The only problem is how to control the gear. After all, whose stove's fire is three feet high.

After thinking seriously for a while, Fang Rui looked at the ceiling.


I have no ideas at the moment, please allow me to think again!

Chapter 23 Testing New Products

After another three days, the main part of the workshop has been built, and the progress is steadily improving.

During this period, Fang Rui used the power of simulators to research the production technology of Qi batteries, but has not yet produced a physical product for testing.

The current research project is the talisman engraving technology. After several failures, Fang Rui used this technology to produce the first finished product, which was temporarily named "Faucet".

The appearance is the same as an ordinary faucet, with runes engraved on its surface. It can be activated by injecting Qi, causing it to spray water.

"have a test."

Considering the previous failures, Fang Rui left the temporary workshop with the magic weapon version of the faucet and decided to find a more spacious place to test. After all, the new workshop was still under construction. If the old workshop was destroyed, there would be no way to test it. He will feel very distressed if he rubs the ground.

The layout of Biyou Village is very simple. In the center are houses of the same style standing opposite each other and arranged neatly. Looking down from a high altitude, they are parallel lines. Next to them are pieces of cultivated fields.

There are several buildings scattered in the edge area, including Fang Rui's temporary workshop and Village Chief Ma's Self-cultivation Hall. After all, special situations occasionally occur when conducting experiments, such as explosions, explosions, and explosions...

Maybe in the future there will be some people with special skills and who don't like the excitement and choose to live on the edge of the village.

So... the area around the temporary workshop is quite empty.

I found a wooden stick and stuck it in the middle of the open space, and installed the faucet on one side of the stick.

Fang Rui, who was standing directly in front of the faucet, slowly bent down, reached out and touched the cross-shaped handle of the faucet, injecting a trace of Qi...

A stream of light then appeared, flowing rapidly along the lines on the faucet's surface.

next second...

Along with the sound of "boom", the faucet sprayed out a thumb-thick stream of water, just like a high-pressure water gun. The water sprayed from the faucet was full of power, directly blasting a hole in the ground. White water splashed mixed with filthy muddy water and splashed in all directions. .

At the same time, the wooden stick failed to hold on for a second under the strong driving force, and flew directly into the sky. The jet of water drew a beautiful arc in the air, and the cold water droplets swayed in the air. Under the sunshine, Shining light underneath.

But Fang Rui had no time to appreciate that scene. As the person closest to the faucet artifact, he was the first to bear the brunt when the faucet exploded and was directly hit in the face by the high-pressure water cannon.

The high-end defensive weapon was activated, and a golden figure flew out upside down, circled three and a half times in the air, and landed in a slightly embarrassed posture.

Looking up, he saw a wooden stick flying around in the air with a long water tail. Fang Rui's eyes followed the stick, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right... watching it fall into a house and then fly out. Then he crashed into another house and flew out again...and repeated this process.

"WOC!!! What the hell!"

"It's so cold!"


"My teeth—"

"My waist~~~"

Howls came from not far away, full of panic, surprise and pain...

"...Causing trouble~"

After a moment of silence, Fang Rui said with certainty.

Then he turned into a stream of light and sped towards the place of the accident.

As an adult, you must be brave enough to take responsibility and deal with the troubles you cause by yourself.

I hope the villagers are okay!

The journey of just a few dozen meters passed in an instant, and Fang Rui soon arrived at the central area of ​​the village. He stood in the middle of the street and looked around. The damaged parts of the houses were similar, including the roofs and other parts.

As for the villagers, most of them were not injured, but were startled by the shouts. A few were slightly injured, and the most serious one had a front tooth knocked out.

After all, the Qi he instilled was limited, and it was impossible for the faucet to spray water all the time, so the power carried by the stick gradually decreased.

"It's fine."

Fang Rui breathed a sigh of relief as he didn't cause any big trouble. He controlled the machine puppet to repair the house and apologized to the villagers.

"it's okay no problem."

The villagers waved their hands and said it was nothing.

The gentleman with a missing front tooth said that it was not a big problem to go to a dental hospital to get a filling.

Since the villagers won't pursue the matter, it's not impossible for the matter to end like this, but...

In Fang Rui's opinion, it's not okay, he must make up for it.

I wrote down those people one by one and decided to give them a gift to express their gratitude.

With this thought in mind, Fang Rui picked up the faucet, returned to the temporary workshop, and carefully looked at the magic weapon in his hand.

There is no doubt that this magic weapon was successfully made. The only problem is that it is uncontrollable.

Whose faucet is a high-pressure water gun?

This output is too strong and needs to be sharpened.

So how can it be weakened?

