the table into the beaker, and then put it into the alchemy furnace to cook for a while. It's enough time." You have to figure it out yourself, just don’t break it.”

Alice agreed. She stood beside the alchemy table and identified the materials on the table.There were many processed materials on the alchemy table, and fortunately they were all things Alice knew.

While Vician searched for the remaining ingredients, Alice began making the stabilizer.She poured the ingredients in small glass vessels into the beaker and stirred them thoroughly with a stirring rod. The liquid in the beaker was miraculously mixed into a yellowish liquid.

Pick up the beaker and send it to the alchemy furnace.Alice put her hands on both sides of the magic circle engraved on the table and injected magic power into the magic circle.The moment after the magic power was injected, a fire started "simmering" under the stove.

The purple flame was burning under the alchemy furnace, and Alice was waiting quietly. When Vician came back with a pile of things, the stabilizer was freshly baked.

The stabilizer taken out from the alchemy furnace changed from the original yellowish color to transparent. Alice got closer and smelled it, and the stabilizer no longer gave off the smell of sulfur.

Wei Xi'an put the materials on the table one by one, and he took the time to look at Alice's work.

"You're doing well. Have you ever practiced alchemy before?" Wei Xi'an asked.

Alice touched the tip of her nose shyly, pointed to the stabilizer on the table and replied, "I have learned a little."

Wei Xi'an shook his head and said: "It's much better than what I did before. I think back to, it's nothing."

Alice did not hear this sentence clearly. After seeing that her work was recognized, she turned around happily and planned to share it with others.

But just after saying the byte "E...", she froze.

Because the person who could have shared the joy with her is still tied up...

Alice's heart tightened again when she thought of Ivan Bell.She squatted down to observe the current situation of Ivan Bell lying on the ground.

Ivan Bell is still suppressed, and Caschia kindly spreads a thick blanket under her body, and also places a few cushions in front of hard places such as table legs.

Although she didn't know where he found these things, Alice was still very grateful for everything he did.

"Ivan? Do you still recognize me? If you still recognize me, just nod to me..." Alice squatted in front of Ivan Bell and waved to her.

Ivan Bell seemed to hear it, and her twisted body stopped. She moved closer to Alice's hand and sniffed the other person's scent with her nose exposed outside the tablecloth.

Just as Alice thought happily, "She still knows me!" she was about to take back her hand.At this moment, Ivan Bell suddenly sat up from the ground with a sudden jerk, and the canine teeth on both sides of her mouth stretched out, almost tearing the cloth wrapped around her mouth.

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