Alice lowered the rudder, rubbed her sore wrist, and figured out how to insert the rudder vertically into the cannibal.She chose the rudder for no other reason than that it was not only strong but also heavy.

"I hope this works." Alice waved her hands, pulled the rudder of the boat and swam directly opposite the piranha.

The rudder left her hand, and Alice stuffed it into the piranha's mouth without mercy.The man-eating shell swam in panic, its sixteen legs waving like whips.

Alice couldn't get close to her easily, but at this time her magic was about to expire.For the sake of her sore hands, she couldn't just let it go.

It was useless to be afraid at this time. After seeing that the two halves of the piranha shell could not be closed at all, Alice took action.

Her flexibility was still too low. She was whipped several times by the assistants, and her back was sore.The most troublesome thing is not this. The most troublesome thing is that Ivan Bell did not remind her that the pearls of the cannibal oyster are embedded in the flesh of the shell.

Alice reached out and picked up the big pearl. It was completely connected to the flesh on the ground, and it could not be removed by just one person's strength.

At this time, she could only rely on tools. Fortunately, Alice had not lost the small dagger she carried with her. It had been used to cut corals and herbs, and now it was being used by her to remove pearls.

With the hand raised and lowered, the pink and reddish shell flesh was cut open by the sharp knife, and the monster's blood was scattered in the ocean.Alice didn't pay attention. She was busy dealing with the struggle of the scallop. She was dragged around, her head buzzing because of the reaction force of the scallop hitting the rocks.

"It's still close! It's almost...ok! I took it out!!!"

This was a very difficult task, and Alice managed to remove the pearl completely.The man-eating clam had stopped moving, and its sixteen legs were spread out on the bottom of the sea, indicating that it was already dead.

Alice made a praying gesture to it, then held the pearl and planned to go ashore.

Remember the sharks who previously had the reputation of "undersea vampires"?Here they come!

It seems that they were attracted by the blood flowing from the cannibal shells, and they regarded Alice as prey. They smelled the blood and chased her all the way.

As for Alice, because she spent too much time on the piranha, the magic applied to her body was gradually losing its effectiveness.

She felt double pressure. The shark was chasing after her. At the same time, the feeling of suffocation and the choking water in her throat made her extremely panicked.

A drama of "speed of life and death" is taking place in the underwater world. Alice hopes that she can have the abilities of the siren family. If so, she will not have to avoid the attacks of sharks in embarrassment.

The bloody mouth with countless sharp teeth passed over Alice's scalp, and Alice quickly increased her speed.

She is not far away from the sea anymore, as long as she works hard for a little while...

Alice successfully escaped from the dangerous seabed and fell on the beach like a salted fish out of water.

"You, your pearl..." Alice stretched out her hand tremblingly and pushed out the pearl that had been held in her arms.

The silver dragon took a few steps forward, then lowered his head and swallowed the pearl into his mouth.The pearl immediately burst out after being bitten, and the fishy-smelling juice sprayed into the face of Alice, who was closest to the silver dragon.

"...Huh?" Alice opened her mouth in a daze, dumbfounded as she watched the silver dragon happily chewing the food in its mouth.

Chapter 154 Silver Dragon Express

The silver dragon Farthriat swallowed the pearl that Alice had worked so hard to retrieve with one opening of his mouth.After the pearl was punctured by its sharp teeth, a fishy-smelling juice spurted out.

Alice was too close to the silver dragon, so unfortunately she was splashed in the face. She could feel the fishy smell lingering on the tip of her nose reaching all the way to her head.

Nausea, want to vomit.

Alice got up from the ground as soon as the carp was erect. She came to the place where the water was louder, picked up seawater with both hands and splashed it on her face.

At this time, the salt content in the sea water was no longer a problem in her eyes, and she was eager to get rid of the stench.While she was cleaning herself up, the silver dragon was still chewing the pearl in her mouth.

Alice was not sure whether it was a pearl now. Although she had never seen such a huge pearl before, she was sure and could definitely say that the pearl should be a hard solid object.

Otherwise, where did the thing called "pearl powder" used by those ladies and ladies come from?

