"Don't be stunned! Take us away quickly!" Xu Si urged.

Xiao Li didn't say anything. He just obeyed the orders as a subordinate. He immediately took action, came to the center of the group, and said to everyone: "Hurry and catch me!"

Before entering the mountain, the group briefly introduced themselves. Everyone present knew what Xiao Li's special skills were, so they grabbed his arm without hesitation.


Xiao Li suddenly took a breath. His teammates grabbed his arm with a little... no, quite a lot! ! !

He had the illusion that his arm was about to be pinched off, but unfortunately he didn't have time to raise objections and rushed towards them. The ferocious-looking ape was already close at hand, and in two or three seconds, the sharp claws would fall on his face.

"Get it, Xiaoli speed car, start it..."

As he said this, the belt around his waist suddenly glowed, and five shimmering ropes quickly extended and wrapped around the waists of Zhang Chulan and others.

At the same time, Xiao Li lightly kicked the ground, and his whole body shot out like a sharp arrow, dragging a group of people and disappearing in an instant.

The apes that came from all directions jumped into the air, fell to the ground one after another, and then piled up.

At this time, Xiao Li had already led Zhang Chulan and others to run a thousand meters away, exited the galloping mode, switched to normal running mode, and continued moving forward with everyone.

Zhang Chulan, who felt like he was floating in the air like a balloon, looked at the scenery on both sides and quickly retreated, feeling that the current speed of movement should be comparable to the speed of the high-speed rail.

Of course, it could also be his illusion.

Anyway, when the speed reaches a certain level, the scenery presented in the field of vision will recede quickly and become blurry.

After a while, Xiao Li suddenly stopped running. Zhang Chulan and others reacted quickly and immediately took countermeasures in an attempt to stop himself from rushing forward...

Unfortunately, the rope was a bit short. Before they could show off their respective methods, the rope was already stretched straight. The force of the forward motion acted on the abdomens of Zhang Chulan and others, causing Zhang Chulan and others to open their mouths and feel like they were vomiting. With the impulse, my tongue stretched forward involuntarily, and my eyes widened a little...

Then, several forces were transmitted to Xiao Li along the rope. Although he had expected it, he still could not bear it. He was dragged forward by several people and staggered forward, and then... fell to the ground.

Some of the others fell to the ground, and some hit the rock wall.

In short, no one is unscathed.

The apes, who had been waiting in full formation, watched their enemies fall to the ground one after another, showing vivid doubtful expressions one after another, tilting their heads...

"Ah! How embarrassing."×2

Zhang Chulan and Xu Si were thinking in their hearts at the same time.

Feng Baobao stood up as if nothing had happened, looking towards the valley that seemed to have been cut out by a knife. The apes seemed to sense something from her body and walked slowly to Feng Baobao's side.

He didn't scream or look at her, he just squatted beside her quietly.

The ropes tied to everyone disappeared, and the others got up from the ground one after another. They all looked at Xiao Li for a while. Although there was no unnecessary meaning in their gaze, it gave Xiao Li an unusual sense of oppression.

After a while, everyone looked away and turned to Feng Baobao. They were a little surprised at the scene of humans and monkeys living in harmony. You must know that a minute ago, another group of monkeys saw them as if they were enemies.

"What's going on?" Xiao Li asked Xu Si, "Does your employee have the ability to control animals?"

Xu Si was also full of curiosity. As for Xiao Li's inquiry, he did not reply, thinking about the reason why the monkeys were so friendly.

Xiao Zizai stared at the unusually large ape, which was taller than Feng Baobao even when squatting, with a somewhat serious expression.

These monkeys are stronger than the previous ones!

Lao Meng was wondering whether Feng Baobao had magic similar to his, able to communicate with animals and control them.

Zhang Chulan walked towards Feng Baobao. As he approached, the monkeys suddenly turned their heads and stared at him expressionlessly.

A sense of oppression came instantly, causing Zhang Chulan to stop and look at the monkeys silently...

what happened?

Why do I feel that these monkeys are not very friendly towards me? !

Hey Hey hey!These monkeys don’t favor girls over boys, do they?

Zhang Chulan looked at Xu Si and tilted his head in the direction of the monkeys.

Xu Si, who instantly understood the meaning of Zhang Chulan's behavior, was speechless for a moment. He took a few steps forward towards the location of the monkey group, and then stared at Zhang Chulan's monkey group, then stared at Xu Si.

Staring at him with dull eyes, giving him a heavy sense of oppression, as if he would be attacked by a swarm of monkeys if he took another step forward.

Others also tried it and the results were the same.

Only Feng Baobao can live in harmony with the monkeys.

'There must be something wrong with this. '

Everyone was thinking in their hearts and did not continue to dwell on the matter, but instead turned their attention to the valley.

"It seems your guess is not wrong."

Xiao Zizi pushed up his slipped glasses and stared at the strange carvings on the rock wall for a while, his expression not changing at all.

