Zhao Fangxu slowly leaned back, with his back against the back of the chair, his head resting on the neck pillow, his eyes closed, and his eyebrows gently pressed.

After a while, he slowly exhaled and took out his mobile phone to check the investigation reports submitted by various places.

Rats the size of buckets, spiders the size of washbasins, cats the size of cheetahs and dogs the size of tigers...

Of course, cats and dogs with such exaggerated sizes are rare, but rats, cockroaches, and spiders with exaggerated sizes are the norm.

This matter has begun to ferment on the Internet. With the speed of information dissemination in the Internet era, it will soon explode...

"The matter is very troublesome and cannot be delayed."

With that said, Zhao Fangxu began to contact other people.


Biyou Village, Blacksmithing Workshop.

Suddenly there was a "buzzing" sound in the quiet room. Fang Rui, who was making the Hutian magic weapon, stopped what he was doing and moved his eyes to a certain place on the workbench. The phone was continuously vibrating, and the screen displayed the caller: Xu three.

Press the connect button lightly and turn on the speakerphone.

"Xu San, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Yes." Xu San's voice came from the loudspeaker, "Mutated animals have appeared in most cities across the country. The company headquarters issued an order to invite trustworthy alien organizations to participate in the city cleanup plan to eliminate mutant animals in the city. There is no need to hide the alien’s identity during the mission.”

"...are you coming?"

Although Xu San controlled his emotions very well, Fang Rui could still hear a trace of uneasiness in his pretended to be calm tone.

Perhaps he is lamenting that the world has changed so fast. The world that was ordinary a few days ago has suddenly become strange. Not only are strange plants and animals appearing all over the country, but even the company's purpose that has been adhered to for many years has changed...

Hearing this, Fang Rui was a little surprised. Is the clone so efficient?

But now that the matter has been completed, why didn't the clone come back to report?

Could it be that something went wrong? !

It is very likely that the development of things will not necessarily proceed according to the planned trajectory, and will change due to various unexpected surprises...

In other words, the current decision of the "company" is due to some accidents.


Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to act according to the original plan. Fang Rui took back the clone that was performing the mission on a whim, and sorted out the information brought back by the clone to confirm that there was a high probability that the "company's" decision was caused by accident...

Then he responded: "I will go, tell me when and where."

"The time is tomorrow evening, and the meeting point is any Mazda Express store."

After speaking in a hurry, Xu San hung up the phone. It seemed that he was in a hurry.

Later, Fang Rui edited the message and sent it to Ma Xianhong, informing him of the matter and leaving the task of organizing the manpower to Ma Xianhong. However, according to his estimation, the person who finally organized the manpower to announce the matter should be Bi Yuan.

After finishing the chores, Fang Rui continued to make the Hutian Magic Weapon. He planned to make several Hutian Magic Weapons and transfer the breeding farms of chickens, ducks, fish, sheep, cattle and other animals and the planting bases of vegetables and fruits into the Hutian Magic Weapon.

In addition, Fang Rui also wants to create some trial venues, such as trial towers...

Of course, it is a magic weapon that uses Hu Tian magic. It is easy to carry and the internal space is spacious enough.

And Fang Rui wants to move the entire Biyou Village into the flying boat...

The flying boat is the flying boat that Fang Rui plans to build. From its name, you can tell what it is and what capabilities it has. The so-called flying boat is a ship with the ability to fly.

Its shape can be a sailboat, a speedboat, or other shapes...

He has many ideas and the ability to implement them.

The only problem is...

“It’s so tiring!”

With that said, Fang Rui placed the successfully refined Hutian magic weapon on the shelf nearby.

At this time, there are seven or eight identical cubes on the shelf. These cubes are all the prototypes of the Hutian magic weapon. The internal space has been opened up and can be expanded at any time, and the shape can be re-refined at any time...


Fang Rui picked up another set of materials and was about to refine another Hutian magic weapon when he was suddenly startled: "Speaking of which, how many Hutian magic weapons do I need to refine?"

His eyes moved to the shelf: "Seven or eight... probably won't be enough. Let's gather ten first."

Chapter 234 Action Begins

Bi Yuan's group announcement in the Biyou Village group immediately aroused heated discussion among the villagers.

"Animal mutation? Large-scale... oh~ interesting!"

"I want to revive my spiritual energy!"

"Speaking of which, there are also many unusual animals near our village."

The villagers in the group were having a heated discussion, while some powerful people and demons were thinking about the source of the change.

'It should be that special energy in the air. '

The strangers and monsters who knew the source of that special energy all had subtle expressions on their faces. The culprit who caused the changes in the world was actually beside me? !

Although they have guessed the truth, they have no idea of ​​leaking the secret. They are very satisfied with their current life and have no idea of ​​destroying it.