"Bah! Bah! Bah! What on earth is that pearl!?" Alice stopped washing her face and gargling with sea water. She lowered her hands and weakly asked everyone.

The silver dragon's chewing movement stopped for a moment, and then Alice heard a very loud "gudong", which seemed to be the sound of Farsriyat swallowing the remaining food.

Then, as if it was still unfinished, the giant dragon stretched out its long forked tongue and licked its chin.After that, it said in a very pleasant tone: "What? Didn't I tell you beforehand?"

Alice shook her head helplessly. She sat on the ground and drew irregular shapes on the beach with her fingers.

"You didn't tell me. What is that thing? Isn't it a huge pearl?" Alice asked patiently again.

"In your human terms, it is indeed a pearl, but it also has a name called 'Pearl Eye'."

As he spoke, the silver dragon slightly raised its right forelimb, then raised one of its claws to imitate a human gesture and made a small circle.

"They are much more useful than those little things you picked up. Your pearls cannot be eaten. They are still hard to bite." The silver dragon obviously had a lot to say about real pearls. He put down his paw and continued: "I really can't do it. I understand why you humans and my cousins ​​like this kind of thing, it’s not gold or silver.”

Alice was speechless for a moment, and the silver dragon only told her that the pearls of the cannibal oyster also had other names, but even so, she more or less guessed some of the truth.

"In other words, it is the eye of a cannibal oyster?... No wonder it struggled so hard when I took the pearl..."

As Alice spoke, she silently mourned for the unfortunate cannibal shell in her heart. Thinking about it now, wasn't it the same as digging out its eyes?

Thinking of this, Alice felt that a group of cannibal clams might appear in her dream tonight, and they would be the kind that would keep waving their legs at her, asking her to return their eyes.

"Yes! Yes! That's what I mean, that's what I said!" The silver dragon Falslia nodded, agreeing with Alice's statement.

There was silence for a while. Everyone present knew that now was a good time to complain, but they had no intention of complaining.

"Let's not talk about it for now. Now that Alice has found the pearl, it's time for you to abide by your previous agreement, right?"

In the end, it was Ivan Bell, the youngest, most energetic, and most courageous, who broke the deadlock.She reminded the silver dragon that Nord told her about the agreement that Alice made with it at the dinner table.

Ivan Bell was a little depressed after hearing this. Alice became stronger and more independent. The little kitten that relied on her for everything had gradually evolved into a brave and independent leopard.

This made her feel inexplicably melancholy, even with a hint of regret. She had to admit that she loved the feeling of being relied on.

But having said that, this change had just occurred two days ago, and she was not sure what Alice had experienced in just a few days to cause such a change in her body and mind.

"Remember, of course I remember! Although I am a thousand years old, my brain is not as sticky as an old slime. I remember it clearly!"

When the silver dragon laughs, there is always an effect similar to a blower. No, there is another strong wind blowing towards Alice.

Alice raised her hand in time to cover her face, so she was not blinded by the "sandstorm" again.

"Come on behind me, let's go and solve your little trouble now." The silver dragon flapped its wings fiercely.

Now everyone except Alice had to crouch down and protect their faces. The biting wind made their faces hurt, as if they had been hit by several wind blades in the front.

"Stop! Stop you idiot!!!" Arian cursed unbearably, but the silver dragon was not offended at all. It flapped its wings several times before restraining itself.

Sometimes, the silver dragon Falsria is the old naughty grandfather, and Aryan is its troubled son.

As for Nord, he is the grandson who has no sense of existence...

It might be wrong to say this, but that's how Alice felt.

Next, the silver dragon forced Alice and the others to sit on its back, and even Ivan Bell was not left behind.

"After solving your troubles, I will send you home directly." This is what Silver Dragon said to Alice and Ivan Bell.Alice couldn't resist it and could only watch Ivan Bell climb up and sit down behind her.

"Can you slow down a little when you fly? Or fly a little more steadily?" Alice was still worried.

The silver dragon promised her that he would fly carefully, but when he actually took to the sky, Alice just wanted to say...

"You liar!!! Dragons are all big ass!!!"

The silver dragon flies high in the air, and its silver scales are simply beautiful under the sunlight.However, the people sitting on its back had no time to appreciate the beautiful scenery. They had taken great pains to ensure that they did not fall.