Take the drawing of talismans as an example. A well-drawn talisman is more powerful, while a poorly drawn talisman is less powerful.

To put it simply, when carving, the lines should not be so standard, otherwise the power will be weakened.

But the question is how bad it needs to be before the water coming out of the faucet is just a trickle.

Moreover, there is a bottom line for whether a talisman can be used. If the drawing is too poor and does not meet the minimum requirements, then... it is not a talisman, but a piece of waste paper with strange patterns on it.

"...Try little by little first. If it still doesn't work until the end, then think of other ways."

Putting the faucet aside, he looked at the Kaitu standing in front of the wall. It was different from the faucets of daily necessities, but the one carved on the Kabuto was different. There was no need to deliberately suppress the power, it was as powerful as it could be.

With the Qi battery, Kabuto can also activate those talismans smoothly. Kabuto's exclusive weapons, kabuto kunai gun and kabuto cone drill, can also be tried to be made.

Moreover, with the divine walking talisman, Jiado's speed can be increased by a bit, although the "time promotion" still has no clue.

However... the modification of Jiado still has to wait until the tool man delivers it. If there is a suitable magic, it can be copied to Jiado.

Besides...making Qi batteries and engraving talismans also takes time.

"When Village Chief Ma comes back, we have to let him transform a few more people. There are too few aliens and no one can recharge the Qi battery."

"Oh, by the way, those tools can also be used to charge Qi batteries, but even so, it is impossible to mass-produce them."

Fang Rui stopped talking to himself, took apart the armor and began to study how to strengthen it, writing down his ideas one by one.

After a while, I picked up the materials and processed them to make an apology.

In the past, exoskeleton armor could only be used by strangers, but now with the Qi battery, ordinary people can use it, but the design needs to be changed.

If you want to change it, then change it more. Now that we have talisman engraving technology, the weapon system can also be upgraded a few levels.

Let me think about what could be added.

Seems like a lot~

It seems that the design drawing needs major changes...

Chapter 24 That’s new technology

A few days later again...

In the evening, the golden sunshine shines on the mountains. An off-road vehicle speeds on the road between the mountains and soon arrives near the entrance of Biyou Village.

The car slowed down, drove slowly into the village, and finally stopped at the garage at the entrance of the village.

The doors on both sides were pushed open, and five people stepped out of the car one after another, including Ma Xianhong, Bi Yuan, Jin Yong, the unknown driver, and the unnamed strong man with a strong build.

How strong is it?

It's probably the strength that comes to mind when you look at him at a glance, "That brother is a strong man who can stand on his fists and run a horse on his arms."

The strong man followed Ma Xianhong and others into the village, his curious eyes wandering around.

He was defeated by Ma Xianhong, so he was very interested in the village he built. He was full of imagination when he didn't see it, and he would apply various labels he thought he had to it to form the appearance he expected.

But after actually seeing it, the false imagination was shattered.

"So ordinary!"

The strong man commented that this was completely inconsistent with his expectations.

But in the next second, he was slapped in the face.

He saw an unpainted Iron Man walking out from the side of a house and entering his field of vision.

The heavy footsteps seemed to hit his heart, making him couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Mecha is a man's romance!

Although this sentence is not entirely correct, most men like mechas, and this strong man is obviously one of them.

The moment the mecha appeared, his eyes were firmly captured by it, and there was no room for anything else.

It is indeed a village built by a weapon refiner. Although it is different from what I imagined, it is also extraordinary.

Jin Yong and others next to him were also very surprised. As the designer of the original design of the exoskeleton armor, Ma Xianhong was also a little surprised, but not as exaggerated as the others. He still knew a little about Fang Rui.

"Ah! Leader, you are back!"

There was a sound of surprise in the armor, and he ran towards Ma Xianhong and others with heavy steps of "dong dong dong".

The oncoming pressure made Mr. Strong Man subconsciously enter a fighting state, and Jin Yong's body tensed slightly.

Bi Yuan was still calm and calm, Ma Xianhong nodded slightly in response to the villagers' greetings, then walked to the side of the mecha and tapped the shell of the armor a few times with his fingers, then walked around the armor a few times and nodded thoughtfully.

"It's different from what I originally designed. I need to take it apart to see what's different, or look at the design drawings."

Ma Xianhong, who was a little interested in how Fang Rui modified the design, asked the villager where Fang Rui was. After knowing his location, he took Bi Yuan and others to set off.

The mountains near Biyou Village have no names. They are ordinary nameless hills. One of the mountains with a missing hole is where Fang Rui is.

Looking at the mountain that looked like it had been bitten, Ma Xianhong looked at it for a while, and then stepped up the mountain.

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