"Yeah." Xu Si nodded slightly.

When he saw so many mutated animals mastering the method of refining energy, he already felt that something was not normal.

Even if one ape opens his mind and successfully masters the method of refining Qi, it will be difficult to teach other apes to refine Qi...

Because ordinary animals do not have such high intelligence, it is still difficult to follow the instructions, so it is difficult for ordinary animals to learn to refine Qi...

Moreover, there is a threshold called "talent" for refining Qi.

The others were also smart people. They already understood what the two meant from their conversation, and they all turned their attention to the valley.

Except for Feng Baobao, who was stroking the monkey's golden hair.

"Do you want to continue exploring?" Lao Meng asked.

"There may be something more dangerous ahead." Xiao Li guessed.

Xu Si thought for a while and said: "Keep moving forward! If you encounter an enemy that is difficult to deal with, retreat."

"I have no objection." Xiao Zizai said.

"...I can control some animals and let them explore the road first." Lao Meng suggested.

"I can also explore the road. With my speed, I can run away even if I encounter an enemy." Xiao Li volunteered.

"Lao Meng's suggestion is fine, Xiao Li, please don't cause trouble."

After the discussion was over, Lao Meng turned around and walked back into the woods. After a while, some animals ran out of the forest and ran towards the valley.

But before they could run into the valley, two apes appeared on their path. With the sound of "bang bang bang...", one animal after another was knocked out by the two apes.

Even the birds flying in the air were photographed by several other apes.

They are like soldiers guarding the valley. Anyone who tries to break into the valley will be driven away by them...

With a slightly tougher approach!

"Are you confident that you can defeat them?" Xu Si asked.

"With the speed they just showed, if there are less than five, I can win." Xiao Zizai replied.

"But there are more than twenty here." Zhang Chulan said.

Chapter 238 Chu Lan, I am your grandfather

If the combat power level of the remaining people was at the same level as Xiao Zizai, they could try a bold move and maybe break through the monkey group's defense line.

However, there are two people in the team who are somewhat poor in frontal combat ability. It should be impossible to break through the defensive line with a strong attack.

The only person who could possibly make it through the valley unscathed...

Xiao Zizai and others turned their attention to Feng Baobao. Zhang Chulan and Xu Si shook their heads slowly and rejected the proposal of the other three people. It was not the excuse that "Feng Baobao's personality is a bit awkward and it would be difficult for her to act alone", but Using the excuse that "there may be danger across the valley, it's too dangerous to be alone."

No, maybe the above two excuses are the true thoughts of Zhang Chulan and Xu Si.

Unable to continue exploring, the group changed their direction and explored the nearby mountains and forests.

The mountains and forests are dotted with powerful mutant animals, each occupying an area, or forming a team to occupy an area, silently absorbing "spiritual energy" to increase their strength.

When Zhang Chulan and others enter the area occupied by mutant animals, the mutant animals with better tempers will come to stare at Zhang Chulan and others, while the mutant animals with worse tempers will attack directly...

For example, the group of monkeys has become the "dominance of the forest".

By the time Shanlin's investigation was completed, two days later, the temporarily formed team separated. Zhang Chulan, Xu Si and Feng Baobao went to Biyou Village, while the rest returned to the "company".


On the way to Biyou Village, Zhang Chulan checked the missed calls. During the two days when he lost contact, a total of three people came to him, namely Wang Ye, Zhuge Qing and Zhang Lingyu.

Zhang Chulan raised his eyebrows slightly, curious as to why the three of them were looking for him, so he decided to ask.

After all, they are friends, so they will naturally help in whatever way they can.

"Hey~ Taoist Master Wang, what do you want from me~"

Zhang Chulan's tone was quite casual, and his relationship with Wang Ye was relatively good.

"I need your help with something."

"you say……"

Wang Ye began to tell what happened to him. Zhang Chulan listened silently, with a plan in mind.

"I am busy with other tasks now. I am on my way to Biyou Village. I cannot rush over immediately to help. Please come to Biyou Village and we will meet to discuss it in detail."

Zhang Chulan explained his current situation and knew what Wang Ye was facing, so he gave a compromise: "As for your family, the 'company' will send some people to protect them."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Xu Si looked at him for a while and nodded slowly, indicating that there was no problem.

"Okay, see you in Biyou Village."

After speaking, the phone hangs up.

Zhang Chulan continued to call back, and the second one was Zhuge Qing.

"Hey~ What do you want from me?"

"The matter has been resolved. See you in Biyou Village."

After saying that, he hung up the phone. Listening to the "beep" sound in his ear, Zhang Chulan's expression was subtle. Could it be...

Already guessing, he called back the third phone number. Among the three, his relationship with Zhang Lingyu was the most subtle. Although their relationship had eased a bit after the finals, they were still a little uncomfortable getting along. Too harmonious.

One is smooth and the other is upright.

It's really not very good in terms of compatibility.

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