Alabasta is located in the first half of the Grand Route. It is a famous country in the first half of the Great Route and has the title of Desert Kingdom.

The capital is Albana, and the standing army has 60 people. Although the quantity is quite large, the quality is unfortunately very low.

The land area is quite large, but there are few available resources. Most areas are deserts with few oases.

Featured animals include scurrying duck, sea cat, water and land transfer turtle, roll collar marathon, kung fu manatee, cheat bird, Sundora lizard, banana crocodile, etc...

After arriving at Rapeseed, a port city in Alabasta, some information about Alabasta emerged in Fang Rui's mind. He looked at the desert-style city and residents' clothing...

After a moment of silence, he touched his pockets one by one, but there was not a single pele in them.

Fang Rui: "…………"

Damn it, I want to buy beautiful clothes...

Oh, I sold the clothes and no one showed them to me, so that’s okay~

Fang Rui, who seemed to have suffered a severe mental blow, suddenly fell into a low mood. He looked very lost and walked into the dimly lit alleyway with a slight stagger...

Some casual people wandering around the streets perked up immediately when they saw the "weak" Fang Rui, and whispered excitedly: "Business is coming~"

As he said this, a group of people ran into the alley one after another.

The locals in the street all knew that group of people. After seeing the actions of those people, several people immediately ran to look for the soldiers patrolling the city.

Among the rest, some stayed where they were and watched, some quickened their pace to leave, and some looked a little excited, looking like they "wanted to save people, but suffered from lack of strength"...

All in all, all sentient beings have various reactions.

At the same time, in the tunnel...

Feeling a little disappointed, Fang Rui leaned against the wall and looked up at the blue sky.

The weather is relatively good today, and there is no dust floating in the air~

Fang Rui, who didn't know much about Alabasta, was thinking wildly...

Suddenly, there were footsteps echoing in the alleyway.

Turning to look at the entrance of the alley, a group of crooked melons and cracked dates appeared in his field of vision.

"Hey hey hey..."

Malicious laughter echoed in the alley, and the daggers that kept flying reflected brightly in the sun.

'A bunch of gangsters, it's enough to ask about the specific time and some trivial matters...'

'By the way, I can vent my depression. '

Thinking of this, a glimmer of light flashed in Fang Rui's eyes, and the originally evil-looking group of people suddenly became dull and stood staggering on the spot.

"I ask, you answer."

"How many years is this year in the Haiyuan calendar?"

Fang Rui's slightly cold voice echoed in the alleyway, and several people with dull expressions replied:

"This year is 1520 in the lunar calendar of the sea."

After pondering for a while, Fang Rui didn't gain anything. Just the years of Haiyuanli could not allow him to integrate various clues. After all, when he first watched the anime, he did not deliberately remember what happened during the years of Haiyuanli. thing……

'It seems that plot events are needed to help me confirm the time period...'

With this in mind, Fang Rui continued to ask:

"Where is Crocodile?"

"Lord Crocodile is in the Rainlands."

Fang Rui raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

'Oh, the tone is quite respectful! '

'Is he Crocodile's little fan? '

Considering that Crocodile is a hero in the Kingdom of Alabasta, it is quite normal to have fans, but...

'You are a gangster who disrupts order, but you actually worship a hero who maintains order? '

'It doesn't suit your profession~'

After complaining for a while, Fang Rui continued to ask:

"Let's talk carefully about some influential events that have happened in recent years..."

"...dancing fans...", "...Spade Pirates..."

The gangsters began to talk about things that could be reported in recent years.

Gradually, Fang Rui still couldn't confirm the exact stage of the plot he was in, but... the rough range had been determined.

First, the attack by pirates on Drum Island had already happened, and it happened several months ago, but Fang Rui didn’t know exactly how many months ago it was...

These gangsters are really not very reliable.

One said seven months ago, one said five months ago, one said more than a year ago...

It's just guessing!

In addition, there is information about Fire Fist Ace.

According to them, Fire Fist Ace was very active two years ago.

Combining the information he knows, from here he can confirm the current stage of the plot...

Either Luffy has not yet gone to sea, or is about to go to sea, or has already gone to sea and has not yet arrived at the small garden.