The dragon's scales are both thick and sharp, making them extremely unqualified for use as handles. But for now, they can only hold them tightly at the risk of a gash in their palms.

Why?Just ask Falsriyat, the acrobatic silver dragon in the air.

"Slow down ahhhh-!!"

People's wails echoed across the sky, frightening the migratory birds that flew by and disrupted their formations.

Chapter 155 Silver Dragon Express

Climbing down from the dragon's back in a daze, Alice vomited in front of a familiar bush.

The few food residues in her stomach mixed with stomach acid poured out of her throat, and then all poured onto the green plant.

Alice is "dizzy".

If you want to talk about the feeling of "dragon sickness", Alice will probably describe it to you this way: it is basically the same as seasickness, but more uncomfortable.If she had been allowed to fly in the sky for a while longer, she would have spit out a piece of her own internal organs.

A bag filled with water was handed over, and Alice took it and poured it into her mouth.At the same time, she also looked at Ivan Bell gratefully. If it hadn't been for her, she would have been nauseated by the sour taste in her mouth for a while.

After Alice recovered from the "Dragon Faint", they headed towards Lactoma City.

Lactoma has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past three days. Just getting slightly closer to the city gate, Alice can feel the dark magic attacking her.

The familiar feeling of suffocation was similar to what Alice herself felt when Ander was suppressed by Samuel.

"Hmm, that's about it." The silver dragon rolled its eyes. It turned half of its head and asked Alice and Ivan Bell: "Are there any people you want to save inside? If not, I will About to attack."

Alice and Ivan Bell looked at each other, and they gathered together to communicate quietly for a minute or two, and then came to the answer: "There should be no living people in Lactomare now."

This answer may be just a guess, but judging from the current situation, there should be nothing wrong.Regardless of the breath of death surging out of Lactoma City, look at the city walls made of corpses...

Dense white bones and undulating flesh and blood cling to the city wall, and green fire burns in the eyes of those white bones. If an outsider gets closer and listens, they can clearly hear the whine coming from the white bones.

You may not need to get closer to hear this sound, because even from Alice's current position, you can hear the sound one after another.

And those undulating flesh and blood seem to be "alive"."Alive" here means that they are still in an activated state. That is to say, if you cut an animal or simply cut a person aside, what you see there will be exactly the same as what is on the city wall. identical.

Very disgusting, very weird.

Matter does not appear out of thin air. In any existing magic, whether it is black magic or white magic, there is no way to "reshape a broken limb" or "create a body".

Alice could tell that the entire outer city wall of Lactoma should be covered with a layer of flesh and blood, and to achieve this effect, more than one body or two would be enough.

I’m afraid there’s no one alive in the city now, right?

"It's okay... it should be okay..." Alice nodded to the silver dragon, and then stepped aside obediently.Silver Dragon gave her an unclear look, and then took a deep breath.

The dragon's breath is coming, and the remaining people quickly find cover to hide. The breath of a real dragon is not fun. Just standing aside may cause burns.

"Roar!" Along with the deafening roar of the dragon, a beam of fire shot straight out from the mouth of the silver dragon Farsriyat.The dragon's breath hit the city wall directly, and the city wall began to disintegrate under the heavy blow, with the numbing sound of fractures and the sound of flesh being burned echoing.

After a full 3 minutes, the dragon's breath ended.Alice emerged from behind the silver dragon's wings. She now understood why the silver dragon asked them "Is there anyone else they want to save?"

The entire city gate and the two-meter walls on the left and right disappeared. There was a particularly large pit on the ground, which led all the way into the city.

This road is enough for Alice and the others to go all the way to the center of Lactoma City.

"Awesome." Alice swallowed and stood up.She thought that the silver dragon would probably only help them get here, so she started walking towards the city.

However, before she even took two steps, she was picked up by the silver dragon and thrown behind her.

"Don't be anxious, why are you young people so impatient?" Yinlong said, opening his mouth, picking up the people around him and throwing them behind his back.

Thank God it didn't take off again.The silver dragon chose to walk into the city on foot. As it walked, the manipulated corpses around it rushed toward it one after another.

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