There is a saying, even though the battleship Pluto has extremely powerful firepower and can destroy an island with one shot, are you sure the battleship from 800 years ago can still be used today?

And... do you think you are the only one who knows that the ancient weapon Hades is here?Don't treat other people as fools!There is no way your plan will succeed..."

Crocodile was shocked, and his expression seemed to be trying to change drastically, but unfortunately the lump on his face did not allow it. The change was blocked by the lump at the beginning, and a pain spread into his mind, making him grin.

"It's ugly!"

Looking at Crocodile with a ferocious expression on his face, Fang Rui gave a brief evaluation. Crocodile's thoughts suddenly froze after hearing this evaluation.

Even people who don't care much about their appearance will feel a little disappointed if they are judged as "really ugly".

The atmosphere became somewhat subdued as the room grew quieter.

The change in the atmosphere did not affect Fang Rui's mood. He observed Crocodile's changes. Although his current face was extremely abstract, making it impossible for ordinary people to guess his mood through his expression, Fang Rui had the ability to read minds and could see Crocodile. heart.

'Oh~ Do you feel angry and disappointed about being called ugly...'

'That's interesting! '

Fang Rui's lips curled up, and a hint of a smirk appeared.

There is a plot in the Impel Down chapter that confirms that the Human Demon King Ivankov and Crocodile know each other. It is not the kind of acquaintance that they have met several times, but a relatively familiar acquaintance, and they even hold Crocodile's secret.

"Speaking of..."

Fang Rui suddenly spoke, attracting Crocodile's attention. Under his gaze, he slowly said: "What is the secret you are hiding? It is the one that Ivankov, the Demon King, knows."

Crocodile's expression suddenly changed, becoming quite ferocious, and became even more ferocious a few seconds later.

When someone asks someone about something, many people will reflexively think about that thing. This is a normal reaction, and there is nothing wrong with it. But what if you meet someone who can read minds?

The moment you think of it, the other person also knows...

"So that's the case. It's indeed a good handle."

Fang Rui paid no attention to the increasingly ferocious look on Crocodile's face, and said with a smile: "Mr. Crocodile, now you have no chance of defeating me, and you also have leverage held by me. In addition to doing things for me, There is no other option, after all..."

"You don't want your secret to be known to others!"

Crocodile's expression was very ferocious, the kind that could make a child cry.

"I know." Crocodile gritted his teeth and said with nowhere to vent his anger.

"Very well, there is something for you to do now."

Fang Rui issued a mission: "Find the Kingdom of Germa, which is known as the 'war expert' and the 'evil army', and invite them to visit the Kingdom of Alabasta."

As Crocodile, who has been on the sea for many years, he naturally knows about the Germa Kingdom and also knows how to contact the Germa Kingdom.

Since the soldiers of the Germa Kingdom are active all over the world as mercenaries and rely on war to make money, many underground forces and certain intermediaries have ways to contact the Germa Kingdom.

"no problem."

Although he didn't quite understand why Fang Rui was looking for the Germa Kingdom, he had no intention of asking. He responded, turned into yellow sand and flew out of the room, intending to return to his office to recuperate.

But Fang Rui didn't stop him. After all, if he wanted something, he could just go to Robin. Crocodile usually didn't take care of things anyway, so even if he went to him, he would go to Nico Robin.

With this thought in mind, Fang Rui came to the window and looked at the scene in the distance.

The golden desert is like a golden ocean, which seems to be a little distorted under the sunlight. The undulating sand dunes rise and fall like waves.


"I don't like the desert very much!"


On the other side, Nicole Robin was very efficient. While Fang Rui was chatting with Crocodile, he had already done what Fang Rui had asked him to do.

Employees of Baroque Work Clubs all over the country have received the news, and many people have begun to look for metal and wood. Of course, many people are wondering why the above issued this order.

such as……

Whiskey Peak, a small town where bounty hunters gather, in an ordinary house.

The uncle with light yellow curly hair looked around and lowered his voice: "Princess Weiwei, why do you think the higher-ups issued this mission?"

Thinking about metal ore and wood, all he could think of was making weapons and ships...

In particular, Alabasta has a vehicle called a sand boat that can travel in the desert.

After a while of random thoughts, the curly-haired uncle already imagined that the rebels would take a sand boat and go straight to the royal capital.

His expression was a little flustered.

The blue-haired girl who was dressed a little strangely was very calm. He frowned and thought for a while. As for the reason why the Baroque Co., Ltd. collected metal ore, her guess was similar to that of the curly-haired uncle, and it was used for the kingdom's rebellion...

what should I do?

Should he continue to stay in the Baroque Working Society to investigate, or return to the country to find a way to stop the rebellion.