"The era of chaos is coming~"

Fang Rui sighed softly, then shrugged slightly: "But... it has nothing to do with me."

He had no interest in doing anything in the sailing world.

After all, no one in the maritime world with an exaggerated strength ceiling invites Fang Rui to work.

If there is nothing profitable to do, there is no need to waste time.

Of course, except in special cases.

Muttering in his mind, Fang Rui raised his hand and waved, and a group of gangsters immediately rolled their eyes and fainted to the ground.

He didn't kill a few people, just gave them some minor punishment.

Later, he turned into golden light and flew into the sky, disappearing from the sky in an instant.

After a while, Fang Rui arrived at Yudi.

This place is called the Dream City by the citizens of the Kingdom of Alabasta. It is the only capital city that has not been affected by drought and civil strife. It is the base camp of Crocodile. The Kingdom's largest casino "Rain Feast" is located in this city.

What's the reason for coming here~

In fact, it is very simple. He just needs to borrow some money from Crocodile, one of the richest people in the Kingdom of Alabasta, and grab some materials to build some equipment for himself. Of course, he also has the idea of ​​​​researching metal materials from other worlds.

Among them, the metal I want to study most is currently sea floor stone.

A strange mineral that claims to have the power of the sea and can suppress the power of Devil Fruit users.

There happened to be a large pile of sea-floor stones in Crocodile's office.

To be precise, it is a metal cage mixed with a lot of sea floor stones.

Oh, right……

You can also recruit subordinates by the way.

Robin's strength is relatively average, but she has a wide range of knowledge and is well-informed, and has a certain level of understanding of many islands.

It helps him explore the world.

With this thought in mind, Fang Rui walked in through the open door of "Rain Feast" and used his mental power to explore the surroundings and find the location of Crocodile's office and the location of Robin.

Illusion covers the whole body and cognitive blockage is activated.

People with insufficient strength cannot discover him at all.

He strode through the casino, climbed the stairs, and arrived at a low-key and luxurious door.

Hold the door handle, twist it slightly, and the locked door will be opened...

Looking at Robin who looked surprised in the room...

Chapter 203 Conversation with Nicole Robin

Nicole Robin, with a bounty of 900 million Baileys, has been dubbed "O'Hara's Demon" and "Devil's Son" by the World Government. She is the only archaeologist left in the maritime world today. She is extremely knowledgeable. Having lived a wandering life for many years, she is equally proficient in assassination knowledge. She is currently working for Crocodile, a Shichibukai, and is the vice president and supreme commander of the Baroque Working Society.

By the way, he is the vice president who may escape from Baroque Co., Ltd. at any time.

The above information and complaints flashed through Fang Rui's mind, and he carefully looked at Robin's appearance and clothes.

Her face is quite delicate, with an intellectual and elegant beauty, and her wheat-colored complexion adds a touch of a sporty girl's air to her. Her clothing, similar to that of a female pirate, adds a touch of wild beauty, and her beautiful figure shows what she is. Sexy…

All in all, the ingredients are quite complex, but there is no doubt...she is a beauty, a highly rated beauty.

"Ah la la..."

After a brief moment of surprise, the weather-beaten Nicole Robin quickly recovered and said with a chuckle: "Uninvited guest, what can I do for you?"

Of course, he is also ready for battle, and can activate the highly proficient skill - chokehold at any time.

"I'm here to invite you to work for me. I need a tour guide to travel around the world."

Without beating around the bush, Fang Rui frankly told the reason why he came here.

Hearing Fang Rui's words, Robin's expression changed slightly. She was also interested in traveling around the world to collect lost history...

But when she thought about her current situation and past experiences, the light in her eyes quickly dissipated. Can the stranger in front of her be trusted?

Because of her past experiences, she... didn't have the guts to gamble. She was worried that another person would approach her under the guise of "accepting her", but the real purpose was to exchange her for a reward.

As for treating Fang Rui as a powerful person, Robin has no such idea at this time. After all, it is not difficult to find her in the Casino Rain Banquet. In addition to helping Crocodile manage Baroque Works, she also She is also managing the casino rain banquet...

Some people with some financial power, some status, or some connections have the opportunity to meet her.


"I reject."

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