I'm just a little curious whether Fang Rui did it on purpose or unintentionally.

If it was intentional, what was his purpose?

Although they were full of curiosity, they didn't have the guts to ask Fang Rui.

at the same time……

When other alien organizations received notices from "the company", their first reaction was shock, but subsequent reactions were inconsistent, ranging from joy to worry...all kinds of emotions.

No matter what the reaction was, most alien organizations did not reject the invitation from the "company" to form a team. After all, some things had to be taken care of.

The alien organizations located in remote areas have already taken action and rushed to the Nadaotong express store closest to the organization's stronghold.

Of course, there are also some alien organizations that refuse to form a team and do not want to participate in this matter.

In this regard, the "Company" did not say anything. As for whether those alien organizations were recorded in the book and whether there were any thoughts of settling accounts later, only the "Company" knew.

At the same time, Zhao Fangxu contacted other departments. With the green light, relevant matters were quickly reached a consensus, and a team to act with Yiren was quickly formed...

However, there is a lack of means to accurately locate mutant animals. Cleaning up the mutant animals in the city will undoubtedly be a long-term task.

The goal of joint actions between official organizations, other alien forces and certain sectors of ordinary society is to reduce the number of mutant animals to a minimum as quickly as possible to prevent them from causing serious problems.

Afterwards, they have plenty of time to deal with the mutated animals that become less of a threat.

"The plan was perfect."

In a quiet room, a woman tapped the document with her fingertips. After reading the plan, she did not think there was a problem with the plan. However, there was a problem in the plan from the beginning, which was also clearly mentioned in the plan.

"But the only problem is how to determine where the mutant animals are."

"There is no way at the moment."

A slightly low and tired voice came from the desktop computer. Zhao Fangxu, who had been busy and had no rest, drank all the slightly cold tea in the cup and explained: "After all, it was a hasty decision and we were not fully prepared, but the people we sent We have a lot of people and can conduct a blanket search.”

"Carpet search..." A middle-aged man in a suit shrugged slightly and did not express any opinion.

In his opinion, there is a certain degree of moisture in everything including sufficient manpower and blanket searches.

Instead of dwelling on this matter, he turned to another matter: "What to do with domestic pets?"

"My advice is to catch them all."

A strong old man proposed a simple and crude solution, but it would 100% cause trouble. After all, some people attach great importance to their pets. If they take away their pets with a tough attitude, those people will definitely resist...

"No." Therefore, many people rejected his proposal.

"How about 'disease' as a reason? The mutated animals appearing in various cities can be used as evidence."

"Bad excuse, but it works."

"Then let's use this as an excuse! Arrange a few professionals to perfect the reasons. It's best to deceive the residents..."

"It's not necessary. Once the plan starts to be implemented, no matter how well-made the reason is, it will burst as easily as a soap bubble."


During the discussion, one problem after another was solved, and the actions for tomorrow became more and more specific.


The next day, at noon.

There is a team in all cities in the country checking animals door to door. Some people are willing to hand over the mutated animals, but some people refuse to hand over the mutated animals for all kinds of strange reasons.

A team composed of several ordinary people and a strange person did not use coercion. Since those people refused to hand over the mutated animals, they temporarily left the mutated animals in the hands of those people and dealt with them later. After all, there are more people now. important things.

Either purchased at a low price, or given away as gifts... Each mutated animal was imprisoned in the "company's" prison.

During this period, aliens from various alien organizations arrived at the Nadoutong Express Store and had a simple discussion before the mission began.

In the evening, the aliens who had become familiar with each other and the "company" employees went to their respective areas of responsibility, and met with the ordinary people who were already waiting in the assigned area to look for mutated animals together.

Even after most animals mutate, their original habits have not changed. For example, stray cats and dogs linger in places where food is easily available, and rats hide in sewers...

Therefore, the goals of each team are very clear.


Stray animals are difficult to catch, and mutated animals are even harder to catch. If you don't consider catching them alive, it would be much easier.

As night fell, with the joint efforts of the aliens and ordinary people with tranquilizer guns, the stray animals were quickly captured, but there was no talk about this matter on the Internet.

Because there are no stray animals in the jurisdiction of some teams, there are many mutated insects...

In one sentence, "a single move affects the whole body." After the first insect is eliminated, the rest of the insects become restless and form a dense black cloud that rushes through the city.

People were so frightened that they did not dare to stay outside anymore, so they returned home and talked about it online.

Some were lucky enough to record a video of the insect tide crossing the border and upload it to the Internet to prove that what they said was true.

Of course, some people also recorded scenes of strange people performing strange magic.

There are pictures and videos, and the discussion on the Internet about this matter has gradually become heated.

There are many talks about the revival of spiritual energy and magic, and there are also talks about biohazard...

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