Regarding the investigation of Mr. 0, she has successfully grasped the clues. If she is given a little more time, she will know who Mr. 0 is.

As for the domestic rebellion, if the rebel army obtains weapons supplies and the Baroque Working Society interferes, then the rebellion will undoubtedly break out earlier...

'I don't know how much metal ore needs to be collected. If there are more...'

'No, I can't bet! '

The blue-haired girl bit her lip and thought for a while, then slowly raised her head, making a decision in her heart.

Chapter 207 Not taking the normal path

At the same time, in the palace of Albana, the capital of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Looking at the phone bug who slowly closed his eyes and mouthed "click", King Kobra repeated the key message: "Talk about things..."

After pondering for a while, he asked the adjutant of the Kingdom Guard next to him, Bell, known as "Falcon".

"Bell, what do you think Crocodile wants to talk to me about?"

Before Crocodile's true purpose was exposed, Kobra's senses for him were neither too bad nor too good.

As for trust, there isn’t much.

"I don't know."

Bell shook his head slowly and said seriously: "But my advice is... don't go."

Although the Shichibukai are pirates recognized by the World Government and are considered a force under the World Government, they cannot attack the kings of the participating countries openly. However, please pay attention to the keyword "above and aboveboard" in the sentence, which means...

As long as it is guaranteed not to be discovered, then it is okay to attack the king of the participating country.

Moreover... even if they are pirates recognized by the World Government, they are still pirates and cannot be trusted.


Hearing this, Kobra was silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "No, I decided to go see him."


"No need to say more, I understand your worries, so I am not planning to go to the rain feast."

Before Bell could finish his words of persuasion, Kobra raised his hand to stop him and explained aloud: "I plan to ask him to meet in a restaurant in Albana."

In full view of the public, even if Crocodile wants to do something, it will not be easy, and he will not go alone, he must bring some guards.

Bell hesitated for a while and did not continue to persuade. He understood Cobra's character. Once he made up his mind to do something, it could be said that no one could stop him, not even ten cows could pull him back.

Therefore, all he can do is try his best to protect the king.


On the second floor of Casino Yuyan, Nicole Robin's office.

As Kobra's reply was relayed by the phone bug, the time and place for the two parties to meet were also decided.

The time was around six o'clock in the evening, which happened to be dinner time. The location was a restaurant in the capital Albana, which is quite famous in the local area.

Nicole Robin and Fang Rui expressed no objection to this.

But... a certain Desert King, one of the protagonists of this meeting, expressed his opinion.

"……I reject!"

Crocodile sternly refused, his face covered with lumps looking a little ferocious.

Even if he didn't explain the reason, Nico Robin and Fang Rui could still easily understand his thoughts.

Going out with an indescribable face does not undermine his majesty, but throws his face to the ground and crushes it.

"Don't worry, you are my top thug. If you are embarrassed, I will be embarrassed, so I won't let you bear one..."

Speaking of this, Fang Rui paused for a while, seeming to be thinking of a suitable adjective. However, after thinking for a while, he couldn't find a suitable adjective from his meager vocabulary, so he said casually:

"...He went out with an indescribable face."

Crocodile's face was very ferocious, and he looked like he was about to hit someone.

With that said, Fang Rui didn't pay attention to Crocodile's reaction, raised his hand and threw out a green light, which flew into Crocodile's body.

Seeing the green light coming, Crocodile reflexively wanted to hide, but it was too close and he couldn't hide. Half of his body turned into sand and floated away, while the remaining half stood awkwardly in place.

Fang Rui and Nicole Robin, who had watched Crocodile show off his skills without making any achievements during the whole process, showed subtle expressions.

As the person involved, Crocodile was not embarrassed at all. After finding out that he was fine, he immediately asked: "...What is that?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Crocodile discovered a problem. Because of the swelling on his face, he felt pain every time he spoke, but not this time. It was as if he was not injured...

Thinking of this, a look of surprise flashed in Crocodile's eyes, and he raised his hand to touch his face. It was not smooth, but a little rough, and there were no uneven bumps.

"I'm ready!"

The surprise flashed away, and more of it was vigilance.

It was another kind of ability. Crocodile's belief in the higher-level fruit that was imitated by Fang Rui increased a little.

The same goes for Nicole Robin.

Fang Rui, who had not activated his mind reading ability, didn't know what the two of them were thinking, so he said to Crocodile: "Go and change clothes quickly, and then follow me to see Kobra."

"Why do you need to change clothes?" Crocodile asked reflexively.

"There is no reason. If I ask you to change it, just change it quickly."

Fang Rui didn't bother to explain, so he slowly stood up from the sofa, raised his right arm and caressed it from top to bottom. The clothes he was wearing changed accordingly, from casual short-sleeved shorts to a pure white shirt. and black slacks.

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