"Yeah! Sister Yamato is right, this boat is ugly!" Ayu agreed.

"Call me brother!" Yamato squatted in front of Ayu and corrected him.

"But...Sister Yamato is Sister Yamato!" Ayu said in confusion.

"Call! Brother! Brother!" Yamato said every word.


Before Ayu could finish speaking, Yamato held Ayu's face and seriously corrected him: "Call me brother!"

Just when Ayu was at a loss, Fang Rui's words saved her from the predicament.

"Stop playing around~ Come and help, look for the design drawings of the spaceship."

"What do you mean playing! That's a very important thing!" Yamato said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Brother Fang Rui, I'm here to help~" Ayu broke free from Yamato's "claws" and ran towards Fang Rui's location.

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Fang Rui, who didn't want to argue, responded perfunctorily, and then urged: "Come and help."

"Come on~"

Yamato, who was also interested in the airship, ran to Fang Rui's location and looked for the blueprints of the airship with others.

After a while, Fang Rui and others found several drawings.

After studying carefully for a while, Fang Rui discovered a problem in the drawings and had a guess in his mind. He would ask Enelu later to confirm whether his guess was correct.

As for now...

Keep looking for drawings.

Chapter 228 Set off again

After searching the shipyard and Elnilu's residence for a while, Fang Rui and others found a box of blueprints and three boxes of books.

It seemed that there was no need to ask Enelu to confirm his guess, the answer was already in front of him.

Enel is the legacy of a certain predecessor, thereby mastering the manufacturing technology of spacecraft and knowing the existence of the infinite earth (the moon).

Speaking of which, the technological level of lunar civilization is quite high.

If you want to obtain relevant knowledge, there is no need to go to the moon. It should be the same to go to Dr. Tsukimi...probably!

So...here comes the question~

Where is Dr. Tsukimi? !

Fang Rui recalled for a while, but without any clues, he temporarily stopped thinking about this matter and turned to think about other things.

such as……

How to make an island cloud, how to make a movable small sky island...

Why are you considering this? Of course, you are thinking about which one is more suitable to serve as a conventional transport ship, a small sky island or a spaceship. Both have the ability to fly, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The spacecraft moves faster, the small sky island is larger, can carry more things, and requires much less energy...

The manufacturing time of a single island is also shorter.

In that case, let’s make it together!

Each has its own use...

With this in mind, Fang Rui put the blueprints and books into his storage artifact, and then went to find Kaido alone. The others wanted to wander around "Apayado" for a while.

Somewhere in the forest, trees that had been violently broken fell to the ground indiscriminately. Enilu, with a bruised nose and face, lay on his back, looking at the sky with blank eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Kaido was sitting cross-legged on the ground, drinking a swig of wine, and seemed very comfortable.

"Tsk, tsk~ It's so miserable!"

After looking at Enelu carefully for a while, Fang Rui slowly shook his head, then looked at Kaido and asked, "What are you going to do with him?"

"Take it back." Kaido said concisely.

How could a natural ability user be let go so easily?

"According to my estimation, a war will begin in a few months. Are you sure you can tame him within a few months?"

Kaido's answer was as expected by Fang Rui. He was not surprised. He just pointed out the problem in his words.

After hearing this, Kaido was silent for a while, then turned to look at Enel who was lying on the ground. The method he usually used to tame him was to slowly wear away the other person's will and make him surrender.

But now there is not enough time for him to slowly tame the new people, which means that he needs to think of another way...

"Don't worry, I'm sure."

After thinking seriously for a while, Kaido gave up thinking.

As the saying goes, one person counts the short, and two count the long.

There are so many people in the Beast Pirates, so there is no need for him to worry here alone. It would be faster and easier to contact Jhin, Quinn and others directly to think of solutions together.

"Okay." Fang Rui did not ask in detail, but instead talked about his experiences and thoughts.

"Small sky island and spaceship..."

The well-informed Kaido knew about the "Small Sky Island" and was not very optimistic about Fang Rui's plan: "The Small Sky Island has requirements for pilots, and ordinary navigators cannot meet the requirements..."

