Alice shivered behind Ivan Bell, and Ivan Bell's answer was correct. This measure was implemented not only in some villages in her hometown of Nomoft, but also in many villages on other continents.

While the two of them were talking, the residents in the square were also whispering.

"Which batch is this today?" A healthy-looking man asked the people around him.

"It's the third batch. It seems like the others won't last long." The old man, who looked poor but was still in good spirits, replied.

The man fell silent. He looked at the fire emitting huge heat and wondered what he was thinking.

"The Lord is here! Lord Fulid is here!" Suddenly someone shouted loudly, causing quite a commotion among the residents.

As the man finished speaking, a tall man in gorgeous robes walked out of a small house nearby. He smiled and then raised his hands to the sky.

"We will definitely get through this crisis. As long as you are willing to believe me and continue to drink my secret medicine, you will be saved!"


Chapter 139 The magical elixir

"It's Lord Fulid! Lord Fulid is here!" A tired-looking resident's eyes suddenly burst into astonishing brilliance, and he shouted loudly.

Before the commotion he caused completely subsided, the door of the small house next to it was suddenly pushed open from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, a tall man wearing a gorgeous robe walked out. He was Lord Fulid as the residents of Lactoma City called him.

Behind Fulid were two waiters, a man and a woman.The two young waiters, who looked to be no more than 14 years old, carefully held the man's clothes to prevent them from dragging on the ground.

As they walked towards the small square, the residents who were still whispering all shut their mouths. They lowered their heads respectfully and spread out to both sides, clearing a path for the three people who were advancing.

When Fulid stopped in front of the fire, he raised his hands to the sky and shouted loudly: "Everyone! We will definitely get through this difficulty!"

"As long as you continue to take our potion."

"As long as you are willing to believe me! You can be saved!"

With each sentence, the residents looked more and more excited.In fact, they all survived because of Lord Fulid's medicine. As for those residents who refused to believe Lord Fulid, they were basically dead.

Trusting a person of unknown origin in order to survive is actually not so unacceptable.

"Lord Fulid! Lord Fulid!"

Just when Fulid was about to give a speech, a commotion suddenly broke out behind the crowd.There was a fanatic who was frantically trying to squeeze through the crowd to get in front of Fulid. She pushed the people in front of her and shouted something vaguely.

However, no one paid any attention to her. Even Fulid just glanced at the man indifferently and then continued to speak.

"As we all know, we in Lactoma are in danger. But to save this situation, we must come together."

After saying that, Fulid waved to the waiters, who put down his clothes and trotted back to the room from which they came out.

A few minutes later, the two waiters ran back holding a cauldron half as tall as a man.From Alice and the others' point of view, they couldn't see the liquid in the pot, but people standing in the small square could see it very clearly.

The pot contained a green liquid. Once the residents smelled the sweet smell that drifted in the wind, their mouths would involuntarily begin to salivate.

The sound of swallowing came and went in the square, and Fulid nodded with satisfaction when he heard the sound.

"Come on, hand over the promised sacrifice, and then you can come here to receive a magical elixir." Fulid walked to the side of the cauldron, and he swept through the residents who were about to lose their patience one by one.

"Please line up over here."

"Please line up there."

The waiters stood aside as they spoke.Wherever they moved, the excited residents followed.

One by one, every resident who came to the waiter would take out a small bag from his arms, whether it was old or brand new, but each one was bulging, and he didn't know how full it was. What.

Those who have delivered the so-called sacrifice can go to the cauldron to receive a portion of the elixir.After the people who received the good elixir left the cauldron, they couldn't wait to pour the elixir into their mouths.

"Ha...that's it..."

After drinking one of the elixirs, the place where Alice and the others were hiding was very close, so close that Alice could clearly see the expressions on each other's faces.

After drinking the elixir, the man's face showed extreme joy and relaxation, but his expression was too distorted, as if an addict had gotten the drug he dreamed of.

"What kind of magical thing was he drinking..." Alice curiously stared at the glass bottle at the man's feet and said.

"It's too far away to see clearly." Ivan Bell was also trying hard to look around on tiptoes. However, if she wanted to see the true appearance of the elixir, she would have to expose her whereabouts.

Ivan Bell is quite cautious sometimes, but Alice is different.She groped around for a while and then took out a small cloth bag as big as her palm.

When he opened the bag, he saw that it was full of gold coins.

"Hey, can't I just go and get a piece of the elixir now?" Alice felt that she was very smart.

Before Ivan Bell could stop her, she blended into the crowd like a slippery loach.

During this period, no one noticed Alice's sudden appearance, and even the two waiters accepted her sacrifice indifferently.

Alice successfully arrived at the cauldron, looking down at the green pot of boiling elixir.There was already a lot less elixir. While Alice was observing, someone still walked by and took away a portion of the elixir.

"Will you fill it with this?" Alice pulled out the cork from the clasp of the glass bottle which the page boys had handed over to her at the same time as she handed over the sacrifice.

Put the mouth of the glass bottle into the pot at an angle. From the moment it touches the water, the elixir gradually fills the entire bottle.

After getting the elixir, Alice didn't stay any longer.Holding the glass bottle in her hand, she quickly blended into the crowd again.

She left in a hurry. If she had stayed for a few seconds, she would have felt the thoughtful looks from the waiters.

After returning to the hiding spot, Alice immediately asked Ivan Bell for credit. She held up the glass bottle and said: "Look! It's very simple!"

Ivan Bell praised Alice a few words, and then looked at the glass bottle.