"It's not a big problem, it can be solved."

Fang Rui's expression was as usual. Since the driving requirements are too high, then lower the required requirements. Just because the meteorologists in "Small Sky Island" Visalia can't do it doesn't mean he can't do it...


Simply easing the driving requirements, Visalia meteorologists should be able to do it.

"Do you know where those guys are?" Kaido pointed to the core of the problem.

"I don't know." Fang Rui said calmly.

"Small Sky Island" Visalia is mobile and will not stay in one place forever.

After all, those meteorologists are studying meteorology, so they often travel around.

"So how are you going to find them?"

"I didn't think about it..."

Fang Rui's tone was very casual: "There are so many forces selling information on the sea, just buy from them~"

After the matter was settled, Fang Rui changed the topic: "So... what do you think about planting your flag on the empty island?"

Planting the Beasts Pirates' flag on an empty island means occupying the island and bringing it under the rule of the Beasts Pirates.

As for the reason for ruling Kongdao, it is naturally for Daoyun...

The so-called island cloud actually contains a special type of keratin particles called "pyrobroin" by the islanders. Those particles are ejected into the sky through volcanic eruptions and change density when they condense with water vapor, forming sea clouds and clouds. Island Cloud.

Therefore, island clouds can be easily obtained near the sky island called "Angel Island" because of the sky-high currents...

"No need."

Kaido refused, and there were many reasons for the refusal...

Fang Rui had no objection to this.

Having finished what needed to be said, the two looked at each other for a while before Fang Rui broke the silence: "Let's go and move the gold ship out and prepare to set off for the next stop."

With Kaido here, there is no problem in moving the entire island, let alone moving a gold ship.

About two hours later, everyone gathered and set off for the next stop.

Yamato, whose curiosity was satisfied, was in a good mood and happily talked about what he had seen and heard.

"...There are many words engraved on the base of the golden clock, but I don't recognize it..."

"It's nothing important, just some history and a message from a certain Pirate King."

Yamato seemed curious, so Fang Rui explained.

"A message from the Pirate King?!" Yamato's eyes suddenly lit up, full of curiosity, "What is it?! What is it?!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Kaido listened attentively, and he was also curious.

Tenguyama Fei Tetsu was not curious. He could vaguely guess what the strange words in Yamato's mouth were and could even decipher them.

Ayu was more interested in the scenery along the way than the message from One Piece.

"Let me think about it... I remember it seems like... 'I came here to guide this passage to the final place.' There may be subtle differences, but the general meaning should be correct."

Fang Rui said: "The person who carved the words is Guangyue Oden."

Hearing this, several people present reacted. Yamato was stunned for a while, Tenguyama Feite raised his head slightly, and Kaido lightly "hummed".

Ayu, on the other hand, heard the reactions of famous figures.

After being quiet for a while, it became lively again.

Yamato and Ayu looked at the various scenery along the way and exclaimed, as if they had never seen the world before.

However, the actual situation is...the two of them have never seen the world.

The second stop is the future country of Balkimoa, a mechanism island located within the Grand Line.

The reason for going to that island was to obtain the technical drawings left by Vegapunk on the island, as well as to obtain related mechanical books.

But the problem now is... they don't have a permanent pointer to the mechanism island.

Therefore, before going to the mechanism island, several people were on their way to other islands, preparing to buy a permanent pointer to the mechanism island.

Chapter 229 Mission Target Appears

While Kaido, Fang Rui and others were collecting various talents and knowledge, Fang Rui's clone and Crocodile were receiving the ruler of the Germa Kingdom - Vinsmoke Gaji.

The conversation with Vinsmoke Galge didn't go well. Although he didn't say it directly, Fang Rui could find that Vinsmoke Galge was dissatisfied with Crocodile's small power and weak strength, and was unwilling to engage in in-depth discussions. cooperate.

Feeling helpless, Fang Rui's clone decided to make a move.

A message was sent to Fang Rui through a thousand-mile transmission. Kaido and others, whose travel plans were interrupted, were on their way to Alabasta at full speed...

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