But it’s impossible to figure out what this elixir is just by observing it with your eyes and smelling it with your nose.

Relying on his "invulnerability to all poisons", Evan Bell tried to pour the elixir into his mouth.

Just when a drop of green elixir was about to drip onto the surface of her tongue, a hand suddenly crossed Alice's shoulder and grabbed Ivan Bell.

"Don't drink! That's not a good thing!" A young voice growled in the shadows.

Alice turned her head sharply, and then met a pair of angry eyes.

"Who are you!?" Ivan Bell, who was suddenly pulled, almost spilled the elixir on herself, so her face looked very bad.

"..." The person in the shadow was silent for a while, and then said: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you must not drink this damn elixir!"

Alice turned back and looked at Ivan Bell, and they could see confusion in each other's eyes.

"Why? Isn't this elixir used to treat diseases? And it doesn't look like something strange?" Alice asked.

"Oh, that's what it looks like. I know what they made! Disgusting hypocrites..."

Although she couldn't see the other person's face, Alice could hear the hatred mixed in the man's words.

"We don't drink it, but we still want to know the specific effects of this elixir." Ivan Bell said and screwed the cork back on the bottle.

"So, can you tell us what you know?" Alice said, taking a small step into the shadows.

There was a sharp sound in the shadows, and after about a minute, the man just replied: "Why should I believe you? Who knows whether you will tell Fulid everything I said?"

1 forty poison

"Why should I believe you?" Hawke stood in the shadows, wary of the two aggressive girls in front of him.

He originally just walked out of the city gate to get herbs for his companions, but he didn't expect to meet Alice and Ivan Bell on the way back to the stronghold.

He saw that the two of them were neatly dressed and did not have the stains that were characteristic of the current residents of Lactoma.Moreover, their mental state is very good, and there is no crazy desire for elixir in their eyes.

From this, Hawke judged that the two of them were not residents of Lactoma, and might have come in from outside the city.

Of course, there is another reason why he thinks so, that is, he saw the city gate that was cut in half by Ivan Bell.

Not wanting any of them to step into the abyss of death, Hawke stepped forward to stop Ivan Bell from pouring the potion into his mouth.

But now, he regretted why he didn't leave immediately after saying those words...

"You can trust both of us." Alice put on her most sincere expression.

"I am an Abyss Ferryman from the Ferryman Association. And she is a friend of Travis, the current king of Lespano. Based on these two points alone, we will not deal with Fulid." Ivan Bell said Trying to convince Hawke by presenting facts and reasoning.

"And if everything you said is true, we might be able to help you think of something."

Hawke became thoughtful after listening to Ivan Bell's words. After a while, he relaxed and said that he would explain everything that happened in Lactoma.

"We can't stand here and say, come to my stronghold." With that, Hawke walked out of the shadows.

He looked about the same height as Alice, and his brown hair seemed to be tangled because he didn't take care of it often.In addition, both Alice and Ivan Bell smelled a strong herbal smell on Hawke's body.

Anyone standing next to him would find that this smell completely suppressed the sweetness of the elixir.

"Okay! But please wait a moment, let us take them...hey! Lead them out!" Alice pulled out two horses from a deep and narrow alley like a magic trick.

Hawke involuntarily took two steps back, his eyes wandering around Alice and the two horses.

Probably sensing his gaffe, Hawke faked a cough and turned around to lead the way.

Alice and Ivan Bell each led a horse and followed Hawke.They were led through the alleys for more than ten minutes, and finally Hawke stopped in front of a dilapidated barn.

"Here we are, tie the horses behind the barn, otherwise they may get the disease." Hawke pointed to the fence behind the barn.

Alice was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses. She smiled and replied: "Nana and Weir, they are not real horses, so they will not be infected with any disease. If there is any 'disease' If it bothers them, it will only cause rust.”

Hawk couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He blushed and stammered: "This, that's it... I'm sorry I don't have much knowledge. I thought..."

"It's okay, but in this case can we lead them in? After all, they are a bit too conspicuous." Alice waved her hand indifferently.

"Of course." Hawke opened the barn door in a slight panic.

As soon as he opened the door, the smell of medicine, which was even more pungent than Hawke's, came out.Alice stuck her head out and looked around. There was a string hanging in the middle of every pillar she could see, and on top of the string were many bundles of medicinal materials.

If those medicinal materials are spread flat on the ground, they can basically cover an entire ordinary-sized carpet.Presumably the medicinal smell that makes people cry comes from them.

"There are very few people here..." Ivan Bell was not like Alice, she paid more attention to other things.

Indeed, Ivan Bell could not see many active people when she looked around, so from a subjective point of view, she would feel that there were very few people hiding in the barn.

However, this is not the case. Most of the people placed here by Hawke are sick residents.The degree of their illness was different. Those who were seen by Ivan Bell were those who were not seriously ill, or those who were not ill at all.Those who are too sick to walk basically lie on simple beds behind piles of straw.

Hawke did not explain immediately. He led Alice and Ivan Bell to a straw push.After he pushed the straw away, the patient hidden behind was exposed to everyone.

It was a terminally ill patient. She had no strength to move, and her body was so thin that only skin and bones were left.And her vision was completely lost, and she could only lie quietly on the bed, waiting for relief to come.

"..." Alice and Ivan Bell moved their eyes in silence. They seemed to know why Hawke placed a shield in front of the patient.

After all, anyone who looks like this will feel uncomfortable.

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